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AnimeSpirit 05-03-2007 09:10 PM

Druggin Dad locked boy in cage


A boy was locked up in a small dog cage when he was being punished and while his father used drugs, and he sometimes had to wear a shock collar, authorities said.
I have an idea! Let's attach that collar to that @$$hole's pocket snake and whale on the remote control for it. What an @$$!

piemaker720 05-03-2007 09:22 PM

And we say bad parents how. We should not forget the child has no rights. 61 pounds, 10 years old UH

sassy1 05-04-2007 08:05 AM

Absolutely horrible. One more poor child scarred for life and to be raised by the tax payers of America. Some people should just be extinguished.

Isaac-Saxxon 05-04-2007 08:16 AM


Originally Posted by sassy1
Absolutely horrible. One more poor child scarred for life and to be raised by the tax payers of America. Some people should just be extinguished.

Liquidated is how the Russians would put it. I think about two months in jail and let the booty bandits have him and let him know he is going to fry then get it done. :clap:

Texasbelle 05-04-2007 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by sassy1
Absolutely horrible. One more poor child scarred for life and to be raised by the tax payers of America. Some people should just be extinguished.

Why do you say this child is scarred for life? Yes he will have scars but this does not have to determine his future. With the right help and right home from this point forward, he can have a great future. I have seen some tragic situations turned into very positive situations. It just requires work, determination, and prayer.

purpahurl 05-04-2007 09:37 AM

This is a real shame. Their are people out there praying that they can have kids to love and enjoy, and then these 2 pieces of trash treat theirs this way. Killin's too good for them!

joepole 05-04-2007 09:37 AM

What's so bad about being locked in a cage? We "locked" our daughter in a crib for two years. Now we lock her in her room.

AnimeSpirit 05-04-2007 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by joepole
Now we lock her in her room.

I hope you're not serious. Keeping a kid under lock and key is heartless and wrong. Kids yearn to run free more than adults do.

joepole 05-04-2007 11:22 AM

My daughter is 2 years old. If we didn't lock her in her room at bedtime she would destroy the second floor of our house and likely break her neck diving down the stairs.

sassy1 05-04-2007 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by Texasbelle
Why do you say this child is scarred for life? Yes he will have scars but this does not have to determine his future. With the right help and right home from this point forward, he can have a great future. I have seen some tragic situations turned into very positive situations. It just requires work, determination, and prayer.

Perhaps he will turn out ok...but odds are against it.. First off, he will probably go from foster home to foster stable is that. Secondly, prayer is good and important but does not erase the psychological abuse that has already happened. Why do I say scarred for life...because things that horrific are not forgotten. Yes, he may trump on...but I'm also realistic. He will be scarred for life. He may still have a good future but will always be scarred psychologically.

AnimeSpirit 05-04-2007 03:20 PM

I see your point. This boy will go the rest of his life knowing that his parents treated him like a dog.

piemaker720 05-04-2007 03:54 PM

Jo we have an extra cage if you would like to try it. We'll even buy you an electric collar too. I wouldn't want you to miss anything. I filith of a person that done that had the gall to get on tv and say that when the child would get out of the cage, the child would steal his food out of the fridge. The idiot says he is diabectic and needs that food more.

Sheba 05-04-2007 05:47 PM

Two questions for TB

Originally Posted by Texasbelle
Why do you say this child is scarred for life? Yes he will have scars but this does not have to determine his future. With the right help and right home from this point forward, he can have a great future. I have seen some tragic situations turned into very positive situations. It just requires work, determination, and prayer.

Were you ever abused as a child? Have you ever had foster children in your home? We have... Scars are not easily erased. The analogy that psychologists use is that children have a bucket that is filled on a daily basis with love, nurture, teaching, prayer, etc. A child who has been abused in any manner comes to you with a hole in his bucket.

You can work & work to fill their bucket with the same love, nurture, teaching, and prayer that you use with your own kids, but it simply goes through the hole. And unfortunately, you can just hand them a shiny, new bucket. He will have scars and to deny them is to deny that he survived.

I think there's an extremely important word left out of your list (work, determination, and prayer) and that's patience to walk through the healing process. My prayer is for someone to reach out to him and offer him the hope of a future and the willingness to give what it takes to get there.

Then the scars are simply a sign that inward healing has taken place.

Texasbelle 05-04-2007 07:02 PM

Sheba, yes in my life I have been on the receiving end of the abuse. No, it was not to the depth this child has endured. I have witnessed much abuse of others as well. Everyone will have their own perspective on this but from my very personal experience with it I can say that it can be overcome. This child should not automatically be labeled a disaster and a future expense to the taxpayers. Yes, he is going to have scars that will daily remind him of what he endured but given all of the right circumstances in the upcoming future they can also remind him and everyone around him of what can be overcome.

