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LateNight 03-11-2007 10:56 PM

The AL has spoken. So say we all :D

And his Rep Points are goin' through the roof :yes:

Isabella 03-12-2007 01:38 AM

Advanced Member
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Natchitoches
Age: 36
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Brainy you are getting more popular with your posts! Keep up the good job. ;)

Isaac-Saxxon 03-12-2007 04:09 AM

The wise one has spoken

Originally Posted by Al Swearengen
"Your God is a terrorist, right?" Thats just too damn funny, Brain. Cause and effect, Brain, cause and effect. Who would've guessed that there could be consequences to atheism? Tell ya what, I want you to get ****faced drunk and go sleep on the railroad tracks tonight, ok? Or how about this, I want you to get your buddies to take you out to the middle of the ocean and drop you off...without a floatation device. Or how about this one, I want ya to build a huge wooden pyrimid, climb up on top with a couple of gallons of gas and spark it up! But I get the feeling you're not gonna do any of those things, because you know what the consequences could be, right? It'll be FEAR that stops you from doing those things, but so what? Does the fact that FEAR is involved in the equation invalidate anything? Change anything? Make your decision not to do those things any less heartfelt or sincere? Ofcourse not! Now, I dont want you to come to any harm or put yourself in a dangerous situation, I'm simply using those examples to make the point that everything we do or not do has consequences, and that just because the powerful motivation of fear naturally plays a healthy role in our decision making, that fact changes absolutely nothing. Ever hear the phrase "he's a God-fearin man", Brain? Ever wonder what it meant?

Assuming you dont meet your end in a sudden, completely unexpected way, Brain, you're gonna have some time to think about the consequences of your choices, particularly your choice NOT to believe in God. But if you're a true atheist, as you profess to be, you're not gonna give a damn about something as trivial as the disposition of your soul...that shouldnt bother you one bit, right? See, I dont believe you're really that stupid. And if you're really not that stupid, then you're just making a specious argument here for the sake of controversy, which is fine. Very, very few people are stupid enough to be true atheists, and I dont for a second believe you're one of them. But you DO have a choice, Brain. You have free will to do as you please. And if you really are a true atheist, then you wont recant when you're on your deathbed...either aloud where others can hear you OR silently, you wont recant! But I'm bettin you will. I'd bet any amount of money you will.

Dear Al you have used you way with words to tell it just how it is once again and I like it :clap: I think we have a case of someone so lonesome that he is trying to convince himself he is a atheist and he just can not quite get there. Al you must have lived two lives to have the wisdom that you possess. I thank you for passing in along to us. I too have add even more points you are like King Solomon with all your wisdom. Keep up the great post. Every time I see one of your post not matter the subject I read it. :clap: :clap:

Al Swearengen 03-12-2007 04:19 AM

I appreciate the kind words and the vote of confidence, Isaac, and Rhertz and LateNight. But I'm no Soloman...I've done far too many dumbass things in my short life, made far too many mistakes. Wish that wasnt the truth, but it is!

BrainSmashR 03-12-2007 05:54 AM


Originally Posted by Al Swearengen
"Your God is a terrorist, right?" Thats just too damn funny, Brain. Cause and effect, Brain, cause and effect. Who would've guessed that there could be consequences to atheism? Tell ya what, I want ya to get ****faced drunk and go sleep on the railroad tracks tonight, ok? Or how about this, I want ya to get your buddies to take ya out to the middle of the ocean and drop ya off...without a floatation device. Or how about this one, I want ya to build a huge wooden pyrimid, climb up on top with a couple of gallons of gas and spark it up! But I get the feeling you're not gonna do any of those things, because ya know what the consequences could be, right? It'll be FEAR that stops ya from doing those things, but so what? Does the fact that FEAR is involved in the equation invalidate anything?
Change anything? Make your decision not to do those things any less heartfelt or sincere? Ofcourse not! Now, I dont REALLY want ya to come to any harm or put yourself in a dangerous situation, I'm simply using those examples to make the point that everything we do or not do has consequences, and that just because the powerful motivation of fear naturally plays a healthy role in our decision making, that fact changes absolutely nothing. Ever hear the phrase "he's a God-fearin man", Brain? Ever wonder what it meant?

That's fear of the known. We know for a fact what happens when a trains hits anything. We know what happens when fire burns, we know that a fall from just 10ft. has a 50% chance of killing someone. There is even photographic evidence to support these outcomes and enough instances to show a highly predictable pattern.

