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LateNight 12-01-2007 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by rhertz (Post 25841)
LateNight I don't always agree with you, but you called this one, didn't you? :D

LOL, yeah, but I was referring to Joepole and I forget who else, were arguing about what the meaning of "is" is.. or was that what makes a good argument or debate? Things have taken yet another turn. :cool::peace:

AnimeSpirit 12-01-2007 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by LateNight (Post 25842)
LOL, yeah, but I was referring to Joepole and I forget who else, were arguing about what the meaning of "is" is.. or was that what makes a good argument or debate? Things have taken yet another turn. :cool::peace:

I drifted off during that part of the conversation. :p

Morpheus 12-01-2007 09:02 PM


Originally Posted by rhertz (Post 25841)
LateNight I don't always agree with you, but you called this one, didn't you? :D

Well it wasn't exactly a difficult call. You can count on passion-and therefore controversy and strong discussion in three areas: Religion, Politics and Sports. It's why I don't discuss these things at work.

rhertz 12-01-2007 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by Morpheus (Post 25847)
Well it wasn't exactly a difficult call. You can count on passion-and therefore controversy and strong discussion in three areas: Religion, Politics and Sports. It's why I don't discuss these things at work.

Agreed, only these three are the only things we talk about at work.... LOL, we have no women or minorities at work, but we do have various religions, candidates, and sports teams we all root for... Not a bad work place...

AnimeSpirit 12-01-2007 10:29 PM

I find that these topics can be discussed peacefully if all parties don't take it to personally. I've been on religious forums before and members actually keep it impressively clean most of the time. They know how to give each other their due space.

Isaac-Saxxon 12-02-2007 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by piemaker720 (Post 25839)
I don't know about Anime but I for one don't like your post. I have not read anywhere on this thread someone calling a Christian a door mat. Furthermore you are the only one that is talking knocking people on their ass. I don't see anywhere where your religion is being attacked. You are sounding more like someone from another country, talk about my religion and I'll kill you. I don't have to be nice either but if this is what Christianity teaches people to act like then I don't want no part of it. I also have your other cheek. I don't believe in attacking someone's beliefs but I also try not to be rude.

A word to the wise ain't necessary - it's the stupid ones that need the advice.-- Bill Cosby
I do not like your post either PIE ! You are attacking what I believe and being rude as you take a stand for Paganism. What is it you do believe ? Not using capital letters for one. "Christianity" ! The Bible makes is real clear what God thinks about Pagans and many of them were destroyed for their Pagan practices. If I slip up and crack on Pagans in your home get mad get rude what ever but when I crack on them in my home well you already know what will happen :rolleyes: Life is short and eternity is long so we live by our decisions. You might believe you will come back as a monkey :monkey: or some other creature. I plan on being me forever. Yes we all have choice in this life but the next will be very different. Anime I do not dislike you I just do not agree at all with you.

piemaker720 12-02-2007 09:17 AM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon (Post 25858)
A word to the wise ain't necessary - it's the stupid ones that need the advice.-- Bill Cosby
I do not like your post either PIE ! You are attacking what I believe and being rude as you take a stand for Paganism. What is it you do believe ? Not using capital letters for one. "Christianity" ! The Bible makes is real clear what God thinks about Pagans and many of them were destroyed for their Pagan practices. If I slip up and crack on Pagans in your home get mad get rude what ever but when I crack on them in my home well you already know what will happen :rolleyes: Life is short and eternity is long so we live by our decisions. You might believe you will come back as a monkey :monkey: or some other creature. I plan on being me forever. Yes we all have choice in this life but the next will be very different. Anime I do not dislike you I just do not agree at all with you.

Again Issac no one has said anything bad against Christianity, no one. If they have feel free to point it out. Another thing, I AM NOT A PAGAN, where do You get off accusing me of something you know nothing about. I said if Christianity teaches people to act the way you are acting I want no part of it, but no where did I SAY I was a Pagan. You accuse me of believing in reincarination but no where have I said that, in fact I believe in neither. You accuse me of taking up for Pagans, where have I done that? I jump in when your attitude starting getting threatening, I don't believe no one should be threatened because of their beliefs, has anyone threatened you for your beliefs, NO. I would like to know one thing from you, Who do you consider Christians? Baptist, Pentecostal, Presbyterian, Mormans, Jehovah's Witnesses, Methodist, I could go on. Are all these considered Christians? You clearly didn't consider people in other countries Christians. By the way my not using caps is just another thing for you to gripe about uh!

Isaac-Saxxon 12-02-2007 09:32 AM


Originally Posted by piemaker720 (Post 25861)
Again Issac no one has said anything bad against Christianity, no one. If they have feel free to point it out. Another thing, I AM NOT A PAGAN, where do You get off accusing me of something you know nothing about. I said if Christianity teaches people to act the way you are acting I want no part of it, but no where did I SAY I was a Pagan. You accuse me of believing in reincarnation but no where have I said that, in fact I believe in neither. You accuse me of taking up for Pagans, where have I done that? I jump in when your attitude starting getting threatening, I don't believe no one should be threatened because of their beliefs, has anyone threatened you for your beliefs, NO. I would like to know one thing from you, Who do you consider Christians? Baptist, Pentecostal, Presbyterian, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Methodist, I could go on. Are all these considered Christians? You clearly didn't consider people in other countries Christians. By the way my not using caps is just another thing for you to gripe about uh!