I also disagree that the bucket always has a hole. I could walk around everyday feeling very sorry for myself, but through a whole lot of love, patience, perserverance, and strong will I don't. I made the choice to look at my whole life as a cup that is half full. This child deserves the chance to accomplish the same thing and hopefully no one is standing around him saying "You're doom and scarred from here on out." Those are not the words he needs. He will face his scars, his wounds, and all that he has endured. And yes, he can go forward to a world of joy.

Pocahontas 05-04-2007 09:31 PM

They should lock that father in the same cage and throw away the key!! That is just so unfathomable to me how someone could do that to a child!:mad:

piemaker720 05-04-2007 09:39 PM

I'm glad they arrested the mom too. She could have stopped it. Then they tell of 2 more children treated bad and the mom had one that died of sids. they are going to check that one good.

Texasbelle 05-04-2007 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by Pocahontas
They should lock that father in the same cage and throw away the key!! That is just so unfathomable to me how someone could do that to a child!:mad:

Doesn't it make you wonder why we shouldn't start giving people tests and home visits before they become parents? You have to take one before you can drive a car. My other question is where was the rest of these people's families? I know my momma, daddy, or one of my brothers would have surely intervened.

piemaker720 05-05-2007 11:07 AM

You are right. There is this guy, he has 7 kids ,by 4 different wivies. He supports none of them. There is only 3 now under age. All wives left because of abuse. He thinks if he doesn't sleep with the ex he should not have to support the kids. I think someone should make him get it sniped. If he ain't going to support them, he needs to stop bringing them in for others to support.

Texasbelle 05-05-2007 11:39 AM

I have nothing good to say about a man who doesn't help support his children.

Sheba 05-06-2007 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by Texasbelle
Sheba, yes in my life I have been on the receiving end of the abuse. No, it was not to the depth this child has endured. I have witnessed much abuse of others as well. Everyone will have their own perspective on this but from my very personal experience with it I can say that it can be overcome. This child should not automatically be labeled a disaster and a future expense to the taxpayers. Yes, he is going to have scars that will daily remind him of what he endured but given all of the right circumstances in the upcoming future they can also remind him and everyone around him of what can be overcome.

I also disagree that the bucket always has a hole. I could walk around everyday feeling very sorry for myself, but through a whole lot of love, patience, perserverance, and strong will I don't. I made the choice to look at my whole life as a cup that is half full. This child deserves the chance to accomplish the same thing and hopefully no one is standing around him saying "You're doom and scarred from here on out." Those are not the words he needs. He will face his scars, his wounds, and all that he has endured. And yes, he can go forward to a world of joy.

TB, we both see the positive and agree that he can get there. I think the difference is that I see a long road ahead. The bucket is just an word picture of this point in his life. He's been locked in a cage and shocked with a collar. That doesn't just go away. Most of those posting see that long road, too.

But believe me, I know hope! I live it everyday!! That's why my prayers are that the right people cross his path to help him have healing.

Isaac-Saxxon 05-06-2007 12:09 PM


Originally Posted by piemaker720
You are right. There is this guy, he has 7 kids ,by 4 different wivies. He supports none of them. There is only 3 now under age. All wives left because of abuse. He thinks if he doesn't sleep with the ex he should not have to support the kids. I think someone should make him get it sniped. If he ain't going to support them, he needs to stop bringing them in for others to support.

I vote for sniped :clap: They get one child and if that child does not get care then get them fixed and if they take care then they can have more but that is only a dream I know it would never happen. The man that put this boy in a cage could get the old fashion death by stoning and being cast on the dung hill :clap:

Pattyann3566 05-06-2007 07:29 PM

There are alot of deadbeat dads out there , sad to say.I think that if a man or woman fails to support thier children,the government should have special jobs for them to do .A factory of some kind with living quarters and they will be confined to work and live there until their kids are of age. The child would recieve a fare portion of the money for their care and need.,and the rest would be used to feed and clothe the deadbeat,that will get our wellfare system back where it needs to be,for children of deceased parents.:nono: :nono: :laugh:

Isaac-Saxxon 05-07-2007 07:33 AM


Originally Posted by Pattyann3566
There are alot of deadbeat dads out there , sad to say.I think that if a man or woman fails to support thier children,the government should have special jobs for them to do .A factory of some kind with living quarters and they will be confined to work and live there until their kids are of age. The child would recieve a fare portion of the money for their care and need.,and the rest would be used to feed and clothe the deadbeat,that will get our wellfare system back where it needs to be,for children of deceased parents.:nono: :nono: :laugh:

Oh Patty you are so right :clap:

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