Originally Posted by Texasbelle
No, they may not find any in your home but you just never know how far they will go to catch you....hmmm in the middle of a buy? shake you down at school? inform your parents or guardians? There are all sorts of scenarios that could play out here little boy. You should clearly start watching over your shoulder. Big Brother is going to be watching you!!!!
My parents are aware, I've been caught multiple times, punished as such and even arrested by police officers but once. I'm even still restricted from certain things because of that event, but it doesn't change my view of drugs, did I say that I had even done anything recently? At all? I believe you're relying too much on the police presence in our society, because I've personally handled hundreds of drug deals (even when I was not smart about how to go about them) and never been even remotely near cops. Schools shake me down and I laugh at the ignorant fool who brings their drugs to a place that openly states random searches will be given, although mine doesn't do that too often.
I was only caught because of a minor traffic violation, by the way, and I was not punished, I was let go because of my circumstances, obviously you don't and won't know because I don't care to share everything with you, but you seem to think you're entirely aware of every bit of information about me, and I know you just want me to go down in my own spotlight, but so far that's not happened, sorry to disappoint.