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Texasbelle 05-01-2007 10:12 AM

Do we dislike Old people this much?
Got this in an email today and it's really sad:

What a country........................................

5 million of our older Americans have not signed up yet for their Medicare, Part D, drug plan------they are old and confused.
We are not going to grant them an extension.

However, 12 million illegal aliens are in our country and we are going to allow them to stay, protest, procreate, receive support monies, attend schools, avoid paying income taxes, have our teachers take
300 hours of ESL (English as a Second Language) training at our expense, etc.


AnimeSpirit 05-01-2007 01:08 PM

Yeah, no kidding! I have nothing personal against people who flock over here illegally, but they should be entitled to NOTHING that is paid for by our tax money until they become citiens. At which point, they will also be paying into that system. It's bad enough the already strained employment rate is further strained by people working here who shouldn't be.

piemaker720 05-01-2007 01:33 PM

I, too, do not think that the illegals should recieve anything. They should not have a free ride. I also think that the companies that close up here and move over to other countries to get cheap labor should be boycotted.
I think our elders deserve a lot more than they get.

Texasbelle 05-01-2007 01:47 PM

I agree with companies that outsource. Do not use them if you know what they are doing. Many of them go to great lengths to hide it though. Here is a good one: Many of the Indian doctors who practice in our country and make a living off of Americans now outsource their dictation to India, meaning they will dictate into a machine which transmits it overseas where a transciptionist in India will type it and send it back here. It is done much cheaper, but puts another American out of a job. They are also doing the same with radiologists reading x-rays. I have a big issue with a lot of things being sent to India where most people are still practicing Hindus and lots of "untouchables" are left beaten in the streets and unfed. Shame on anyone who supports this type of system.

joepole 05-01-2007 01:57 PM

Outsourcing is great, it makes stuff cheaper. There is no reason that my shoes need to be put together by an American when someone in China will do it for 1/20th the cost.

Also, most illegal immigrants pay more income taxes than legal workers with similar incomes. There are plenty of legit reasons to hate illegals, we don't need to continue to perpetuate the myth that they're a tax drain.

Texasbelle 05-01-2007 01:59 PM


Originally Posted by joepole
Outsourcing is great, it makes stuff cheaper. There is no reason that my shoes need to be put together by an American when someone in China will do it for 1/20th the cost.

Also, most illegal immigrants pay more income taxes than legal workers with similar incomes. There are plenty of legit reasons to hate illegals, we don't need to continue to perpetuate the myth that they're a tax drain.

You have got to be kidding me or just plain smoking crack? Which is it?

joepole 05-01-2007 02:17 PM

Illegal aliens are pretty much the only poor people in this country that pay income taxes.

Most employed illegal aliens have taxes withheld from their paychecks (Feds estimate less than 25% are paid cash) and almost all are in the tax brackets that, were they legit, would qualify for EIC. Illegal aliens cannot receive EIC because it means their bogus SSN is exposed (the treasury doesn't care if it's a legit number when you pay, they check into it when they have to cut you a check, though).

I'll take a city with tons of illegal aliens over a city with most of Shreveport's residents. Ever see a welfare mom hanging out at Home Depot at 5AM looking for work? I have to pay $40 every damn week in the summer to keep my grass mowed, I could easily cut that number in half if my yardman was from Nicaragua instead of E. 68th Street.

rhertz 05-01-2007 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by joepole
Illegal aliens are pretty much the only poor people in this country that pay income taxes.

Most employed illegal aliens have taxes withheld from their paychecks (Feds estimate less than 25% are paid cash) and almost all are in the tax brackets that, were they legit, would qualify for EIC. Illegal aliens cannot receive EIC because it means their bogus SSN is exposed (the treasury doesn't care if it's a legit number when you pay, they check into it when they have to cut you a check, though).

I'll take a city with tons of illegal aliens over a city with most of Shreveport's residents. Ever see a welfare mom hanging out at Home Depot at 5AM looking for work? I have to pay $40 every damn week in the summer to keep my grass mowed, I could easily cut that number in half if my yardman was from Nicaragua instead of E. 68th Street.

