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Pocahontas 08-13-2007 04:26 PM

Work or stay at home Moms?
I'm just curious as to how many women on this forum work full time, part time or stay at home? Men please vote for your spouse! Thanks!

Pocahontas 08-13-2007 04:35 PM

In case you couldn't tell already I'm part time! Thanks to Mr. P!:D

Texasbelle 08-13-2007 06:04 PM

I work part time for my husband and home school little boy belle. And make cakes too!

Jesse 08-14-2007 08:46 AM

I'm of the opinion that the "stay at home" means MORE work than working for pay outside of the home. I read somewhere a calculation for those that "don't work" and the combined tasks, if paid for came out to ~260 grand a year!:eek:

Jesse 08-14-2007 09:21 AM

If you don't mind me asking, what grade level is your son working on? I have so many books, videos, etc that my boys have out grown, was thinking someone else might benefit from them:)
PS Boys Clothes, also

Pocahontas 08-14-2007 10:09 AM

I'll agree staying home is no cakewalk especially when they are little. It has only been in the last couple of years that I have worked outside the home at all.
I felt the need to be there as much as possible for all of my girls. I know not everyone is able to do that, but I'm so glad I was/am..( I've got one still in the nest but is in high school.):) The nest will be empty in no time too!:(

Isaac-Saxxon 08-14-2007 06:02 PM

Man works from sun to sun and womans work is never done :rolleyes: I think empty nest is what we all work so hard for. Yes let the birds fly they will come back as their wings get tired. It is the natural order of things for them to flay and for mothers to cling on to every last minute. I could never stay at home but for you ladies I understand what a major job rearing our young breed is so hats off to you and your never ending patients ! well almost ;)

Texasbelle 08-14-2007 08:38 PM

Most of his work is 6th grade. I just ordered and received all of his materials for the year! But hang on to that. We work at a pretty fast pace so I may look for some things to mix in at some point. He's twelve, very bright, and quite hard to keep up challenged intellectually.

I actually look forward to going to my husband 's office to work. It's like getting a break for a day. Stay home and it's slave labor!!!!!!

Isabella 08-14-2007 11:01 PM

Tbelle, why do you home school? That is a job I would not want to do. Teaching my own kids would be most difficult.

Texasbelle 08-15-2007 07:40 AM

We started off homeschooling because he was in Evangel and not doing well in school during first grade. How can you not do well in first grade? I kept asking the teacher and she would only respond "He's doing better." His grades weren't better. I was at the school every day because I was on their school board and I was the PTA President. The teacher after almost the whole year then tried to convince me that maybe he had a learning disability. My husband and I didn't really buy this but we took him to Dr. Bruce McCormick (great guy), had him tested, took lots of his classwork in, and found out holy cow that little belle didn't have a problem it was the teacher!!!! I took all the info back to Evangel and the principal who did not care. She just shrugged her shoulders at me!! I took him out that day and never took him back. I never did another thing for the school either.

He had much of his first grade work to relearn as well as all of his self esteem had been shot to he**. We live in Texas and they do not have Magnet schools. We prefer a Christian education and homeschooling just seems to fit for him. He gets to do a lot with other homeschoolers. This year he is starting guitar lessons, tae kwon do, and art lessons. We get to pack a lot in that interests him and if it doesn't we don't do it. (as in P.E.!)

Isaac-Saxxon 08-15-2007 07:43 AM


Originally Posted by Texasbelle
We started off homeschooling because he was in Evangel and not doing well in school during first grade. How can you not do well in first grade? I kept asking the teacher and she would only respond "He's doing better." His grades weren't better. I was at the school every day because I was on their school board and I was the PTA President. The teacher after almost the whole year then tried to convince me that maybe he had a learning disability. My husband and I didn't really buy this but we took him to Dr. Bruce McCormick (great guy), had him tested, took lots of his classwork in, and found out holy cow that little belle didn't have a problem it was the teacher!!!! I took all the info back to Evangel and the principal who did not care. She just shrugged her shoulders at me!! I took him out that day and never took him back. I never did another thing for the school either.

He had much of his first grade work to relearn as well as all of his self esteem had been shot to he**. We live in Texas and they do not have Magnet schools. We prefer a Christian education and homeschooling just seems to fit for him. He gets to do a lot with other homeschoolers. This year he is starting guitar lessons, tae kwon do, and art lessons. We get to pack a lot in that interests him and if it doesn't we don't do it. (as in P.E.!)

Hey Sista might want to back off on that caffeine :laugh: :laugh: good morning to you too :D

Pocahontas 08-15-2007 10:21 AM

Again you are to be commended Belle! It's hard enough having the little ones home but at least when they are in school you do get sort of a break....(then you like I was are in charge of the PTO/PTA!) They don't want you around much in high school so they just ask you to send donations frequently instead! :)

Jesse 08-15-2007 04:12 PM

I tried homeschooling. I didn't like it, neither did my kids. I know several families that do, and they are doing a wonderful job, better than their option for public education. I'd rather teach 20 than 2. Go figure that one, LOL.
TBelle: I do have lots for 7th and 8th, and It's not going anywhere. I'm so sorry about your son's first grade experience. That is my speciality:cool:

Texasbelle 08-15-2007 04:50 PM

Just think Jesse, I even paid for that experience for him!!!!

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