Your justification is on par with being scared of the dark because of the boogie man. An entity no rational person has ever seen, spoken to, or photographed. There is no evidence to support your beliefs and no verifiable data to suggest a predictable outcome. Your entire system of beliefs is based on faith.


Assuming ya dont meet your end in a sudden, completely unexpected way, Brain, you're gonna have some time to think about the consequences of your choices, particularly your choice NOT to believe in God. But if you're a true atheist, as ya profess to be, you're not gonna give a damn about something as trivial as the disposition of your soul...that shouldnt bother ya one bit, right? See, I dont believe you're really that stupid. And if you're really not that stupid, then you're just making a specious argument here for the sake of controversy, which is fine. Very, very few people are stupid enough to be true atheists, and I dont for a second believe you're one of them. But ya DO have a choice, Brain. Ya have free will to do as ya please. And if ya really ARE a true atheist, then ya wont recant when you're on your deathbed...neither aloud where others can hear you NOR silently, ya wont recant! But I'm bettin ya will. I'd bet any amount of money ya will.
Well obviously I'm not the least bit worried about your opinions or the alleged consequences of mine. After all, you think I'm lying simple because the words I speak go against your faith.......damn me and the 4-billion others on this planet who have a viewpoint that doesn't reflect Christian beliefs, right?

Or are you about to tell me heaven is full of Islamics, Jews, and Hindus because they aren't atheist.:clap:

BrainSmashR 03-12-2007 05:57 AM


Originally Posted by AnimeSpirit
Who am I to tell other people what they are?

A human being capable of making rational decisions based on the information one provides about them self?

Isaac-Saxxon 03-12-2007 07:49 AM

Even King Solomon had his flaws

Originally Posted by Al Swearengen
I appreciate the kind words and the vote of confidence, Isaac, and Rhertz and LateNight. But I'm no Soloman...I've done far too many dumbass things in my short life, made far too many mistakes. Wish that wasnt the truth, but it is!

It is plain to see you have learned from your mistakes and are well in touch with your maker. The first thing one needs to do to get in touch with God is to look inwards to see ones own flaws. We all have them and to think that science alone can bring one to a eternal life well :rolleyes: :rolleyes: It was pride that cause the fall of Satan and it is pride that causes many people to fail in life. It is pride that will not let someone admit they are wrong or have flaws. Al your way with words makes me smile and your wisdom no matter your flaws is just great. I am sad for our friend that he fights so hard to prove that Christianity is wrong but I think after all the post he has had plenty of time to make a case and I have yet to see anybody agree with the post or attacks on Christians. The five post spam the other day did not get anybody to reply and points to go way down. I never did get any replies to my question has anybody ever read the entire Bible ? I know if I could read Homer I sure would want to read the Bible or Josephus and that would make a person on better footing to say they do not like or do not believe in something other than just to attack it for science sake. I know many people that go to a church that does not teach God's word and that would explain why someone might not believe in God. It is not what the preacher says it is what the Word of God says that matters. Some would call this blind faith and it is blind if you have never read the Bible but after a good read it sure gives strength to ones faith in God. I choose not to put eternal faith in any man but in a much Higher Being God the Eternal One. I hope you "ALL" have a blessed week !
Isaac> Diamond Rio Song
:clap: :clap: :clap:

BrainSmashR 03-12-2007 08:45 AM

I see, you assume I haven't read the entire Bible, in spite of being a confirmed Catholic, based on my overlooking one question and your inability to read Homer? Maybe the problem is that you surround yourself with people who rely solely on faith and "divine inspiration" rather than first-hand knowledge and therefore can't comprehend someone not following in your footsteps?

You see, friend, my purpose is not to sway your opinion, but rather to make you admit you have noting to base your system of beliefs on other than faith.....and while you haven't come out right with the admission, you've certainly failed at producing what would be considered evidence in any courtroom in the nation.

BTW, anyone going to tell me which author witnessed the creation of the Earth and the heavens as described in the book of Genesis?...or was that comment just another lie perpetrated by Christians?

AnimeSpirit 03-12-2007 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
A human being capable of making rational decisions based on the information one provides about them self?

Indeed, I'd like to consider myself a capable and rational person, hence the reason I do not give other people labels of my own. Even if I do perceive a person to be blatantly ignorant (not that I'm implying anyone here is), I'm certainly not irrational or rude enough to point it out, especially in public. This is how I am capable and rational.