You make some good points joepole. I think Ms Belle and I are concerned for example, when a expecting mother in Mexico knowingly travels to the US to defraud our system for free healthcare and delivery of her newborn baby. A C-section can cost over $15k and someone has to foot the bill. Not only that, the newborn is automatically a US citizen and *entitled* to free food, healthcare, and education until he/she is 18 years old. There are proper ways to enter our country and become a US citizen for good reasons, and this isn't one of them. I'm pro-imigration, but I'm also "anti-breaking the law" which is always hard to justify in an orderly society. People flee Mexico in order to live here in a relatively orderly and legal society by comparison.

AnimeSpirit 05-01-2007 03:34 PM

I once read a news story a while back about what happened to a woman. If I find that story, I'll link it here. She was a U.S. citizen and had been all her life. She quit work to raise her kids and lived a perfectly normal life. The problems all started for her when her kids grew up and it came time for her to go back to work.

She applied for work and got the job. Shortly after, the IRS sent her a letter saying they have been searching for her and demanding that she pay several thousand dollars in taxes or she was going to prison. Naturally, she was outraged and called the IRS promptly to ascertain what the problem was. They had records showing she had been working various jobs all over the country for years and never had taxes withheld from any of them.

After some investigation, it was discovered that her social security card and identity had SOMEHOW been sold on the black market numerous times over the years. It was a large group of illegal aliens who had bought her information and were over here working under her name and leaving her with the tax bill. Fortunately, this was all revealed to the IRS who gave her a break, but she could've gone to jail for tax evasion!!! If this had happened to me, my opinions of immigration laws would've gotten much more merciless.

Texasbelle 05-01-2007 03:45 PM


Originally Posted by rhertz
You make some good points joepole. I think Ms Belle and I are concerned for example, when a expecting mother in Mexico knowingly travels to the US to defraud our system for free healthcare and delivery of her newborn baby. A C-section can cost over $15k and someone has to foot the bill. Not only that, the newborn is automatically a US citizen and *entitled* to free food, healthcare, and education until he/she is 18 years old. There are proper ways to enter our country and become a US citizen for good reasons, and this isn't one of them. I'm pro-imigration, but I'm also "anti-breaking the law" which is always hard to justify in an orderly society. People flee Mexico in order to live here in a relatively orderly and legal society by comparison.

My point EXACTLY. Many of these people are not paying taxes either. I don't think the statistics are even close to correct. They do flood the emergency rooms constantly getting FREE medical care while legal Americans have to wait because they are there in the ER clogging the system up. They have found so many ways to abuse the system. They know if they have a baby on American soil then the baby is automatically American and thus the mother gets to stay here as well. It's a vicious circle that needs to be stopped.

Santabot 05-01-2007 04:23 PM

If you want to look at it this way:

Where are the Native Americans to be found? Locked up on reservations playing slots and drinking booze and eating cinnamon rolls.

Who were the illegal aliens? I think you can relate.

People just want to go somewhere they can do something for themselves. Mexico offers no opportunities to succeed the way America does. No illegals come here and sit around and leech off of us, they come here to work and provide support for their families back in Mexico until they can get citizenship, they don't ask for help from the government and do their best to stay away from others as to not bother anyone. Who's going to build the 700 mile fence at the border? I can tell you a group of fat Americans won't be doing it.

Al Swearengen 05-01-2007 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by Santabot
Who's going to build the 700 mile fence at the border? I can tell you a group of fat Americans won't be doing it.

Evidently you've never heard of the "MinuteMen"...they're the fat American volunteers who guard our borders with Mexico. Alot of them are fat...all of them are American, and unpaid. I'd wager another group of fat Americans would gladly step up to the plate to build that wall. If I lived close, I'd donate most of my free fat American time to buildin it, bein the fat American that I am.

Most of the aliens are hard workers and decent people, and nobody's disputin that. But they're here illegally and they're a drain on our system, and there aint no disputin that either. As for the native Americans, yeah, they got the shaft in the beginning. But they're no worse off than any other American nowdays. In fact, bein an indian opens up all sorts of benefits and entitlements NOT available to anyone else, and rightly so.

Santabot 05-01-2007 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by Al Swearengen
Evidently you've never heard of the "MinuteMen"...they're the fat American volunteers who guard our borders with Mexico. Alot of them are fat...all of them are American, and unpaid. I'd wager another group of fat Americans would gladly step up to the plate to build that wall. If I lived close, I'd donate most of my free fat American time to buildin it, bein the fat American that I am.

