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sbl_admin 04-18-2007 08:09 AM

Rosie O'Donnell Fears Protests
A summer cruise for gay and lesbian families organized by Rosie O'Donnell has cut Bermuda from its planned itinerary because of possible protests by church groups in the British island territory.

Texasbelle 04-18-2007 08:52 AM

Good for the people of Bermuda!!!:clap:

joepole 04-18-2007 10:13 AM

Why would anyone protest a gay and lesbian family cruise? Why would anyone who lives in a country whose economy is due almost entirely to tourism want to let the world know that they're judgmental about their guests? I'd rather they just took my money and said "thank you" no matter what my particular kink was.

I honeymooned in Bermuda, it was a great place. If the churchy folks are starting to get as annoying there as they are here then I may not go back.

That said, anything that annoys or inconveniences Rosie O'Donnell is OK by me. I can't stand that sack of goo.

Texasbelle 04-18-2007 10:57 AM

I guess it because in Bermuda they value true "family values". Get it? Not cheating on your wife, not porn, etc. So probably a ship full of gays and lesbians is not their cup of tea. It is their country and they have the right to protest. Good for them for standing up for what they believe in and not selling out for a dollar!!!:D :D :D

joepole 04-18-2007 11:05 AM

What exactly do they believe in? The denial of having a good time to people that live in a way that they disagree with?

They're in the tourism business, allowing tourists in isn't "selling out."

Have you ever been to Bermuda? Like any nice, expensive, tourist-oriented place it is teeming with gay people already. They're old British gay people, but they're still gay people. I never noticed anyone on the island refusing their money.

LateNight 04-18-2007 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by Texasbelle
I guess it because in Bermuda they value true "family values".

That seems a bit absurd.. I'm sure they don't go around protesting any of the other 'illegal' activities that go on.. or mind people who are having affairs and show up there to vacation, or what have you.

I'm with Joe on this one.. Maybe they are just really protesting Rosie.. and I think that's something everyone could agree on.


Texasbelle 04-18-2007 11:11 AM

I was guessing on what they are protesting and you could be right on the money Latenight. It would probably be more likely than the whole gay there a Bermuda newspaper online we can read and get the scoop? Joe..your taste are obviously far more liberal than mine so we definitely won't see eye to eye on the gay issue. But it is nice to read your opinion.

BrainSmashR 04-18-2007 12:06 PM

I think some of you are missing the point.

They chose to exclude Bermuda because someone might exercise their right to protest at the arrival of a cruise set up exclusively for sexual perverts. It's like you refusing to drive down a street because some guy has an anti-Bush sign in his yard.

You're falling into their trap, Joe. There are a very few people (in proportion to the total population) who are willing to stage a protest, but Rosie and the Media want you to believe it's the entire region....and it's working. (Why would anyone who lives in a country whose economy is due almost entirely to tourism want to let the world know that they're judgmental about their guests?)

Why is this happening? She's doing it to keep her name and sexuality in the spotlight, and maybe to avoid a "situation"....empathy for her kind if you will. The media is doing it because controversy sells newspapers and makes for better forum conversations.

It's not a phobia or a type of discrimination to find a particular lifestyle disgusting just like it's not illegal or immoral to stand up for what you believe in and even stage a peaceful protest if you feel the need. Rosie can't stop people from protesting so she cries and screams like a baby rather than accepting the fact that there are going to be adverse reactions by the general population to the deviant lifestyles exercised by various minorities be it homosexual behavior, wearing your pants with your under wearing showing, or not speaking English.

You can't be different and not be thought of differently.

rhertz 04-18-2007 12:22 PM

Borrowed from the movie "the 40 year old virgin"......

You know how I know you are gay?
Because you are invited on a cruise with Rosey O'Donnell.

Ok, do you know how I know you are gay?
Because you have no Bermuda shorts in your closet.

uh huh, you know how I know you are gay?
Because I spoke to Rosie and she said you were gay.

Yeah right, you know how I know you are gay?
Because you read Rosie O'Donnell threads on internet message boards.

cosmo kramer 04-18-2007 04:10 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Fright night! I wonder if Rosie has ever considered horror films?

Isaac-Saxxon 04-18-2007 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by cosmo kramer
Fright night! I wonder if Rosie has ever considered horror films?

You are a never ending source of laughter Kramer and a much needed breath of fresh air to the heated debates of this board. I read your post just to take a break from the other threads. :clap: :clap: :clap:

cosmo kramer 04-18-2007 05:39 PM

Well thanks to you Mr. Saxxon. You are an animal!:laugh:

Isaac-Saxxon 04-18-2007 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
I think some of you are missing the point.

