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Old 03-19-2007, 03:16 PM   #16
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Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
Anno Domini (Latin : "In the year of (Our) Lord"[1]), abbreviated as AD, defines an epoch based on the traditionally reckoned year of the conception or birth of Jesus of Nazareth. AD is also an abbreviation for Christian Era.[2] Similarly, Before Christ (from the Ancient Greek "Christos" or "Anointed One", referring to Jesus), abbreviated as BC, is used in the English language to denote years before the start of this epoch.
That is all true, but that is not a unique part of America either. America was formed on the foundation of freedom. The very first of the Bill of Rights sets freedom of religion and there continues to be many religions in America today. With this in mind, it would be more proper to say that this country was founded on many religions and not imply that a specific one contributed more than others.
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Old 03-19-2007, 03:33 PM   #17
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I disagree Anime

Originally Posted by AnimeSpirit
That is all true, but that is not a unique part of America either. America was formed on the foundation of freedom. The very first of the Bill of Rights sets freedom of religion and there continues to be many religions in America today. With this in mind, it would be more proper to say that this country was founded on many religions and not imply that a specific one contributed more than others.
This country was founded on Christian principals and by Christians. Christianity is not a religion but a reality. England had a state run religion but American has many religions and religious freedom but most all of them where Christian in origin now days the melting pot has brought with it other religions but that was not how this country was founded.
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Old 03-19-2007, 04:18 PM   #18
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>"In God We Trust" is the very foundation of this country. The Ten Commandments and the Bible are not state sponsored religion but the very truth of how this great nation became the super power it is.

Even if that were true it's true for scores of countries, which still makes it a crappy motto for ours. That's like having your baseball team's motto be "We all have gloves!"

>There is a note on most calendars called B.C. and A.D. that make a very strong statement !

Actually, most people who deal with dates on a professional level use "CE" and "BCE" (common era and before common era).

>This country was founded on Christian principals and by Christians.

Both of these statements are flat-out incorrect. None of the principles on which our country was founded were based on Christianity (that's not to say they aren't also beliefs held by Christians and/or the Christian churches) and hardly any of our founding fathers were Christians.

This nation is the one in which Christianity has intersected most successfully with capitalism, but we are in no sense of the expression "a Christian nation." This is a good thing.
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Old 03-19-2007, 04:46 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
This country was founded on Christian principals and by Christians. Christianity is not a religion but a reality. England had a state run religion but American has many religions and religious freedom but most all of them where Christian in origin now days the melting pot has brought with it other religions but that was not how this country was founded.
Let's talk history:

Originally Posted by AnimeSpirit
Historically speaking, the country wasn't officially founded until the signing of the Declaration of Independance. The 55 men who took part in this act of treason against the British did not do so as Christians, they did so in a patriotic sense. However, if you want to bring religion into the picture, I can point out that 9 of the 55 signers of the Declaration were, in fact, Freemasons. Among them included Benjamin Franklin and Jon Hancock.

Whether or not you consider Freemasonry a religion is still open to debate today. Officially, the Masons do not consider themselves a religion, but it has been said that one cannot be a devout Christian and an informed Mason at the same time as their principles will clash. Masons, officially speaking, acknowledge all religious traditions and do not try to favor any one specific practice. This is why the manuals of every major religion are found on the podium at most major Mason lodges.

In addition to this, I also happen to know that the Statue of Liberty, despite being a gift from France, is actually a depiction of the Roman Goddess Libertas, from whom we get the word "liberty." With this in mind, you begin to see that this country was not founded solely on Christian principles and not solely by Christians. America was, and is, a country of numerous different races, religions, and diversities. We are brought together not by our differences, but by what we have in common: the ground we all tread on.
Your response:

Originally Posted by Isaac Saxxon
Sounds like AnimeSpirit has been to visit the Oracle

Good post Mr. Spirit. This is the mixing bowl and there where natives here when the English got here and other ethnos peoples. Some might say Clovis Man what ever the case you have a very good point with your post. Christianity was sent to the lost tribes as a blessing and every where It went blessings came with It. When I say Christianity I do not mean churches and religion which are part of the man made construct. Thank you for you post
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Old 03-19-2007, 04:55 PM   #20
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Your BCE and CE have been added on

Originally Posted by joepole
>"In God We Trust" is the very foundation of this country. The Ten Commandments and the Bible are not state sponsored religion but the very truth of how this great nation became the super power it is.

Even if that were true it's true for scores of countries, which still makes it a crappy motto for ours. That's like having your baseball team's motto be "We all have gloves!"

>There is a note on most calendars called B.C. and A.D. that make a very strong statement !

Actually, most people who deal with dates on a professional level use "CE" and "BCE" (common era and before common era).

>This country was founded on Christian principals and by Christians.

Both of these statements are flat-out incorrect. None of the principles on which our country was founded were based on Christianity (that's not to say they aren't also beliefs held by Christians and/or the Christian churches) and hardly any of our founding fathers were Christians.

