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scarlett 10-05-2006 06:52 PM

How many adults out there have created a myspace just because? I have due to my children living away from me and also finding old classmates believe it or not. For a year I kept saying it was for kids but in reality there are just as many adults out there as there are kids on myspace.

LateNight 10-05-2006 07:48 PM


Originally Posted by scarlett
How many adults out there have created a myspace just because? I have due to my children living away from me and also finding old classmates believe it or not. For a year I kept saying it was for kids but in reality there are just as many adults out there as there are kids on myspace.

yea.. it's a big hit with the kids no doubt.. my kids have their own myspace, and all their friends do.. myspace is also a pretty big hit with bands as well.. I've even seen some movies lately advertising their myspace address. so I guess it's all the rage.. but no don't have my own myspace.


Isaac-Saxxon 10-06-2006 07:31 AM

I worry about my children on line

Originally Posted by scarlett
How many adults out there have created a myspace just because? I have due to my children living away from me and also finding old classmates believe it or not. For a year I kept saying it was for kids but in reality there are just as many adults out there as there are kids on myspace.

My youngest daughter (15) has a myspace page and I worry about freaks
logging on and seeing photos and personal info. I know you cant log on
unless..... but hackers can get into most anything they would like. Caution
is the word with this new myspace. I am sure it has its good points but
our children are just that children. Personal photos on line "NOT" !
To each his or her own as a adult but I know there are some very bad
folks out there so Scarlett enjoy but caution too.

joepole 10-06-2006 09:17 AM

Myspace seems to be the launching point for most of the zero-day exploits people keep finding in Windows. I wouldn't even consider pulling up a myspace page. We completely block the entire site at work.

BrainSmashR 05-11-2007 06:49 AM


Originally Posted by joepole
Myspace seems to be the launching point for most of the zero-day exploits people keep finding in Windows. I wouldn't even consider pulling up a myspace page. We completely block the entire site at work.

Yes well that could be a problem for the inexperienced PC user. I mean folks even today still open the strange looking, unsolicited, e-mail attachment from the person they've never heard of and infect their own machines on a daily basis.

However, for someone with just a fraction of common sense, Myspace doesn't pose any threat to your PC what so ever...

Here's a link to mine, but be sure to turn your volume as loud as it will go prior to clicking the below image.

joepole 05-11-2007 08:43 AM

"The inexperienced PC user" is the category that covers 99% of all office workers.

Also, Myspace is where that GDI cursor bug showed up in the wild a last month. There is absolutely nothing experience could have done to protect you if you were using IE, MS didn't patch it for a couple of weeks. There have been a few others like that, as well.

AnimeSpirit 05-11-2007 09:26 AM

I have a myspace account, but I never use it. I haven't posted anything on it. I just use it for contacting other myspace users on rare occasions.

As for me, I'm a very savvy computer user. There is really very little myspace can do for me that I can't do on my own webspace. Moreover, there are a TON of things I can do on my webspace that Myspace will never have.

Texasbelle 05-11-2007 10:33 AM

I think MySpace is the devil's playground for the most part. I realize there are some exceptions, but I have seen the pathway it has led my step son down, his mother, and even my own 18 y/o son for awhile until I banned it. The things that these kids say and do on it are atrocious. Parents are not doing enough to monitor their children's activities on it. Stepson's mother has some pretty horrific stuff on her MySpace that the authorities themselves need to view. She is on their talking to adolescents mostly and interacting in a very inappropriate manner for a 50 y/o woman.

I think it's not a good thing but it's just my opinion from our experience.

BrainSmashR 05-11-2007 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by joepole
"The inexperienced PC user" is the category that covers 99% of all office workers.

Also, Myspace is where that GDI cursor bug showed up in the wild a last month. There is absolutely nothing experience could have done to protect you if you were using IE, MS didn't patch it for a couple of weeks. There have been a few others like that, as well.

Actually there is a VERY SIMPLE solution that covers every existing, potential, and future threat posed to IE users.....It's called Firefox and I highly recommend you switch browsers as soon as possible.