They chose to exclude Bermuda because someone might exercise their right to protest at the arrival of a cruise set up exclusively for sexual perverts. It's like you refusing to drive down a street because some guy has an anti-Bush sign in his yard.

You're falling into their trap, Joe. There are a very few people (in proportion to the total population) who are willing to stage a protest, but Rosie and the Media want you to believe it's the entire region....and it's working. (Why would anyone who lives in a country whose economy is due almost entirely to tourism want to let the world know that they're judgmental about their guests?)

Why is this happening? She's doing it to keep her name and sexuality in the spotlight, and maybe to avoid a "situation"....empathy for her kind if you will. The media is doing it because controversy sells newspapers and makes for better forum conversations.

It's not a phobia or a type of discrimination to find a particular lifestyle disgusting just like it's not illegal or immoral to stand up for what you believe in and even stage a peaceful protest if you feel the need. Rosie can't stop people from protesting so she cries and screams like a baby rather than accepting the fact that there are going to be adverse reactions by the general population to the deviant lifestyles exercised by various minorities be it homosexual behavior, wearing your pants with your under wearing showing, or not speaking English.

You can't be different and not be thought of differently.

I dare to agree with Brain here on this one :clap: Good post Brain:clap:

Al Swearengen 04-18-2007 05:43 PM


Originally Posted by cosmo kramer
Fright night! I wonder if Rosie has ever considered horror films?

Thanks Kramer....I think I'll have some pistol targets printed up usin that pic!

cosmo kramer 04-18-2007 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by Al Swearengen
Thanks Kramer....I think I'll have some pistol targets printed up usin that pic!

AHH HAHA! Don't you just love that ROSIE!:laugh:

Texasbelle 04-18-2007 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
I think some of you are missing the point.

They chose to exclude Bermuda because someone might exercise their right to protest at the arrival of a cruise set up exclusively for sexual perverts. It's like you refusing to drive down a street because some guy has an anti-Bush sign in his yard.

You're falling into their trap, Joe. There are a very few people (in proportion to the total population) who are willing to stage a protest, but Rosie and the Media want you to believe it's the entire region....and it's working. (Why would anyone who lives in a country whose economy is due almost entirely to tourism want to let the world know that they're judgmental about their guests?)

Why is this happening? She's doing it to keep her name and sexuality in the spotlight, and maybe to avoid a "situation"....empathy for her kind if you will. The media is doing it because controversy sells newspapers and makes for better forum conversations.

It's not a phobia or a type of discrimination to find a particular lifestyle disgusting just like it's not illegal or immoral to stand up for what you believe in and even stage a peaceful protest if you feel the need. Rosie can't stop people from protesting so she cries and screams like a baby rather than accepting the fact that there are going to be adverse reactions by the general population to the deviant lifestyles exercised by various minorities be it homosexual behavior, wearing your pants with your under wearing showing, or not speaking English.

You can't be different and not be thought of differently.

Brain, you actually did it!!! Good job!!!! See you can say something right. I agree with you on this one!:D

Sheba 04-18-2007 06:10 PM

Very good comments!!

Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
I think some of you are missing the point.

They chose to exclude Bermuda because someone might exercise their right to protest at the arrival of a cruise set up exclusively for sexual perverts. It's like you refusing to drive down a street because some guy has an anti-Bush sign in his yard.

You're falling into their trap, Joe. There are a very few people (in proportion to the total population) who are willing to stage a protest, but Rosie and the Media want you to believe it's the entire region....and it's working. (Why would anyone who lives in a country whose economy is due almost entirely to tourism want to let the world know that they're judgmental about their guests?)

Why is this happening? She's doing it to keep her name and sexuality in the spotlight, and maybe to avoid a "situation"....empathy for her kind if you will. The media is doing it because controversy sells newspapers and makes for better forum conversations.

It's not a phobia or a type of discrimination to find a particular lifestyle disgusting just like it's not illegal or immoral to stand up for what you believe in and even stage a peaceful protest if you feel the need. Rosie can't stop people from protesting so she cries and screams like a baby rather than accepting the fact that there are going to be adverse reactions by the general population to the deviant lifestyles exercised by various minorities be it homosexual behavior, wearing your pants with your under wearing showing, or not speaking English.

You can't be different and not be thought of differently.

I must concur!! Negative attention... Positive attention - it's all the same when you crave that spotlight.

I love the target practice comment, too. lol:D :D

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