Most of the aliens are hard workers and decent people, and nobody's disputin that. But they're here illegally and they're a drain on our system, and there aint no disputin that either. As for the native Americans, yeah, they got the shaft in the beginning. But they're no worse off than any other American nowdays. In fact, bein an indian opens up all sorts of benefits and entitlements NOT available to anyone else, and rightly so.

There's only a handful of these "minutemen", you should watch Penn & Teller's Bull****! series on Showtime (most episodes found on Google Video) about immigration.

It took 200+ years for natives to get their rightful spot here, but still, with all the trauma we caused them, their grandchildren better be getting some monetary benefits, even if it's the minimal we reserve for them.

Al Swearengen 05-01-2007 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by Santabot
There's only a handful of these "minutemen", you should watch Penn & Teller's Bull****! series on Showtime (most episodes found on Google Video) about immigration.

It took 200+ years for natives to get their rightful spot here, but still, with all the trauma we caused them, their grandchildren better be getting some monetary benefits, even if it's the minimal we reserve for them.

Yes...I'm sure "Penn & Teller" could enlighten me about a great many things. Nevertheless, your obvious contempt for "fat Americans", coupled with your zeal for porous national borders disturbs me.

Isaac-Saxxon 05-01-2007 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by Al Swearengen
Yes...I'm sure "Penn & Teller" could enlighten me about a great many things. Nevertheless, your obvious contempt for "fat Americans", coupled with your zeal for porous national borders disturbs me.

Al he prefers pure communism over free enterprise ? Could we call this Anti American ? Well I like your post as always and people that do not like fat American need to haul their ass on out :clap:

rhertz 05-01-2007 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by Santabot
This message is hidden because Santabot is on your ignore list.

It's working! It's working!


Originally Posted by Al Swearengen
Yes...I'm sure "Penn & Teller" could enlighten me about a great many things. Nevertheless, your obvious contempt for "fat Americans", coupled with your zeal for porous national borders disturbs me.

This is fun.. Talk about a one sided story! ;) :D :D ;) I have no idea what Bot just said. And I like it!! Less pain that way. Sorry Bot, please bash me all you want. I can't hear you!

Santabot 05-01-2007 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
Al he prefers pure communism over free enterprise ? Could we call this Anti American ? Well I like your post as always and people that do not like fat American need to haul their ass on out :clap:

Was it Anti-American to believe that we should open trade relations with China? Sure, at the time, but that's been done away with and is now an acceptable action.

Progressivism in America needs to realize there will at least be attempts from all angles of every situation by somebody, you can't have a true workable system if there are no polar or intermediate opposites, meaning, I can be patriotic and support other forms of government, but this does not mean my thoughts are away from America, it's hopeful that America will change itself over time, and I will be the one voting (registered today, in fact) soon for these type of changes. Regardless of my effect on the poor voting system we have (which is nil), I will still be representing those views I support, and that a lot of people are afraid of because they would rather fit into mainstream society or are not educated about them enough to support other ideas.

I think you're a bit too hyped up because you're now comfy in your seat of reign as the dominant religion in America. There was once a time where Christians were openly slain in the streets, do the same to me, but look at how much small views can be turned into revolutionary reality.

rhertz 05-01-2007 06:57 PM

Re: This message is hidden because Santabot is on your ignore list.

My ears are burning!!! :D :D :D

Santabot 05-01-2007 07:00 PM

and Rhertz is supposed to be older than me, how?

Ignorance reigns.

BrainSmashR 05-01-2007 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by Al Swearengen
In fact, bein an indian opens up all sorts of benefits and entitlements NOT available to anyone else, and rightly so.

Actually it's racial discrimination to offer "benefits and entitlements" based on race and that's not "right" under any circumstances.

Leftists rely primarily on the vote of the poor and minorities....which group specifically do you think this "vote buying scheme" is targeting?

Santabot 05-01-2007 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
Actually it's racial discrimination to offer "benefits and entitlements" based on race and that's not "right" under any circumstances.

Leftists rely primarily on the vote of the poor and minorities....which group specifically do you think this "vote buying scheme" is targeting?

the same technique republicans use to get the "bible vote" and have ruled over the country recently.

Check out:

good stats, thought you might be interested

BrainSmashR 05-01-2007 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by Santabot
There's only a handful of these "minutemen", you should watch Penn & Teller's Bull****! series on Showtime (most episodes found on Google Video) about immigration.