Isaac-Saxxon 03-12-2007 10:21 AM

but rather to make you admit you have noting to base your system of beliefs on other

Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
I see, you assume I haven't read the entire Bible, in spite of being a confirmed Catholic, based on my overlooking one question and your inability to read Homer? Maybe the problem is that you surround yourself with people who rely solely on faith and "divine inspiration" rather than first-hand knowledge and therefore can't comprehend someone not following in your footsteps?

You see, friend, my purpose is not to sway your opinion, but rather to make you admit you have noting to base your system of beliefs on other than faith.....and while you haven't come out right with the admission, you've certainly failed at producing what would be considered evidence in any courtroom in the nation.

BTW, anyone going to tell me which author witnessed the creation of the Earth and the heavens as described in the book of Genesis?...or was that comment just another lie perpetrated by Christians?

Mr. Brain,
You think you are going to "make" people admit to anything. Wrong way to approach this. There is solid evidence that takes much reading and scientific research to find. This forum is not the place to do that. Just as your very long post the other day did nothing but make people turn you off. This country is based on "Christian values" and yes faith. You have your nose so deep in the material world that you can not see the greater things that are there for you if you will only seek them out instead of putting them down. You never did say you read the Bible and telling us that your Catholic requires some faith for me to believe you. Being Catholic, Baptist or any other
man made religion is not the same as reading your Bible. Brain do you have family that believes in God ? If so do you attack them for what they believe ? I would guess not. Try reading JOB 38 & 39 just for me PLEASE ! You may think many things about me but you only know me by what I have posted and the same goes for you. If you placed as much time in seeking God as you do on this board you would be a very happy man. You want something you can hold in your hand or see with your very own eyes before you believe in God ? Well I think you should pick up your Bible and give it a read. I do not say this to put you down or sit in judgment of you or anyone as far as that goes but I can tell you it has been very good to me and you can call it what you want but you can not see the blessings until you seek your maker. I will keep you in my prayers and yes I pray each and everyday not for you to be put down but for you to be lifted up by the Holy Spirit. :)
God Bless

BrainSmashR 03-12-2007 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
Mr. Brain,
You think you are going to "make" people admit to anything. Wrong way to approach this. There is solid evidence that takes much reading and scientific research to find. This forum is not the place to do that. Just as your very long post the other day did nothing but make people turn you off. This country is based on "Christian values" and yes faith. You have your nose so deep in the material world that you can not see the greater things that are there for you if you will only seek them out instead of putting them down. You never did say you read the Bible and telling us that your Catholic requires some faith for me to believe you. Being Catholic, Baptist or any other
man made religion is not the same as reading your Bible. Brain do you have family that believes in God ? If so do you attack them for what they believe ? I would guess not. Try reading JOB 38 & 39 just for me PLEASE ! You may think many things about me but you only know me by what I have posted and the same goes for you. If you placed as much time in seeking God as you do on this board you would be a very happy man. You want something you can hold in your hand or see with your very own eyes before you believe in God ? Well I think you should pick up your Bible and give it a read. I do not say this to put you down or sit in judgment of you or anyone as far as that goes but I can tell you it has been very good to me and you can call it what you want but you can not see the blessings until you seek your maker. I will keep you in my prayers and yes I pray each and everyday not for you to be put down but for you to be lifted up by the Holy Spirit. :)
God Bless

Well there's really no way for me to respond to this garbage without being overly condescending, so I'll just paraphrase instead of responding to specific comments.

Yes I have read the entire Bible on multiple occasions. I'm not some idiot who develops opinions without any knowledge to support those opinions. Now I've got a question for you, have YOU studied any other system of beliefs besides Christianity? Or are you a typical Christian devoid of even a general understanding of alternate religions?

You see, your implication is that you think I'm ignorant because you don't think I've read the Bible while my implication is that you are ignorant because the Bible is all you've read.....

Remember, knowledge is power and ignorance is a VERY curable condition.

