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Isaac-Saxxon 11-30-2006 12:28 PM

Man must leave planet earth ?
The idea that we can jump on a space ship and just relocate is crazy and so is Mr. Hawkins with the idea that there is only one way out.


Bob 11-30-2006 03:11 PM

What makes him crazy ? The whole world is going to heck in hand basket.. Common sense says it's just a matter of time before we are totally screwed. Over population, global warming, fammin', drinkable water shortages, war, diseases.. the next giant meteor.. you name it.

I'm sure Hawkins knows as well as anyone, we aren't going to simply hop to the next planet and colonize. But if we EVER WANT TO.. we better get on the ball and start working on it now. I believe that is all he's saying.

Hattie Thomas 11-30-2006 05:43 PM

Star Wars

Isaac-Saxxon 11-30-2006 07:41 PM

What makes him crazy ?
Do you see any other planets that even look like they might be a nice place to replenish man kind ? I think this guy has had to much time to think and being in his state of health wise this gets him the media action he wants. It is ok to be a dreamer some time. I do not know what he believes but I for one know there is my God the Creator of Heaven and Earth and the idea that we are going to save our race or our own soul is wrong "in MY opinion" ! I believe that the bell curve would take place if Christ did not intervene before the ninety percent die off occurred. Just thoughts of Isaac that's all not written in stone for the masses just for me.

LateNight 11-30-2006 10:17 PM

Not sure I understand the reaction to this news.. It has always been human nature I think to explore our frontiers. We're running out of them here on this rock. I've always felt.. that there HAS TO BE other life forms OUT THERE somewhere ? But the more I hear about how our planet was formed.. and how incredibly lucky we are that everything fell into place to make this planet livable and able to sustain life.. I start to wonder just possibly how RARE it would be to find another planet with life, much less a planet with beings able to travel the stars ?

But I think as long as we humans inhabit this earth.. it's in our nature to explore, to look to the stars, and dream up ways of further exploring space to see what we can find.

just my .02

Al Swearengen 11-30-2006 11:00 PM

Nows as good a time as any...
We're NOT alone, folks. Its no joke, and pretending that it is, well, those of you who think there's not an alien presence in our atmosphere can go on deluding yourselves about that...right up until the time that you cant.

Isaac-Saxxon 12-01-2006 07:36 AM

UFO crashes in Russia
There was a big fire and an impact in Russia. What I really love about UFO is that they are unidentified. Most likely a meteor. In the great book of Ezekiel it is written about UFO's as highly polished bronze vehicles and also refer to a giant world wind and in Revelation it describes Gods throne coming down to earth on one of these vehicles. "on earth as it is in heaven" so if and when you see the videos of lights in the sky and how they do not move like vehicles as we know them then do a little side study and you too will see it is written. Here is the news column


whoisthat 12-10-2006 07:29 PM

Off topic ? Or not?
Flying the friendly skies. Sounds like a plan, eh?

After you go through all the fare finders and finally commit to what you and your pocketbook agree is a doable price for your trip, your arrangements to leave town are in order. Your loved ones are farmed out or sittered-in, pets in safe keeping, abode is locked tight, you pack up and head out Hollywood to the airport.

Some person looks in your car windows and trunk (phenomenon not experienced in the other 22 airports I visited last year) you get to check-point inside the terminal. You remove your jacket, belt, keys, pocket contents, shoes, have carry-ons scrutinized. Your liquids and gels are exposed in the ONE QUART resealable baggie. You hopefully re-dress and gather up all your possessions again, get to gate and board plane. You're crammed in to a narrower than ever seat. Someone sits next to you, he's really fat and is spilling over into your space. The one behind you has whooping cough and restless leg syndrome. The one in front of you leans back. Someone needs a barf bag but erupts all over 3 rows, including yours. Then Fat guy begins to flatulate foully, fully and frequently.

Finally you land in the proper airport, but did your luggage come with you?

Rough Rider 01-05-2007 11:34 AM

A UFO at O'Hare? Some Pilots Thought So
Airline Employees Spot Mysterious Craft Hovering Over O'Hare; FAA Officials Skeptical


CHICAGO Jan 1, 2007 (AP)— Federal officials say it was probably just some weird weather phenomenon, but a group of United Airlines employees swear they saw a mysterious, saucer-shaped craft hovering over O'Hare Airport last fall.
Link: A UFO at O'Hare? Some Pilots Thought So

Isaac-Saxxon 01-05-2007 01:54 PM

A UFO at O'Hare? Some Pilots Thought So
You can find it written in the book of Ezekiel about "UFO's" and other places in the Bible about highly polished bronze vehicles. They are real and there is a reason they are not picked up on radar it is because of the dimension they are in.