It took 200+ years for natives to get their rightful spot here, but still, with all the trauma we caused them, their grandchildren better be getting some monetary benefits, even if it's the minimal we reserve for them.

Actually the native Americans had every opportunity to acclimate themselves to the America way. The chose to keep moving west and preserving their own inferior way of life until there wasn't any farther west to go. That's why you don't hear about major conflicts with the Indians until more than a century after the arrival of white man in the new world.

Now, as far as the monetary benefits "they better be getting"....Exactly how much of that lump sum should fall on YOU, the individual taxpayer, for a "crime" that happened more than 100 years before you were born?

BrainSmashR 05-01-2007 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by Santabot
the same technique republicans use to get the "bible vote" and have ruled over the country recently.

Check out:

good stats, thought you might be interested

Religion is a choice, skin color and racial heritage are not.

Santabot 05-01-2007 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
Actually the native Americans had every opportunity to acclimate themselves to the America way. The chose to keep moving west and preserving their own inferior way of life until there wasn't any farther west to go. That's why you don't hear about major conflicts with the Indians until more than a century after the arrival of white man in the new world.

Now, as far as the monetary benefits "they better be getting"....Exactly how much of that lump sum should fall on YOU, the individual taxpayer, for a "crime" that happened more than 100 years before you were born?

I know, again, I didn't use sarcasm tags.. I'm used to posting in areas with high volumes of sarcasm, I think that's a main thing that gets people to view me differently, I'm sarcastic or not saying what people think I am probably 50% of the time.

I don't believe in any of that crap, I agree with your post before that. Crime should be punished at the scene and not after. Those who choose to commit crimes (including myself and everyone else in America) do so because of either accident or the knowledge that they know law enforcement isn't accurate enough to apprehend everyone that breaks the law. There is such a low chance of getting caught doing certain activities, even lower if you're familiar with all of the laws regarding the act, and still lower if you know how to further elude police and government presence. It's an ongoing came of cat and mouse..

Santabot 05-01-2007 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
Religion is a choice, skin color and racial heritage are not.

I know, I was stating the fact that these major political parties seek specific votes based on demographics. As the incline of religion peaked in America, those "bible voters" were able to vote in more republicans, beforehand it was those minorities with new voting powers utilizing it to bring Democrats into power. I haven't disagreed with you, haha.

piemaker720 05-01-2007 08:53 PM

I have been reading your post and am not impressed. One how could you register to vote if you are only 17. Two, you talk about Christians being slain in the streets,{not in this country}. Three, until you grow up join the military and defend America then you don't care what other countries do here. Just think you can't drink, smoke or even gamble, but you got the gift of gab.:eek:

Santabot 05-01-2007 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by piemaker720
I have been reading your post and am not impressed. One how could you register to vote if you are only 17. Two, you talk about Christians being slain in the streets,{not in this country}. Three, until you grow up join the military and defend America then you don't care what other countries do here. Just think you can't drink, smoke or even gamble, but you got the gift of gab.:eek:

You can register to vote at 17, moron. It's for the upcoming 2008 election, and I will be 18 long before that occurs. TheNarrator can vouch my doing so.

Where did I say Christians were slain in America?

I have to join the military to care for my safety and well-being? Where are you getting this from?

At 17 you can smoke, just can't buy anything. I can/do all of those things and more, does it mean I "can't" do it if I already do? Have you ever gone over the speed limit? YOU CAN'T!

Anti-American fascist. You break the law, too!

Cut the bs man, everybody breaks the law intentionally because white lies are null in Christianity and with the government; unless they want to prosecute you for something else and they just pull out all the small guns they can.

Old Soul 05-01-2007 09:44 PM

Let me clear up some misconceptions concerning Native Americans.

I happen to be one. I don't live on a reservation, I am not enrolled with the tribe, I recieve NO bennies of any kind. In my entire life, I have gambled away 20 bucks at a casino. I don't even waste time or cash on scratch offs, go figure. Oh, and...I don't eat cinnamin rolls. I am not alone. Many live just as I do. NO NATIVE AMERICAN IS TRAPPED ON A RESERVATION. Quite the opposite. It's increasingly difficult for tribes to keep theirm members on the reservation.

