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piemaker720 06-06-2007 02:24 PM

You know Joe, I might use your/you're or whatever else you find wrong but guess WHAT I really don't care. You never have anything good to say about no one on this board. As far as I am concern you can take a bite out of this 60' end. And I'm repeating Brain. You are one of the most boring and ignorant people I've ever seen. You bad mouth kids and elderly people all the time. Grow up Jerk.

Texasbelle 06-06-2007 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by piemaker720
You know Joe, I might use your/you're or whatever else you find wrong but guess WHAT I really don't care. You never have anything good to say about no one on this board. As far as I am concern you can take a bite out of this 60' end. And I'm repeating Brain. You are one of the most boring and ignorant people I've ever seen. You bad mouth kids and elderly people all the time. Grow up Jerk.

My goodness Joe! I believe that is Pie all over your face. Is it cow pie or what?

joepole 06-06-2007 02:33 PM

1. See? It doesn't make sense to call me ignorant in a manner that demonstrates ignorance yourself. It would be like if I told you "You'se be having bad grammars, stoopid!" Of what, exactly, am I ignorant?

2. I wasn't aware the purpose of this board (or a requirement to be a worthwhile contributor) was to say good things about other posters.

3. I badmouth everybody, regardless of age. Most people deserve to be badmouthed.

rhertz 06-06-2007 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by joepole
1. See? It doesn't make sense to call me ignorant in a manner that demonstrates ignorance yourself. It would be like if I told you "You'se be having bad grammars, stoopid!" Of what, exactly, am I ignorant?

2. I wasn't aware the purpose of this board (or a requirement to be a worthwhile contributor) was to say good things about other posters.

3. I badmouth everybody, regardless of age. Most people deserve to be badmouthed.

Of what, exactly do people deserve to be badmouthed? (ducking) :D

(please don't say "ignorance") hehehe

joepole 06-06-2007 04:04 PM

Pretty much everything. Our society is, in general, MUCH too concerned about the feelings of others. I like to think I'm making a difference one little bit at a time.

Texasbelle 06-06-2007 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by joepole
Pretty much everything. Our society is, in general, MUCH too concerned about the feelings of others. I like to think I'm making a difference one little bit at a time.

The only thing you are proving Joe is how much of a jerk you are. One post at a time.

LateNight 06-06-2007 04:17 PM

Yes.. Joe, is an equal opportunity poster.. he doesn't mind putting anybody down, all-be-it in a less mean spirited manner than some.. and for that, I'm thankful.

joepole 06-06-2007 04:32 PM

Jerks are a necessary and important part of society. Ever wonder how/why the women never ended up in charge?

BrainSmashR 06-06-2007 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by piemaker720
Okay, Peabrain, Like I said my 60" waistline is none of your business. For one you feed it or cloth it, so until you do then it does not concern you. [I am talking to someone that don't know the difference between ' means feet " means inches. Where you go to school. School of forever jerks] As far as excerise you don't know what I do, your just guessing. And as far as doctors and being a coward, let me tell you. I had a lump removed last year, I did not tell my kids or my family until the day before my surgery. The only reason they knew then I needed a ride to the hosiptal because I wouldn't be able to drive. So my health is my business not yours. Also you say you lost 50 pounds since Christmas, so El Chumpo where do you get off. Then we have a matter of you talking about disabled children, what kind of monster are you. I bet your mother would slap you stupid. Of course you said one time you were the only one under 50 in your building. What do you do terrorize the elderly in your spare time when your not picking on small children? No matter how many times you change your avatar it still comes back Monster with a capitol M. God help you.

Umm, I know that with a 60" waistline that you don't even THINK about exercise much less actually participate in any strenuous activity. You're obese, ok. You're waist is bigger around than some people are tall! BTW, I'm 6'2" 250 pounds isn't as lot of weight for a man my size, but I admit it WAS to much for me.....but hey, I'm not the one trying to justify being a fat pig, am I?

rhertz 06-06-2007 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by joepole
Jerks are a necessary and important part of society.

Especially Internet discussion boards..... (ducking) :D

joepole 06-06-2007 06:30 PM

>You're obese, ok. You're waist is bigger around than some people are tall! BTW, I'm 6'2" 250 pounds isn't as lot of weight for a man my size,

6'2 @ 250 lbs is a BMI of 32.1. Anything over 30 is "obese."

piemaker720 06-06-2007 08:09 PM

Okay, Brain let me clarify something, my waist is not 60", I guessed at it. So you can rest a sured my fatass is still none of your concern. You want to go on about it but I over estimated when I said it. The point being no matter what I look like it is not anyone's business but mine. That is a lesson I have tried to instill in my children, You don't judge someone for their looks. I have met a lot of obese people that were as nice as you'd ever meet. I have seen some regular size folks that are total jackasses ,that I cared not to be around. There is more to someone other than looks. But stupidity stays, which I think you have a lot of. So feel free to call me fatass or any other thing your peabrain might come up with.:laugh: :laugh:

joepole 06-06-2007 08:32 PM

>You don't judge someone for their looks

Sure you do. Why wouldn't you?

piemaker720 06-06-2007 08:39 PM

I do not, I'm not a vain person. Looks are not important to me. However to you they probably are, which is not surprising.