This nation is the one in which Christianity has intersected most successfully with capitalism, but we are in no sense of the expression "a Christian nation." This is a good thing.
This was not the origins of these terms (BCE & CE) that would come later as we reached the PC world in which we live. There where some of the tribes of Israel in 5000 B.C. here in the USA on the AR River and Colorado River and other rivers like the Mississippi where ancient Olgam has been found with the Ten Commandments have been etched in large stones. See the Author on this link http://www.equinox-project.com/drfell.htm Barry Fell who has now passed away has found old world records in ancient America. Looking for hard evidence that this is a country of men that the Bible speaks of in the tribe of Dan the ship builders that traveled the earth from all the towns in Europe with the name Dan somewhere in them to travel to South America and North America. Barry Fell is so far ahead of the curve for those of you who might care to know the real facts this book is great.
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Old 03-26-2007, 12:54 PM   #21
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Could you pass the test to become a American citizen ?

Try to pass the test if you can !
Dare to post your score ???
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Old 03-26-2007, 01:09 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
Try to pass the test if you can !
Dare to post your score ???
HA.. just barely.. with a score of 24
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Old 03-26-2007, 01:12 PM   #23
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Some trick questions in there

Originally Posted by LateNight
HA.. just barely.. with a score of 24
I scored 70
Love to hear the scores of Matty and Joe ??
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Old 03-26-2007, 08:24 PM   #24
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JoePole is dourly pragmatic
How DARE you people accuse Joe of being "dourly pragmatic"...it would be far more accurate to say that he is pragmatically dour!
Molon Labe!

Last edited by Al Swearengen; 03-26-2007 at 09:19 PM.
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Old 03-26-2007, 08:35 PM   #25
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Al you help with good ideas about mortal man

The Greek phrase Molōn labe! (Μολὼν λαβέ; pronunciation in Modern Greek [molon lave]), meaning "Come and take [them]!", is a classical (reported by Plutarch) expression of daring and bravery, roughly corresponding to the modern "over my dead body" or "from my cold dead hands", or more literally to the "Come and take it" slogan from the Texas Revolution Battle of Gonzales.
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Old 03-26-2007, 08:47 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
Try to pass the test if you can !
Dare to post your score ???
I got an 18. If I cared more about politics, I'd probably know more.
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Old 03-26-2007, 09:08 PM   #27
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Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
The Greek phrase Molōn labe! (Μολὼν λαβέ; pronunciation in Modern Greek [molon lave]), meaning "Come and take [them]!", is a classical (reported by Plutarch) expression of daring and bravery, roughly corresponding to the modern "over my dead body" or "from my cold dead hands", or more literally to the "Come and take it" slogan from the Texas Revolution Battle of Gonzales.
Thankyou, Isaac. The phrase was famously first used in the battle of Thermopylae by the Spartan King Leonidas, in response to the Persian King's offer to spare the 300 Spartan defender's lives if they would lay down their arms. The motto has been taken up by the modern defenders of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

The feature film "300", now showing at theaters, is a dramatization of the battle at Thermopylae.
Molon Labe!
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Old 03-27-2007, 02:42 AM   #28
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Al you are up to 566 points

Originally Posted by Al Swearengen
Thankyou, Isaac. The phrase was famously first used in the battle of Thermopylae by the Spartan King Leonidas, in response to the Persian King's offer to spare the 300 Spartan defender's lives if they would lay down their arms. The motto has been taken up by the modern defenders of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

The feature film "300", now showing at theaters, is a dramatization of the battle at Thermopylae.
That just does not happen for no reason. You have lived two lives and it shows in your wisdom. I enjoy your post and wit and the way you handle up on those girls on the board. Keep them guessing Al. Let them know who is the King Beef Cake on this board
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Old 03-27-2007, 07:15 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
We are paying more money to the school system and the kids are doing worse on their scores in school. It was just after 1962 that the ACLU and many others decided to take God out of our schools and every thing else we do including a new one dollar coin that was minted. Well if you will read this column you will see that after 1964 things went down hill. I have read other studies on this and the SAT and ACT scores have both gone in the tank
and there is a direct connection between the two !
Hate to burst your Jesus bubble there, buddy, but there was a much more significant movement in the '60's which is the specific reason for the fall in test scores. Ever heard of desegregation?

Check the test scores of your own public schools before and after the influx of Katrina refugees. You'll notice the exact same "phenomenon"...

...and don't even get me started on the 44% black drop-out rate in this state alone.
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Old 03-27-2007, 08:23 AM   #30
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Wink Hey buddy good to see you back

Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
Hate to burst your Jesus bubble there, buddy, but there was a much more significant movement in the '60's which is the specific reason for the fall in test scores. Ever heard of desegregation?

Check the test scores of your own public schools before and after the influx of Katrina refugees. You'll notice the exact same "phenomenon"...

...and don't even get me started on the 44% black drop-out rate in this state alone.
Hey there Brain ! Don't worry you have not busted my Jesus bubble it would take much more than someone like you to do that. I see you have not yet learned the real facts about the Bible. It is written there would be people like you Brain that can not make the leap of faith. Hey buddy that is ok because there is a millennium (1000 years) for you to get your act together so there is still hope for you and I will keep you in my prayers and who knows what our Father has in mind for you. You sure helped people on this board take a stand for what they believe and that is a good thing. For every positive there is a negative. You must have been working hard over the last few days and good to see you back up to speed. I do agree that the black race is lagging in the academic area and do have some effect on SAT and ACT scores but the main cause is taking God out of our society and schools and it is your "Choice" not to agree but it is too your loss.
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