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LateNight 09-13-2006 08:16 PM

Here we go - NSA Bill Performs a Patriot Act
From the article:

A bill radically redefining and expanding the government's ability to eavesdrop and search the houses of American citizens without court approval passed a key Senate committee Wednesday, and may be voted on by the full Senate as early as next week.
Can be read in Full here NSA Bill Performs a Patriot Act

more quotes:

"What started out as Senator Specter wanting to rein in the president's program has turned on its head and is now not just a legislative ratification of the program, but an expansion of warrantless wiretapping of Americans," Dempsey said. "It would allow the NSA to turn its vacuum cleaners on even domestic phone calls and e-mails of citizens.

windshop 09-14-2006 01:30 PM

The Patriot Act is a Sham
Paraphrasing what someone once said: "People that give up their freedoms in order to gain security will soon have neither"

LateNight 09-14-2006 05:57 PM

Here it is
You are correct.


Benjamin Franklin: They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security

fuglycat 09-30-2006 06:41 AM

That quote is very signifigant and applies to the current state of citizen affairs. Because most americans are complacent about issues that affect everyone, we are giving up our rights as free americans. Slowly this has been happening. look at recent events, the smoking ban. it's not about whether people think it is right or wrong. who cares if you agree with it or not. it's about the choice being taken away. Same with the french fry situation in NY. in the name of "good" our civil liberties are being picked off one by one. who is the government to tell us what we can do and what we can't do? if we choose to clog our arteries and blacken our lungs, why shouldn't we be soley responsible for our own health? The government is not sponsoring a nationwide health plan that couls even remotely dictate health guidelines. Most americans pay for their own insurance or don't have any. those of us that do have insurance pay out the kazoo for it. so how do we take our right's back? writing the govenor and writing our congressmen is not enough. we need to speak out and put fear aside.

Rough Rider 09-30-2006 09:04 AM

well.. you bring up some good points, but I'll also say, anyone who smokes is an idiot :) I say that as an x-smoker of many years. And eating McDonalds on a regular basis is just as stupid :)

But I do agree.. that in far more sinister ways than regulating our smoking and eating habits.. our rights are being taken away.. Like having our own government spy on our phone calls and internet usage, without proper warrants etc.. is scary as hell. Yes there are those who will argue "It's so we can catch the terrorist" and yes we all want that. But I think it goes deeper than that..

In this day and age, when you are considered to be UNPATRIOTIC because you choose to speak out against the war, speak out against our current administration.. That also scares the crap out of me. As American citizen it is always our right, to speak out against what bothers us, speak out against what we believe is wrong. Such as whether or not we should still be in Iraq is something that should be debated until the cows come home.

Anyways, back to your point .. I agree.. if I want to kill myself eating french fries .. that's my right to .. Keep 'em guessing !

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