That bull**** Brain spilled out: Actually the native Americans had every opportunity to acclimate themselves to the America way. The chose to keep moving west and preserving their own inferior way of life until there wasn't any farther west to go. That's why you don't hear about major conflicts with the Indians until more than a century after the arrival of white man in the new world.

Now, as far as the monetary benefits "they better be getting"....Exactly how much of that lump sum should fall on YOU, the individual taxpayer, for a "crime" that happened more than 100 years before you were born?
You realy ARE a fool. Many DID acclimate. They even intermarried with the settlers. Most of the ones who were "moving west" already did so every year. It's called NOMADIC you idiot. Their "inferior way of life" as you call it, was peaceful and respectful. They took care of their own, and they still do. If your fool white ass wants to belly up to the bar and drink their liquer, bet all your money in their slot machines, thats YOUR problem, but what they do with it certainly doesnt become your problem. Those monies are used to TAKE CARE OF THEIR OWN SO YOU DON'T HAVE TO.

I sat in a restaurant one day and watched a bus of American Indians get out, and enter the restaraunt. It was one of those buffett places. They lined up in such an interesting way. Elderly first, with young men standing beside them. Then children, then women. The young men assisted their elderly throughout their meals. The women assisted the children while they themselves ate. When did the young men eat? Not until the elderly were done.

Yah. Those barbarians!

piemaker720 05-01-2007 09:57 PM

You know I was always told it takes a moron to know a moron. Also you may not have said it was America where the Christians were being slain. But if it is in another country just what do you think you can do about it. Or are you a citizen of that country too. As far as the military goes let another 911 happen and see if you think it is alright for illegals to keep coming. You may smoke, drink or whatever you do and more!!!!! but to have to depend on someone else to get it for you is not good when they are the ones that could pay the price if caught. Not I'm not Anti-American!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I support my country. So stop your bull**** until you grow a little more.

Old Soul 05-01-2007 09:58 PM

One more thing I forgot to mention. None of us give a flying poop anymore that other nations came and took our land. We've pretty much gotten over that one.

Santabot 05-01-2007 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by Old Soul
Let me clear up some misconceptions concerning Native Americans.

I happen to be one. I don't live on a reservation, I am not enrolled with the tribe, I recieve NO bennies of any kind. In my entire life, I have gambled away 20 bucks at a casino. I don't even waste time or cash on scratch offs, go figure. Oh, and...I don't eat cinnamin rolls. I am not alone. Many live just as I do. NO NATIVE AMERICAN IS TRAPPED ON A RESERVATION. Quite the opposite. It's increasingly difficult for tribes to keep theirm members on the reservation.

That bull**** Brain spilled out: Actually the native Americans had every opportunity to acclimate themselves to the America way. The chose to keep moving west and preserving their own inferior way of life until there wasn't any farther west to go. That's why you don't hear about major conflicts with the Indians until more than a century after the arrival of white man in the new world.

Now, as far as the monetary benefits "they better be getting"....Exactly how much of that lump sum should fall on YOU, the individual taxpayer, for a "crime" that happened more than 100 years before you were born?
You realy ARE a fool. Many DID acclimate. They even intermarried with the settlers. Most of the ones who were "moving west" already did so every year. It's called NOMADIC you idiot. Their "inferior way of life" as you call it, was peaceful and respectful. They took care of their own, and they still do. If your fool white ass wants to belly up to the bar and drink their liquer, bet all your money in their slot machines, thats YOUR problem, but what they do with it certainly doesnt become your problem. Those monies are used to TAKE CARE OF THEIR OWN SO YOU DON'T HAVE TO.

I sat in a restaurant one day and watched a bus of American Indians get out, and enter the restaraunt. It was one of those buffett places. They lined up in such an interesting way. Elderly first, with young men standing beside them. Then children, then women. The young men assisted their elderly throughout their meals. The women assisted the children while they themselves ate. When did the young men eat? Not until the elderly were done.

Yah. Those barbarians!

That's their personal choice. If I want to go in a restaurant and eat off the floor, it doesn't mean my entire race are ****ing dogs.

piemaker720 05-01-2007 09:59 PM

Bravo !!!!! Old Soul

rhertz 05-01-2007 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by Old Soul
Let me clear up some misconceptions concerning Native Americans.