I ask you I did not say that you were either !! You are not picking up on the analogy. I did not say I would kick your ass I said I would reserve the right if thing warrant such action. Not likely going to ever happen. Now I said other peoples too and maybe if you spent some time in the history books and read about the migrations you could speak from a point of view that is not a knee jerk reaction. You can believe in bacon that is fine with me. When you practice a religion that believes in destroying mine then shame on you. Islam and communistic peoples are top on the list.

2 Timothy 2:15
"Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."

piemaker720 12-02-2007 09:52 AM

< You are attacking what I believe >

Again where have I done that?

< you take a stand for Paganism.>

That's not saying I'm Pagan!

<The Bible makes is real clear what God thinks about Pagans and many of them were destroyed for their Pagan practices>

That's not attacking what Anime believes in?

LateNight 12-02-2007 10:33 AM

It's this mentality of "I'm right, you're wrong" and I don't care what YOU say.

There are of course certain absolutes in this world. Then there are things that certain ones of us BELIEVE to be ABSOLUTES, with or without proof. That's where the whole 'faith' comes in..

Personally I can enjoy these types of debates, up to a point. Before they get hateful, before they turn into attacks.

Not everyone is capable of having such debates.

Personally, I believe on the 8th day, God created Rock 'n Roll :laugh:

The weekend is almost over, the weekend is too short.. Saints play.. it's do or die time... New Orleans vs Tampa Bay.. down in the dome. 3:15pm

Pocahontas 12-02-2007 11:14 AM

de·bate (d-bt)
v. de·bat·ed, de·bat·ing, de·bates
1. To consider something; deliberate.
2. To engage in argument by discussing opposing points.
3. To engage in a formal discussion or argument.
4. To fight or quarrel

I'd say there's been a regular occurrence of these here at SB Live!:peace:

vixweb 12-02-2007 12:50 PM

Here's that old saying again: If you can't take the heat, don't make controversial posts- this IS a forum. That means there are other opinions here, that may not line up with yours. Why do people get upset over this? Because people don't agree with you? This is a "hot topic"- Deal with it, or dont! You keep calling others "ignorant", but dismissing others opinions is not going to give you credibility. These are peoples beliefs, and I think Paganism is incredibly stupid/wrong. You can call that an attack if you want, You dont have to like it- I have personally read many books on religion, yes that means different religions than mine, so calling me ignorant or uneducated on the subject is simply not correct. Anime, you even admitted that different traditions handle what you come back as differently, which one of you are right? can all of you be right? Do you NOT see how ridiculous that is?

Isaac-Saxxon 12-02-2007 12:54 PM

To fight or quarrel !! Yes quite right. We all believe differently no problem. What I believe I am passionate about like Anime. NO problem. I will not back up from what I believe the Living God written Bible and Christ. Sorry Anime but Pagans are looked upon with contempt and many times were destroyed by the Israelites. I have read of your religion and many books on Druids too. No stranger to what IT is I am addressing. IT is Pagan worship not Anime or Pie or any other "person" NO it is the agenda I am writing of. I am sure I was a bit harsh sorry for that. I will say in light of comments I do know how to lay the sword down ;) :peace::peace::peace:

Princess Leia 12-02-2007 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by piemaker720 (Post 25861)
Again Issac no one has said anything bad against Christianity, no one. If they have feel free to point it out. Another thing, I AM NOT A PAGAN, where do You get off accusing me of something you know nothing about. I said if Christianity teaches people to act the way you are acting I want no part of it, but no where did I SAY I was a Pagan. You accuse me of believing in reincarination but no where have I said that, in fact I believe in neither. You accuse me of taking up for Pagans, where have I done that? I jump in when your attitude starting getting threatening, I don't believe no one should be threatened because of their beliefs, has anyone threatened you for your beliefs, NO. I would like to know one thing from you, Who do you consider Christians? Baptist, Pentecostal, Presbyterian, Mormans, Jehovah's Witnesses, Methodist, I could go on. Are all these considered Christians? You clearly didn't consider people in other countries Christians. By the way my not using caps is just another thing for you to gripe about uh!

Just one point - a person can be a part of any organized religion = Baptist, Mormon, Catholic, etc. That doesn't automatically make them a Christian. To be a "Christian" you have to live a life like Christ. You have to believe that He laid down his life for you - so you may have ETERNAL life. I know many people who are parts of churches both big and small and are headed strait to Hell. Not trying to be ugly, that is just the black and white of the situation. One has to accecpt the free gift of eternal salvation that God so generously gave to us through His Son - Jesus. So, no, Pie - not all of the above are considered Christian, unless they have asked Christ to come live in their hearts and be the Lord of their whole life. God's gift is open to all who will recieve it. All he wants is for the person to be his child.

joepole 12-02-2007 02:10 PM

>To be a "Christian" you have to live a life like Christ.

No, you don't. You have to simply believe that the Big J was the son of God and came to Earth to be killed for us.

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