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AnimeSpirit 03-04-2007 10:11 AM

Doctor Sues Child Roller Skater


A bicycling doctor is suing a roller-skating child neighbor for pain and suffering, claiming the youngster caused a collision that left the doctor with a broken collar bone.
How pathetic! The girl was 11-years-old! This guy must not be a very good doctor if he must sue a child to pay for the damage. :rolleyes2:

BrainSmashR 03-04-2007 11:45 AM

Yeah, this is pretty crazy.

My guess is that her parents are loaded.....

Bob 03-04-2007 01:29 PM

What the heck ??


A bicycling doctor is suing a roller-skating child neighbor for pain and suffering, claiming the youngster caused a collision that left the doctor with a broken collar bone.
It happened on a Chester Township street in October 2003. Dr. Alexander Dlugi, a prominent endocrinologist, approached Lauren Ellis, then 11, from behind, shouted "watch out" and rang his bicycle bell. As the girl turned around on her in-line skates, the two collided, and the doctor tumbled from his bike.
He's riding his bicycle, comes up from BEHIND.. and shouts LOOK OUT and runs into an 11 year old and HE's SUING ?

Hopefully common sense will prevail.. the damn thing should have never gone to court !


The witness, John Desch, concluded that the girl was trying to get out of the way and did nothing wrong. Dlugi could have avoided the collision by braking or riding around her, he said.
whole thing reminds me of a time, I was about 14, I'm walking down the street, some girl, maybe 8 or 9 is riding a bicycle and she's kind of riding around in circles, all of a sudden she wipes out, falls to the ground, gets up screaming, running home, the whole time saying I PUSHED HER DOWN ???

joepole 03-04-2007 01:53 PM

When I was about 15 I was standing in PB Mall when this old woman walked into the back of me and wiped out, breaking her arm and busting her head open.

About a month later we got the notice that we, along with the mall, were being sued. Me for "tripping" her, the mall for not warning her of the dangers of mall walking. In a deposition she admitted that:

1. I was not moving
2. She was walking "too fast" and was "out of control"
3. She wasn't watching where she was going
4. She had just gotten a new eye prescription and she was blind without her glasses
5. She wasn't wearing her glasses.

We were ready to go to court (my father's a lawyer). I can't believe a lawyer would even take that case, let alone continue to pursue it after her above statements. It was eventually dropped, I think maybe the mall gave her some money to go away. I didn't give her a damn nickel.

AnimeSpirit 03-04-2007 06:59 PM

I swear that "suing" is going to be among the top most profitable activities in the near future if it isn't already. People are so thin-skinned nowadays that it's pathetic.

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