Isaac-Saxxon 03-12-2007 03:53 PM

Such a high opinion of yourself
Well I tried to help but you will have no part so you do as you wish and I will do the same. I do not think you know how to post with out being rude. You go find your god in a "book" that you have your faith in and I will continue to find my hope and truth in the Bible. I bet your a real pleasure to be around on a daily basis. It seems you live to insult and attack people no matter who they are or what they believe to be the truth. It is like you know more than anybody I think that would be called a know it all. Isaac has tried to find even the smallest amount of common ground with the Brain but I have been denied so be it. I know by all the guest on this thread that many members are watching so if any of you out there agree with anything BSr has posted please step up and say so. If not just keep voting and that will be enough.
I would like to thank all you that emailed me in support of my post it was not a wasted email. I think if know one replies to his post in the future he will troll along to another site and find new prey to attack. It was real, it was fun but it was not real fun :nono:

I just noticed your are -62 now you have another record to be proud of :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Al Swearengen 03-12-2007 06:48 PM


Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
That's fear of the known. We know for a fact what happens when a trains hits anything. We know what happens when fire burns, we know that a fall from just 10ft. has a 50% chance of killing someone. There is even photographic evidence to support these outcomes and enough instances to show a highly predictable pattern.

Your justification is on par with being scared of the dark because of the boogie man. An entity no rational person has ever seen, spoken to, or photographed. There is no evidence to support your beliefs and no verifiable data to suggest a predictable outcome. Your entire system of beliefs is based on faith.

Well obviously I'm not the least bit worried about your opinions or the alleged consequences of mine. After all, you think I'm lying simple because the words I speak go against your faith.......damn me and the 4-billion others on this planet who have a viewpoint that doesn't reflect Christian beliefs, right?

Or are you about to tell me heaven is full of Islamics, Jews, and Hindus because they aren't atheist.:clap:

I've never had any problem admitting that my beliefs are faith-based. You're missing the point, Brain. FEAR IS FEAR! Fear of the unknown, the known, of spiders, of enclosures, of germs...of fear itself. No matter how ya look at it, fear is fear. And since we're talking about a being so powerful it is beyond our comprehension, I think you'd be well advised to cultivate a healthy fear of Him. Might be the prudent course o action to take, eh? He is, after all, the God of the Universe, the Creator. You want proof of his existence? Take a look around you. You're walking on it, you're breathing it, eating're living it! Theres your proof. can lead a horse to water, eh?

Per "Pascal's Wager", it should be crystal clear to you by now, Brain, that the only intelligent, rational, logical, sane choice is to believe. If you follow this line of reasoning to it's inevitable conclusion, you'll come to see that there really IS NO CHOICE! Take that leap o faith, and if He exists, you will be rewarded, if He does not exist, you've lost nothing. If you dont take that leap o faith and it turns out there IS a God, you're pretty much up **** creek, get it? See how that works? Pretty simple isnt it? Even a child can understand it. But maybe I've given you too much credit in assuming you've comprehended the concept? I'll tell ya what Brain, you dont talk like any confirmed catholic I ever knew, and Ive known a few.


Well obviously Im not the least bit worried about your opinions or the alleged consequences of mine
No? Well maybe you SHOULD be worried. Its only your soul we're talkin about here, right? Are you prepared to take that risk? Maybe its time for you to rethink your position. Your number could come up at any time...any time. Now, the Christian in me is worried FOR you, even if you're not worried for yourself...on the other hand, the fatally flawed sinner in me doesnt give a rat's ass and is perfectly content to sit back and watch as you proceed on your merry way to oblivion. Oops, looks like the sinner in me won out :D have a nice trip!

Isaac-Saxxon 03-12-2007 07:09 PM

Al you help with good ideas about mortal man

Originally Posted by Al Swearengen
I've never had any problem admitting that my beliefs are faith-based. You're missing the point, Brain. FEAR IS FEAR! Fear of the unknown, the known, of spiders, of enclosures, of germs...of fear itself. No matter how ya look at it, fear is fear. And since we're talking about a being so powerful it is beyond our comprehension, I think you'd be well advised to cultivate a healthy fear of Him. Might be the prudent course o action to take, eh? He is the God of the universe, the creator. You want proof of his existence? Take a look around you. You're walking on it, you're breathing it, eating're living it! Theres your proof. can lead a horse to water, eh?

Per "Pascal's Wager", it should be crystal clear to you by now, Brain, that the only intelligent, rational, logical, sane choice is to believe. If you follow this line of reasoning to it's inevitable conclusion, you come to see that there really IS NO CHOICE! Take that leap o faith, and if He exists, you will be rewarded, if He does not exist, you've lost nothing. If you dont take that leap o faith and it turns out there IS a God, you're pretty much up **** creek, get it? See how that works? Pretty simple isnt it? Even a child can understand it. Maybe I've given you too much credit in assuming you've comprehended the concept? I'll tell ya what Brain, you dont talk like any confirmed catholic I ever knew, and Ive known a few.

