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sbl_admin 10-24-2006 08:23 AM

Is 300 Million Americans Enough?
Contradicting what many experts have been saying, the Population Research Institute (PRI) believes that the United States is suffering from insufficient population growth even though the American population reached 300 million.


joepole 10-24-2006 08:54 AM

Population Growth
It's true. Without immigration (illegal and legal) our population would be WAY below replacemnt level. We're not as bad as Japan or Europe, but we're not in good shape.

Compounding the problem if the fact that the people that are having all the babies are the ones who are a net negative on the system (people below the poverty line, welfare recipients, etc.) If you plot an income vs. birth rate chart for this country you get (except for at the very low end) a nice little liner slope downwards. Smart people are having barely over one kid per couple while the bottom of the barrel is popping out over five.

This is going to be a HUGE problem in 50-100 years, this country is going to be full of people without enough skills to live. A century ago if you were stupid you either died or worked one or two low-skill jobs that killed you early. now you do nothing all day and have state-funded healthcare to make sure you live long enough to breed plenty. A century from now what is the 80% of the population with an IQ of less than 100 going to do to live? We won't need manual labor anymore. It's a huge problem, but anyone that says anything about it is labelled a Nazi because Hitler gave eugenics a bad name.

There is no reason why birth control cannot be a pre-requisite to receiving public assistance. If you cannot feed yourself you should not be getting pregnant. Also, no person onpublic assistance should be able to keep their kids. Not being able to provide adequate food and shelter for your child is evidence enough that you're an unfit parent. We've spent the last 60 years eliminating consequences, we need to bring them back.

Isaac-Saxxon 10-24-2006 09:17 AM

Work ethic
Years ago people where told to have children and replenish the population by our government. These
where times when the more hands you had to work your farm the better the odds that you would
keep your land and have food to eat. One other factor was infant mortality rate. I agree with joeploe
that educated people are not having as many children as lower income people. Teaching work ethic
to our children starts in the home and with divorce rates high and the "step family" the norm now
we have lost something that our children so desperately need. We have the ACLU to thank for tearing
down our morals and helping the dead beat parents to sit at home and get there government check
each month. I think that kids that drop out of high school or ones that do not get a job or go to higher
education should do a two year trip in the military to teach discipline. In 22 years of business I have
not met one person that was military that was not a respectable person and had good work ethic.

Rough Rider 10-24-2006 09:24 AM

LOL so where does that leave me ? We had two kids and then stopped. And I swear we did that for no other reason than we just thought it would be too expensive to raise more than two. If we had been more comfortable economically, I guarantee we would have had at least another.

ChrisLyon 10-28-2006 10:20 AM

I assume they mean that you shouldn't have children if you can't support them. Obviously if you are financially able, it wouldn't be a big deal. Another thing about the way that welfare works is that the more children you have, the more money you get. I hear stories of people having kids and letting other people claim them on their welfare (since you can only claim 5 I think) and they get part of the money. Welfare is just one big mess. Personally, I think we need to stop and then start the process over and each person must be screened and tested and audited before letting them continue on welfare. I don't want my tax money going to someone who is lazy and greedy. It's not fair to me. Personally, I'd like I-49 to get finished and a hundred other things that need to be done before I help someone who won't help themselves.

Hattie Thomas 11-30-2006 04:10 PM

Wow, the democrats control the house...I wonder how many american babies are going to be murdered now?
Thousands of years of human existance and homosexuals still havent produced a single offspring.
If humans cease to procreat our species will be extinct inside 100 years.

Isaac-Saxxon 11-30-2006 09:04 PM

Wow, the democrats control the house
What does the democrats control have to do with population growth. They are for the have nots and would like them to keep breeding and live off the
government entitlements and fair share. Sister I don't know how the gay issue
got into this and abortion and I agree that abortion is murder and the gay people have there issues but only God and God only is judge. You will never convert people to Christianity by beating them over the head with your Bible but in stead set the example and pray for them and VOTE !

rhertz 11-30-2006 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by Hattie Thomas
I wonder how many american babies are going to be murdered now?

Those murdered babies could be used for stem cell research to provide the cure for everything from MS to the common cold! Superman (Christopher Reeves) died because Americans didn't kill enough fertilizied eggs and embryos! I won't even mention Michael J Fox..... (sarcasm)

Today Rush Limbaugh said he wanted to hear again naturally! (without an articifical implant) I think it is our duty to provide his cure through stem cell research!! (at taxpayer dollars) Let's all vote for embrionic stem cell research so Rush can hear again!!! I know we all want that! Lets all vote for that!

Bob 11-30-2006 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by Hattie Thomas
Wow, the democrats control the house...I wonder how many american babies are going to be murdered now?
Thousands of years of human existance and homosexuals still havent produced a single offspring.
If humans cease to procreat our species will be extinct inside 100 years.

LOL this is too funny. and that's one hell of a quote "The democrats control the house, I wonder how many american babies are going to be murdered now?" LMAO !! :)

Al Swearengen 12-03-2006 09:50 PM

I'm with Sister Hattie...lets go down the rolls and find out who all these registered democrats are and forcefully sterilize them and any offspring they already have. Lets do the same with the republicans. But we'll allow the green party folks and the independants to reproduce. That should remedy the choke-hold the dems and reps have on the electorate.

rhertz 12-03-2006 10:36 PM

Whoa you sorta of lost me there Al... However I do wish we had a tri-partician government. People can't handle much more than 3 choices.. LOL.. small, medium, large. Good, better, Best. Bronze, Silver, Gold. That sort of thing.

Places that have lots of parties that fall in and out of favor seem to be pretty messed up. (France?) All the parties then tend to become populists when swing votes carry all the weight.

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