I happen to be one. I don't live on a reservation, I am not enrolled with the tribe, I recieve NO bennies of any kind. In my entire life, I have gambled away 20 bucks at a casino. I don't even waste time or cash on scratch offs, go figure. Oh, and...I don't eat cinnamin rolls. I am not alone. Many live just as I do. NO NATIVE AMERICAN IS TRAPPED ON A RESERVATION. Quite the opposite. It's increasingly difficult for tribes to keep theirm members on the reservation.

That bull**** Brain spilled out: Actually the native Americans had every opportunity to acclimate themselves to the America way. The chose to keep moving west and preserving their own inferior way of life until there wasn't any farther west to go. That's why you don't hear about major conflicts with the Indians until more than a century after the arrival of white man in the new world.

Now, as far as the monetary benefits "they better be getting"....Exactly how much of that lump sum should fall on YOU, the individual taxpayer, for a "crime" that happened more than 100 years before you were born?
You realy ARE a fool. Many DID acclimate. They even intermarried with the settlers. Most of the ones who were "moving west" already did so every year. It's called NOMADIC you idiot. Their "inferior way of life" as you call it, was peaceful and respectful. They took care of their own, and they still do. If your fool white ass wants to belly up to the bar and drink their liquer, bet all your money in their slot machines, thats YOUR problem, but what they do with it certainly doesnt become your problem. Those monies are used to TAKE CARE OF THEIR OWN SO YOU DON'T HAVE TO.

I sat in a restaurant one day and watched a bus of American Indians get out, and enter the restaraunt. It was one of those buffett places. They lined up in such an interesting way. Elderly first, with young men standing beside them. Then children, then women. The young men assisted their elderly throughout their meals. The women assisted the children while they themselves ate. When did the young men eat? Not until the elderly were done.

Yah. Those barbarians!

Great Post! :clapbig:

Texasbelle 05-01-2007 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by Santabot
That's their personal choice. If I want to go in a restaurant and eat off the floor, it doesn't mean my entire race are ****ing dogs.

You know Santabrat, you are a BRAT in the truest sense of the word.

Old Soul 05-01-2007 10:39 PM

If a whole tribe of santabrats ate off the floor, I'd say it WOULD make him and his people uncivilized.

But I already had him pegged as such.

Santabot 05-01-2007 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by Old Soul
If a whole tribe of santabrats ate off the floor, I'd say it WOULD make him and his people uncivilized.

But I already had him pegged as such.

Where have I singled out a single person on this board to mock, call names, act an ass to for their namesake only, etc?

Show me, where these lovely religious-types continue to persecute others.. the tides have turned.

Isabella 05-01-2007 10:45 PM

Good OLd Soul!:clap: :clap:

Old Soul 05-01-2007 10:48 PM


Originally Posted by Santabot
Where have I singled out a single person on this board to mock, call names, act an ass to for their namesake only, etc?

Show me, where these lovely religious-types continue to persecute others.. the tides have turned.

Ummm...your entire post in which you spouted off inacurate information regarding Native Americans, for starters.

I'm not religious. I'm spiritual. Why don't you and Brain get together and do some research on the TRUE Native American ways.

Few tips to get you started. Many of them lived in houses. Tepees were for the nomadic tribes only. And...the Cheroke have the honor of having one of the OLDEST school systems in history.

Al Swearengen 05-01-2007 10:56 PM

Old Soul, I'm not surprised that you've chosen not to avail yourself of the benefits to which you're entitled. The Indians had a symbiotic relationship with nature, they wasted nothing. They're a wonderful culture, and they were screwed out of their land. I for one have absolutely NO PROBLEM with Indians receiving compensation in the form of benefits they deserve.

Old Soul 05-01-2007 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by Al Swearengen
Old Soul, I'm not surprised that you've chosen not to avail yourself of the benefits to which you're entitled. The Indians had a symbiotic relationship with nature, they wasted nothing. They're a wonderful culture, and they were screwed out of their land. I for one have absolutely NO PROBLEM with Indians receiving compensation in the form of benefits they deserve.

One of the ineteresting things I love about them is that they understood their need for meat, and yet had such a deep love for all life that it left them with a sense of sorrow after a hunt. It's why they honor their prey. And they didn't kill more than they could eat. No over foresting, no over fishing...

In many native familes who are not enrolled with tribes, who live amongst white men as fellow white men, would NEVER sit back and allow the government to take care of their own. Not any that I know of, any way.

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