No? Well maybe you should be worried. Its only your soul we're talkin about here, right? Maybe its time for you to rethink your position here. Your number could come up at any time...any time. Now, the Christian in me is worried FOR you, even if you're not worried for yourself...on the other hand, the fatally flawed sinner in me doesnt give a **** and is perfectly content to sit back and watch as you proceed on your merry way to oblivion. Oops, looks like the sinner in me won out :D have a nice trip!

There is that sinner in all men and I too feel the "exact" same way. I want to try to be nice to this guy but the sinner in me too feels like well let the man walk on into the fire we have reached out the olive branch only to come back with teeth marks on the back of our hand. Luke 12 Lazereth and the Rich Man and if he could only go back and tell his brothers but it was written they had the Moses and the prophets and they too would not listen. I have to agree with Al "Brain, you don't talk like any confirmed catholic I ever knew, and I've known a few." ! He seems to enjoy the ways of the world and his wisdom exceeds all never admitting he is wrong. Life will deal us all its cards so Brain you feel bullet proof at 36 you are past the event horizon and just to blind to see it.

Isaac-Saxxon 03-12-2007 07:25 PM

Hey Mr. Al Swearengen
Check your private messages by your avatar.

LateNight 03-12-2007 09:17 PM

Just some thoughts. While everyone here tries to persuade Brain to change his views..

Anyone who knows me well, will tell you I'm not a "religious" person. But I've been intrigued by much of the discussion here. Especially the views from Isaac and his dislike for "Organized" religion. Probably views I can relate to more than anything else. Makes me thing maybe there's hope for one such as me, cause you are not very likely to find me in a church.

Me personally, I feel that as it has been THROUGH OUT TIME.. man looks to a higher being. Be it a sun god, or what have you. Man has always looked for answers, hoping against hope there be some kind of afterlife, be it in heaven or some other paradise. Hoping against hope that when it's all over, there's something to be had other than the BIG DIRT NAP. :)

And now I listen to Brains arguments.. he's all about PHYSICAL proof. He's got to be able to see, feel, scientifically proven, everything before he will accept anything. And I can appreciate this. I tend to be very analytical as well. This notion of an All Powerful being just seems to incredible to be true.. I've grown up in a time, where we've gone to the moon, sent satellites to the edge of our solar system. And where scientist make new discoveries all the time. So I understand why Brain likes to throw out facts and numbers to try and prove his side of the argument.

As I get older, I've witnessed things.. terrible things.. and personally the passing of my father and TWO of my older brothers. So it would be easy for me to say how could Any god allow such things to happen. Who would make my mother have to witness such things.

But I'll tell you something else.. some years ago, I witnessed first hand the miracle that was the birth of my two children. I know first hand I've had angles on my shoulder more than a few times, where either I or friends of mine should all be dead, except for no other reason, we had angles on our side. I take comfort in knowing my brothers and father are together once again, and looking down on us all.

I can believe in the Big-Bang theory, but I still have to ask myself what came before that, and who or what is responsible. I can believe in the Big-Bang theory, but the odds of this planet forming as it has, in just the right spot, and for life to form on it.. a million things had to play out just right.

at times I envy those who are full of faith, although mine is shaky sometimes at best.. as man has done throughout time.. I hope and pray, I look to the sky for answers, take in the miracle of life around me. And try to live a good life.

It may be ol' Brain just hasn't witnessed enough. But I will not pass any kind of judgement.

rhertz 03-12-2007 09:56 PM

Al certainly has a way with words don’t he? I think “Al” is a mixture of the man behind the avatar, along with some old time values and old time ways that have a certain nostalgic appeal in modern society. At first I wasn’t so sure, but now I think he picked his avatar well to suit his beliefs. Better than I did with the Pug.

I don’t have any stats to back me up, but I heard that statistically speaking, the “Wild West” (where people bore arms regularly) was safer than today’s relatively wimpy society where guns are bad. In my humble opinion, if someone doesn’t fear God, then they better fear Smith and Wesson, or else I might have a big problem on my hands.

BrainSmashR 03-13-2007 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by Al Swearengen
I've never had any problem admitting that my beliefs are faith-based.

