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BrainSmashR 06-10-2007 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by piemaker720
Who cares if the rest of the country laughs at us folks in the south? I have went to other states and people have told me they love listening to my southern twang. So I look at it as I'M pround to be from the SOUTH. If anyone doesn't like our southern dialect then they can feel free to move north.

1. Again, I think it's obvious that I CARE.

2. I'm not talking about your "twang" or your accent, if you will. I'm talking about the choice of terms utilized to describe a specific action. Simply put, avoid and ignore are not synonymous and they never will be, and your southern twang doesn't have jack to do with that...

3. I'm proud to be southern myself, but not so proud of billyjoebob just throwing words together and expecting the reader to decipher what he means because they are supposed to be uneducated hillbillies too.

piemaker720 06-10-2007 01:17 PM

Well if you don't like my choice of words feel free to not read anymore, hit the ignore button

BrainSmashR 06-10-2007 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by piemaker720
Well if you don't like my choice of words feel free to not read anymore, hit the ignore button

It wasn't YOUR words being called into question, it's was Anime's use of the term "ignore" when he meant "not bother", and the subsequent use of "avoid" by a doctor, which is also not synonymous with ignore.....are you even capable of following a conversation or do you just jump in anywhere and start throwing punches at the people you don't like?

but this is MY fault, right. I ATTACKED, you didn't I, piemaker.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

piemaker720 06-10-2007 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
It wasn't YOUR words being called into question, it's was Anime's use of the term "ignore" when he meant "not bother", and the subsequent use of "avoid" by a doctor, which is also not synonymous with ignore.....are you even capable of following a conversation or do you just jump in anywhere and start throwing punches at the people you don't like?

but this is MY fault, right. I ATTACKED, you didn't I, piemaker.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I believe when you hit the quote button it came up with my name not Anime. I have no desire to argue with you. YOU are not my english teacher so back off. Like I said, don't read anymore, hit the ignore button please it wiil not bother me to be ignored by you.

LateNight 06-10-2007 01:57 PM

Oh for the love of (insert deity of your choice here)!!

avoid, blink, brush off*, cold-shoulder*, cut, cut dead, dial out, discount, disdain, evade, fail, forget, high hat, ice, ig, live with, neglect, omit, overlook, overpass, pass over, play past, pooh-pooh*, reject, scorn, slight, tune out*, wink at

We all knew what Anime meant.. lets not drag this thread into the ground over what the meaning of IS is.

Speaking of southerners.. I remember back in the day when the Casino's were first coming to town.. I worked in a print shop here in town, we handled some of the printing contracts for some of the casinos.. was working on a project, and in comes these employees from the casino.. they were from like New York or New Jersey... very thick New York accents..
Being from New Jersey, I can handle and still do a pretty good jersey accent. But don't usually talk that way anymore.. not to mention some of my fellow employees who had some VERY thick southern accents.. anyways, this girl from New York, at one point in the conversation she comments about where she is "at right now" and tells us she'll "talk slower" so that we can understand her..

LOL we played it for all it was worth.. "Oh please talk slower.. we ain't too bright 'round here." and on and on.. she wished she had never opened up her mouth !

BrainSmashR 06-10-2007 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by piemaker720
I believe when you hit the quote button it came up with my name not Anime. I have no desire to argue with you. YOU are not my english teacher so back off. Like I said, don't read anymore, hit the ignore button please it wiil not bother me to be ignored by you.

Why would I ignore someone interjecting unrelated and barely coherent thoughts into a conversation that she still doesn't understand? Is that the method you use on your children when they ramble on about nothing at your kneecaps?

BrainSmashR 06-10-2007 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by LateNight
Oh for the love of (insert deity of your choice here)!!

We all knew what Anime meant.. lets not drag this thread into the ground over what the meaning of IS is.

I agree, we all know what he meant, but that's not what he said nor is it what the doctor said/implied in the source that was provided in order to support the statement. So I fail to see why this is being argued anyway, except that it's ME doing the arguing.

Funny how this was an acceptable argument when Joe spent three days arguing an, unintentionally, but inflated none the less, estimate of incoming freshmen instead of who the proposed bill would affect, for 3 days, but I'm dragging this thread into the ground.......

piemaker720 06-10-2007 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
Why would I ignore someone interjecting unrelated and barely coherent thoughts into a conversation that she still doesn't understand? Is that the method you use on your children when they ramble on about nothing at your kneecaps?

My youngest son has not been at my knee caps in about 20 years. He is taller than me. They hardly ramble. The son I refer to is in college. So we do not hardly need your english class.

BrainSmashR 06-11-2007 07:14 AM


Originally Posted by piemaker720
My youngest son has not been at my knee caps in about 20 years. He is taller than me. They hardly ramble. The son I refer to is in college. So we do not hardly need your english class.

Yes well try to imagine you're a normal human being and your children weren't born in their 20's.

Or better yet, just accept the fact that being clueless doesn't warrant you a spot on my ignore list.

sbl_admin 06-11-2007 04:29 PM

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