AnimeSpirit 05-11-2007 12:15 PM

You know, I was just pondering where the Internet has gone since it was first introduced to the public and what it has brought to us.

Now, we have every piece of information you could ever need right at your fingertips. You could talk to or play games with people in any country anywhere in the world. You can shop and some even work their job right from home now. The Internet has, in a sense, brought people closer to together all over the world. It tears down barriers put up by time and space that would otherwise stand between us and the world.

Bringing people closer together sounds like a great idea until we are reminded that there are people out there we honestly wouldn't want to be closer to (like our friend, Santabot). There are people whose existance downright repel us because they are different, are misguided, or just generally oppose everything we are and stand for.

People, as a society, still haven't gotten over differences among us. People who do not share our upbringing generally make us turn away. Is it their fault? No more than our upbringing is our fault. Aside from that, it's also true that some of these people repel us because of behavior that we find entirely attrocious.

Take romance with minors, for instance. While I do not condone such behavior here in the states where it is quite illegal, there are places in the world where the age of consent is as low as 12. While I was in Florida, we heard stories in our neighborhood of a foreign man from overseas who moved in. He recently became a U.S. citizen and immediately got into trouble with the law. Why? Because his wife, whom we brought with him from his country, was way under 18. It may not be right to be married to a minor, but in his case, I couldn't really shun him for it.

Of course, there are also people who just simply violent or are sexual predators, which I think is one of the biggest fears of getting online and posting personal data on Myspace. A little common sense is appropriate here.

Here are some simple common sense Internet safety tips that may help you stay safe online:
  1. Never meet someone you met online unless you've known them and spoken to them online for some time (6 months or more) and have spoken to them via other means. Knowing some of their other friends is helpful. This gives you time to gauge their personality.
  2. Don't trust photos that people send you. They may not actually be them.
  3. Despite the bad reputation webcams have been given due to the pornography industry, webcams can be your best friend for identifying someone online whom you may want to meet in person. They cost $20 at Wal-mart and they are nearly impossible to fool, so persuade your online friends to get one and consent to webcam interaction. Yahoo Messenger has a webcam feature that is great for getting to know people and it will show you EXACTLY who is sitting at the keyboard. Sexual predators who wish to keep their identities secret will not consent to this, so it's a good method to filter out potential threats.
  4. Posting your photo online isn't always a bad thing because having nothing but a photo, a sexual predator isn't going to track you down with only that.
  5. Be careful posting an address or telephone number online! E-mail is more secure and if you want to arrange a telephone conversation, send your number through e-mail!
  6. Use nicknames anywhere you can and avoid using any real names!

I may think of more later, but this should do for now. Later! :D

BrainSmashR 05-11-2007 12:23 PM


Sorry, but I have to spread some reputation around before I can "give it to AnimeSpirit again"


joepole 05-11-2007 01:21 PM

Switching from IE isn't an option for many people.

BrainSmashR 05-11-2007 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by joepole
Switching from IE isn't an option for many people.

Utilizing FREE software is an option for anyone with an internet connection and administrative access to their PC. If you AREN'T the system administrator then you're probably being paid to do something other than browse profiles on Myspace, and shouldn't be there anyway.

BrainSmashR 05-30-2007 06:45 AM

Edited my layout again....take a look. You might be surprised! Here's a hint, it's not heavy metal, death, or demonic in nature what so ever....but that's why you better look quick because it won't be there for long.

rhertz 05-30-2007 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by Texasbelle
Parents are not doing enough to monitor their children's activities on it.

The problem is that children use myspace to communicate "underground" where they learn how to defeat most if not all parental controls. For example Kids are using a U3 Smart Drive to circumvent "net nanny" type software. Short of standing over your child while he or she is typing, it is hard to be sure what they are doing all the time. That might be ideal to always stand over your child, but in the real world, I'm not always going to be all the places that a keyboard might be. I don't have a perfect solution other than to raise my kids to do the right thing, because I'm sure they can outsmart me if they try hard enough.

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