Isabella 06-06-2007 08:43 PM


Originally Posted by joepole
>You don't judge someone for their looks

Sure you do. Why wouldn't you?

LOL, wonder what you look like? I imagine, a skinny man with glasses and curly dark hair, and a frown on your face.

piemaker720 06-06-2007 08:55 PM

No, Isabella, medium build, light color hair and acts like he's god's gift to the world.

LateNight 06-06-2007 11:16 PM

For a message board that claims for the most part to be christian.. I've never seen a group of people toss around such mean sprited remarks about others.. and christian or not.. it's no way to act.

And because of this one fact.. more threads get thrown off course, and turn into mud fights..

From now on...
I'm going to do my part to make sure that doesn't happen.

I'm not saying everyone has to agree.. that would be boring. but I'd like to suggest we keep the personal attacks to a minimum, or at least keep them in private messages :)


BrainSmashR 06-07-2007 06:19 AM


Originally Posted by piemaker720
Okay, Brain let me clarify something, my waist is not 60", I guessed at it. So you can rest a sured my fatass is still none of your concern. You want to go on about it but I over estimated when I said it. The point being no matter what I look like it is not anyone's business but mine. That is a lesson I have tried to instill in my children, You don't judge someone for their looks. I have met a lot of obese people that were as nice as you'd ever meet. I have seen some regular size folks that are total jackasses ,that I cared not to be around. There is more to someone other than looks. But stupidity stays, which I think you have a lot of. So feel free to call me fatass or any other thing your peabrain might come up with.:laugh: :laugh:

1. I SERIOUSLY doubt you don't know your waist size because that would make buying clothes virtually impossible without trying on everything in the store....and let's be realistic here, not only are you human, you're a woman too.

2. Even if you were off by 2 feet, a 36 inch waist is still an indication that you need to shed a few pounds. I'm 6'2", 200lbs and my waistline is a 32. You're a woman and I seriously doubt you're even close to 6'2"

...and if I were you, I wouldn't go around talking about the intelligence of others if you're best guess was a 5 foot waistline and as long as you have the right to vote, your level of intelligence IS my concern.

BTW, care to show us a picture of this ugly-ass husband of yours or can we go ahead and cut the bull**** about judging people based on their appearance?

Isaac-Saxxon 06-07-2007 06:55 AM


Originally Posted by LateNight
For a message board that claims for the most part to be Christian.. I've never seen a group of people toss around such mean spirited remarks about others.. and Christian or not.. it's no way to act.

And because of this one fact.. more threads get thrown off course, and turn into mud fights..

From now on...
I'm going to do my part to make sure that doesn't happen.

I'm not saying everyone has to agree.. that would be boring. but I'd like to suggest we keep the personal attacks to a minimum, or at least keep them in private messages :)


Well LN this board makes no claims to be anything but a bunch of random individuals from the internet. Even though I know Christ and Christianity to be real many others on this board do not. We had a pole and this made the same point. I think as we all may start out with good post after you have been jacked with a few times it will bring the indignation out and most will defend themselves. The sad part some good people that might be posting will leave or just read and not post. This is a natural selection of V Bulletin. I do admire your intention and I like your post. So back to the SBL VB game :rolleyes:

piemaker720 06-07-2007 08:30 AM


Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
1. I SERIOUSLY doubt you don't know your waist size because that would make buying clothes virtually impossible without trying on everything in the store....and let's be realistic here, not only are you human, you're a woman too.

2. Even if you were off by 2 feet, a 36 inch waist is still an indication that you need to shed a few pounds. I'm 6'2", 200lbs and my waistline is a 32. You're a woman and I seriously doubt you're even close to 6'2"

...and if I were you, I wouldn't go around talking about the intelligence of others if you're best guess was a 5 foot waistline and as long as you have the right to vote, your level of intelligence IS my concern.

BTW, care to show us a picture of this ugly-ass husband of yours or can we go ahead and cut the bull**** about judging people based on their appearance?

Okay Peabrain for the last time I will tell tou. I was joking about the waistline. But you seem to think because I am a woman I shop all the time. I don't, I have all the clothes I need. You might find that hard to believe but who cares. As far me needing to shed a few pounds, once again none of your business. As for my intelligence, let's check your's. On the last page you stated you were 6'2", 250lbs. Now you say youare 6'2", 200lbs. Lost 50 pounds overnight. And you talk about my level intelligence. I seriously doubt you have a 32 " waist when you lose weigh so fast. As for my right to vote as long as they let idiots like you vote then I have no worry. Now about the ugly husband, what level of intelligence did you arrive at to figure I had one. Well guess what idiot I don't because I choose not to get stuck with idiots like you. You know you sure enough the d***head everyone says you are. I grow tired of wasting my time on you. So little bug crawl back in your hole.