Snow Man 01-18-2007 05:52 AM

More sightings of UFOs in west AR
Now that is a bit close to home. I found this link and I thought it would go along with this thread. Please click on and let me know what you think.
Snow Man :cool:

joepole 01-18-2007 09:07 AM

>Do you see any other planets that even look like they might be a nice place to replenish man kind

600 years ago did anyone in Europe know of any other continents that looked like a nice place settle?

Isaac-Saxxon 01-18-2007 10:15 AM

600 years ago did anyone in Europe know of any other continents
600 years ago they where happy to have a mule and cart. I do no think they could see past the coast line. In the last hundred years things have come along way. Your second question about the other planets ? I do not see any other planets that even come close to the planet earth so no I do not see us packing up and moving or any other life forms living there. I do know that this clay shell can not inherit the kingdom of heaven. "on earth as it is in heaven" so a different dimension that the spirit or soul of man is in after this body we are in decays. Joepole do you believe in God ?

Snow Man 01-18-2007 10:27 AM

planets that even look like they might be a nice place to replenish man kind
Well to replenish man kind would seem strange because there would have had to be man kind already there to (re) plenish ?
Snow Man :cool:

joepole 01-18-2007 10:36 AM

>600 years ago they where happy to have a mule and cart. I do no think they could see past the coast line.

>I do not see any other planets that even come close to the planet earth so no

Do you see a parallel?

I believe in God but I think the Bible is a work of fiction.

Isaac-Saxxon 01-18-2007 10:52 AM

Do you see a parallel?
Yes I do see a parallel. I can also see how someone could believe in God just in case there is one. Does the god you believe in have a name or just a force or energy source ? I am ok with you thinking the Bible is fiction but have you ever taken the time to read it ?

joepole 01-18-2007 11:08 AM

I have never read the entire Bible, only the parts we had to in Sunday School.

My god is not a nameless/faceless entity, he is a small lizard that lives in my eyebrow.

Isaac-Saxxon 01-18-2007 11:16 AM

he is a small lizard that lives in my eyebrow
Hey that is something I can believe. Lizard, lizard, lizard !

LateNight 01-18-2007 12:43 PM

Why.. that's INCREDIBLE :)

oh yea.. and :gosaints:

Isaac-Saxxon 01-18-2007 04:27 PM

Frozen Saints
They may need those sled dogs to get to the game. I hope they are up there getting used to that cold wind and snow. Oh yea nice UFO looks like the one in AR. :D


AnimeSpirit 01-19-2007 09:47 AM

It would be interesting to see where mankind does end up. Are we going to stay here and get a handle on our problems? Or are we going into space to thin the population here out first?

This may not be entirely on-topic, but I think a lot of the world's problems stem from overpopulation. Starvation, shortages of resources (i.e. fuel, water, food), pollution from using those resources (too many cars on the road and we are still making more), space for housing, employment, and even some problems in politics stem from there being far too many people to satisfy.

We have built so many structures on the ground that we are now forced to stack them into tall buildings in order to make room for everyone. You can take a ride in an airplane over any state you choose and see almost nothing but buildings everywhere a building can be put.

In the wild, there is a natural balance between predators and prey animals. When there are too many predators, the prey population thins out, thus causing starvation among the predators. The thinning among the predators then causes a return in the prey population which causes the predators to bounce back as well. Humans, on the other hand, are great survivors who adapt far better than a mere lion or tiger. We REFUSE to follow this natural balance. However, we will surely lose to the order of the world if we are not willing to side-step it.

Isaac-Saxxon 01-19-2007 11:01 AM

Are we going to stay here and get a handle on our problems?
Hey there AnimeSpirit :) do you know Tuxedo Mask ? Maybe Sailor Moon ? Well any way I have done some time there with my daughter. Now it is the question that drives us. Now my thoughts on the world. There are two roads that I look at and the first would be the bell curve or exponential growth curve. When a population peaks 90% of them will die off from disease or some other major plague. In past war was a large factor at keeping man in check but now days wars are fought on a different front leaving disease. Road two is when we reach our apex or event horizon then as a Christian I believe that Christ will return NO rapture ! It will be Christ that defeats our enemies not the armed forces. It is written the time of the locust will be the time. The natural cycle of the locust is May thru September. My thoughts are with the second road and that third road of moving to another planet I can not see it.
"on earth as it is in heaven" ;)

joepole 01-19-2007 02:23 PM

This planet isn't even close to overpopulated.

LateNight 01-19-2007 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by joepole
This planet isn't even close to overpopulated.

yea.. I suppose it just depends entirely on where you live. I don't feel over populated here.. But I think of some places on this rock, I'd rather not live because of TOO MANY PEOPLE :)

Isaac-Saxxon 01-19-2007 04:36 PM

This planet isn't even close to overpopulated.
I did not say we have reached that event horizon but with time we will or they will depends on who is alive at the time. Joe your a number crunchier when do you think we will peak ?? Maybe Mr. Hawkins has all the answers and we can build our ship of sorts and set the controls for the heart of the sun !
Isaac-Saxxon :D

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