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Isaac-Saxxon 10-12-2006 07:58 AM

Easter (Astarte) is of pagan orgins.
Christ became our Passover when he when he was crucified and defeated
death with his resurrection ! All the blood sacrifices of the Old Testament
where stopped. It was the blood of the lamb that saved the Hebrews in
the exodus and it was the Blood of the Lamb on the cross that open the
door to all of Gods children to eternal life. With that said it is not the eggs
or bunnies or sun worship for little children that is wrong it is placing these
things in our houses of worship in the place of Christ that is such a abomination to our Lord.


pascha NT:3957 mistranslated "Easter" in Acts 12:4 , KJV, denotes the Passover (RV).
The phrase "after the Passover" signifies after the whole festival was at an end. The term
"Easter" is not of Christian origin. It is another form of Astarte, one of the titles of the
Chaldean goddess, the queen of heaven. The festival of Pasch held by Christians in post-
apostolic times was a continuation of the Jewish feast, but was not instituted by Christ, nor
was it connected with Lent. From this Pasch the pagan festival of "Easter" was quite distinct
and was introduced into the apostate Western religion, as part of the attempt to adapt pagan
festivals to Christianity. See PASSOVER.
(from Vine's Expository Dictionary of Biblical Words )

now read what God had to say about the queen of heaven and those whom worship
the queen of heaven in Gods house of worship.

Jeremiah 44


Bob 10-12-2006 08:35 AM

When is Easter
O.k. so when is Easter, Good Friday and Mardi Gras, and how do they determine the dates on these events ??

Isaac-Saxxon 10-12-2006 09:51 AM

Vernal Equinox
The Vernal Equinox was when they celebrated Easter. Eastre was the pagan
goddess of fertility. Bunnies and rolling of eggs . The sunrise services that
are done are also a left over of Babylon Sun worship. These are all part
of Baal worship. There some very interesting facts to be found in a study
of the Assyrian Tablets that where unearthed. I have a link for anybody
that would like to take look a very interesting study that agrees with the Bible.


joepole 10-12-2006 10:32 AM

Most modern Christian holidays are when they are because they were trying to overwrite other religions. Does the Bible make any mention of Jesus being born on December 25th? Of Easter even being during the Spring?

Isaac-Saxxon 10-12-2006 10:48 AM

Christ birthday
The Bible does thru much study tell us that Christ birthday is September 29th
and He began to dwell with man in December ! Religion is man made and
Christianity is of Christ. Now Easter is not in the original manuscripts and
we should take communion at true Passover. This is not anti Christian but
what Christianity is all about.

Tomoshibi 12-19-2006 11:26 PM

Original Meaning

I removed this post because it was based on several points I made in confusion. See my first post on page 2 for the correct information.

Isaac-Saxxon 12-20-2006 06:42 AM

Sun God, Bel, or Bal, or Baal
Bel and the Dragon. They go hand in hand. The bunnies and eggs are in the church in the "place" of Passover. Christ became our Passover and this is the very thing that makes God "L" very unhappy with the pagan things in the Christian Church.

Snow Man 12-20-2006 02:30 PM

This is America and freedom of religion is how we got here
Freedom to be any religion be it Christian, Jew, Pagan or any other religion and when one try's to put the others down to build themselves up it is wrong.Let each stand on its on merits not the slash and burn from others.
Snow Man :cool:

Tomoshibi 12-20-2006 07:58 PM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
Bel and the Dragon. They go hand in hand. The bunnies and eggs are in the church in the "place" of Passover. Christ became our Passover and this is the very thing that makes God "L" very unhappy with the pagan things in the Christian Church.

You lost me there. What dragon are you referring to?

It is unusual for you to say that having bunnies and eggs in church is a Pagan thing and that it makes God unhappy. By Christian standards, the bunnies and eggs are creations of God as well. I dare not say that your beliefs are wrong. However, God surely wouldn't be unhappy that we have chosen to adopt a bit of harmless frivolity with other creations of his. When God said for us to honor our neighbors, I am certain he wasn't merely referring to the guy who lives next door. He wanted us to acknowledge all of our neighboring lifeforms by every sense of the word. Any other detail is unimportant (i.e. race, age, gender, religion, or who the last people to honor your neighbor was).

If I am understanding you correctly, I gather that any tradition that was once a Pagan rite or routine is surely wrong in the eyes of God. I take no offense one way or the other, but is this what you are implying?

Isaac-Saxxon 12-21-2006 01:26 PM

You lost me there. What dragon are you referring to?
Dear Tomoshibi, I feel like I know just after three post :rolleyes: You sound well versed in being a pagan and proud of it. If you would like to know about "The Story of Bel and the Dragon" it can be found on page 363 of the "Apocrypha" by Edgar J. Goodspeed along with many other great writings.These are books not canonized in the King James Bible. Makes for a great read and very spiritual. Who was "that old Dragon" is this the man "Ish" that deceived the whole world ?

Question ? Is there a special meaning to your Avatar name "Tomoshib" ? I tried and I did come up with some ideas as to what it means but nothing for sure.

Tomoshibi 12-21-2006 04:25 PM

Actually, Tomoshibi is a Japanese word meaning "light." I used this as the last name of a fictional character I once wrote about.

Isaac-Saxxon 12-22-2006 11:48 AM

Japanese word meaning "light."
Do you do Japanese Maples ? Make that Light Maples :D

Tomoshibi 12-22-2006 12:20 PM

No, I don't know anything about Japanese Maples, but I do like the Japanese sakura (cherry blossoms). My affiliation with the Japanese culture is mostly due to my anime fandom. I watch a lot of anime ever since I was a kid and I study Japanese sometimes.

Isaac-Saxxon 12-22-2006 01:02 PM

I study Japanese sometimes
I think everybody is turning Japanese :p You sure got the knack of posting quick. Must have been that video clip. Welcome to SB Live Grasshopper !
Weed Eater :D

Bob 12-22-2006 04:28 PM

Judging by some of the topics of 'Today's Posts' it looks like this forum is going Pagan ??? what's up with that.


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