LateNight 06-07-2007 08:54 AM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
I think as we all may start out with good post after you have been jacked with a few times it will bring the indignation out and most will defend themselves.

like the song says..
"it takes two baby"


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
The sad part some good people that might be posting will leave or just read and not post.

exactly my point. watching a couple of people in a heated debate over the finer points of WHATEVER, can be fun. But seeing what new ways we can come up with to insult each other over the internet, is asinine .

just my .02


Isaac-Saxxon 06-07-2007 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by LateNight
like the song says..
"it takes two baby"

exactly my point. watching a couple of people in a heated debate over the finer points of WHATEVER, can be fun. But seeing what new ways we can come up with to insult each other over the internet, is asinine .

just my .02


I agree LN and I am guilty ! I try to have fun but when I get called vile names and other friends on this board too I get mad. If we all stick to the fun part and do not take to personal insults it would be great but ..... there are the trolls and they will never give it up. Would you agree ?

LateNight 06-07-2007 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
I agree LN and I am guilty ! I try to have fun but when I get called vile names and other friends on this board too I get mad. If we all stick to the fun part and do not take to personal insults it would be great but ..... there are the trolls and they will never give it up. Would you agree ?

There's trolling, there's heated debate, and there's being drawn off topic into name calling.

I got sucked in at times, and I'm guilty as well..

This board is what WE make of it.

BrainSmashR 06-07-2007 11:56 AM


Originally Posted by piemaker720
Okay Peabrain for the last time I will tell tou. I was joking about the waistline.

Oh, so you're a liar...thanks for clearing that up.


But you seem to think because I am a woman I shop all the time. I don't, I have all the clothes I need.
So not only did you lie about your waist size, you lied about NOT knowing your measurements as well.


You might find that hard to believe but who cares.
Actually I CARE about people who tell lies for no reason other than to start arguments.


As far me needing to shed a few pounds, once again none of your business. As for my intelligence, let's check your's. On the last page you stated you were 6'2", 250lbs. Now you say youare 6'2", 200lbs. Lost 50 pounds overnight.
Lost 50 pounds since Christmas. Try rereading the water topic instead of relying on your SEVERELY inadequate mental skills.....or were you to busy seeing how far you could stick your head up your own ass to actually pay attention?

And you talk about my level intelligence. I seriously doubt you have a 32 " waist when you lose weigh so fast.
Of course, it's could be as simple as you being a blithering idiot who obviously got an F in reading comprehension. I MUST be lying, because you do it too, huh? Well guess what? Everyone on Earth isn't a lying piece of **** like you.


As for my right to vote as long as they let idiots like you vote then I have no worry.
That doesn't even make sense

Now about the ugly husband, what level of intelligence did you arrive at to figure I had one. Well guess what idiot I don't because I choose not to get stuck with idiots like you. You know you sure enough the d***head everyone says you are. I grow tired of wasting my time on you. So little bug crawl back in your hole.

Oh, so what your saying is that your husbands physical appearence DID in fact play a significant role in your selecting him contrary to what you said yesterday about physical appearance not making a difference. Or maybe you're bragging about divorce or having children out of wedlock....I can't wait to see what bull**** you come up with to explain THAT one!!

joepole 06-07-2007 01:38 PM

>Looks are not important to me.

Why not? They are to most people.

>However to you they probably are, which is not surprising.

Of course they are, why shouldn't they be? They're just as important as anything else.

>LOL, wonder what you look like? I imagine, a skinny man with glasses and curly dark hair, and a frown on your face.

I'm not too cute. Fat guy with straight brown hair. I frown the appropriate amount.

Isaac-Saxxon 06-07-2007 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by joepole
>Looks are not important to me.

Why not? They are to most people.

>However to you they probably are, which is not surprising.

Of course they are, why shouldn't they be? They're just as important as anything else.

>LOL, wonder what you look like? I imagine, a skinny man with glasses and curly dark hair, and a frown on your face.

I'm not too cute. Fat guy with straight brown hair. I frown the appropriate amount.

:rotflol: :rotflol: :rotflol: :rotflol: :rotflol: :rotflol:

AnimeSpirit 06-07-2007 04:54 PM

Alright, let's get back on topic now. This has gone quite far enough. Let's talk MySpace now.

I have a MySpace account that I check on like once every few weeks. My messages are usually crammed full of spam. MySpace needs to clean up a little on the spam issue. The buddy invites are also usually spam.

piemaker720 06-08-2007 10:48 AM

I agree with Animee this has gone on too long. I will not waste time arguing with Brain. But for anyone's curiosty let's clear the matter of my husband. He is DEAD, he was electrocuted while installing a central unit. So have a nice day.

joepole 06-08-2007 01:48 PM

"Installing a central unit" sounds like a euphemism for something dirty.

piemaker720 06-08-2007 01:51 PM

No the person that was suppose to turn the breaker off, turn the wrong one off. He didn't know and cut into the wires.

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