Very good, that's all I wanted to hear/read.

You're missing the point, Brain. FEAR IS FEAR! Fear of the unknown, the known, of spiders, of enclosures, of germs...of fear itself. No matter how ya look at it, fear is fear.
I see, so in your opinion, being scared of the dark is the same as the fear of being shot. Well that's simply not true.

What you are describing is a phobia, not a fear.

Phobia: an exaggerated usually inexplicable and illogical fear of a particular object, class of objects, or situation

And since we're talking about a being so powerful it is beyond our comprehension, I think you'd be well advised to cultivate a healthy fear of Him. Might be the prudent course o action to take, eh? He is, after all, the God of the Universe, the Creator. You want proof of his existence? Take a look around you. You're walking on it, you're breathing it, eating're living it! Theres your proof. can lead a horse to water, eh?
What you have described can easily be defined as the results of evolution....not to mention we have fossil evidence to support that theory rather than 1 book written by the single most deceptive creatures this world has ever seen.

Per "Pascal's Wager", it should be crystal clear to you by now, Brain, that the only intelligent, rational, logical, sane choice is to believe.
You sound like a common middle eastern terrorist.

If you follow this line of reasoning to it's inevitable conclusion, you'll come to see that there really IS NO CHOICE!
Are you sure your name isn't Akmed or Abdul?

Take that leap o faith, and if He exists, you will be rewarded, if He does not exist, you've lost nothing. If you dont take that leap o faith and it turns out there IS a God, you're pretty much up **** creek, get it?
Better to have lived my life a free man than to bow because of an exaggerated and irrational fear.

See how that works? Pretty simple isnt it? Even a child can understand it. But maybe I've given you too much credit in assuming you've comprehended the concept? I'll tell ya what Brain, you dont talk like any confirmed catholic I ever knew, and Ive known a few.
I see, so since I don't fit into your perfect little mold....I must be the one lying. The person you talk to everyday, the man who will answer any question you ask, RATHER than the figment of someone elses imagination that you have never seen, heard, or had what can be called a conversation (oral exchange of sentiments, observations, opinions, or ideas).

and you think I'm the crazy one......


No? Well maybe you SHOULD be worried. Its only your soul we're talkin about here, right? Are you prepared to take that risk?

Maybe its time for you to rethink your position. Your number could come up at any time...any time.
Just like I am not afraid of your god, I am not afraid of death. Although I'll admit I'm not looking forward to it, I HAVE led a good life and have spent roughly the last 3rd of it giving back to the community I took so much from during my youth.

Now, the Christian in me is worried FOR you, even if you're not worried for yourself
Yes well stop wasting your good worries on folks who don't need it. I am you even understand what that means? Here's a hint, I have the best of both worlds.

...on the other hand, the fatally flawed sinner in me doesnt give a rat's ass and is perfectly content to sit back and watch as you proceed on your merry way to oblivion. Oops, looks like the sinner in me won out :D have a nice trip!
Who would have thought that a Christian couldn't keep his own sinful nature locked away.......certainly not anyone who posted several pages worth of atrocities committed in the name of your god.

You should have read it....I bet there was at least one group of people you would have put the sword to also, had you the legal authority to do so.`

BrainSmashR 03-13-2007 08:44 AM


Originally Posted by LateNight
Just some thoughts. While everyone here tries to persuade Brain to change his views..

Anyone who knows me well, will tell you I'm not a "religious" person. But I've been intrigued by much of the discussion here. Especially the views from Isaac and his dislike for "Organized" religion. Probably views I can relate to more than anything else. Makes me thing maybe there's hope for one such as me, cause you are not very likely to find me in a church.

Me personally, I feel that as it has been THROUGH OUT TIME.. man looks to a higher being. Be it a sun god, or what have you. Man has always looked for answers, hoping against hope there be some kind of afterlife, be it in heaven or some other paradise. Hoping against hope that when it's all over, there's something to be had other than the BIG DIRT NAP. :)

And now I listen to Brains arguments.. he's all about PHYSICAL proof. He's got to be able to see, feel, scientifically proven, everything before he will accept anything. And I can appreciate this. I tend to be very analytical as well. This notion of an All Powerful being just seems to incredible to be true.. I've grown up in a time, where we've gone to the moon, sent satellites to the edge of our solar system. And where scientist make new discoveries all the time. So I understand why Brain likes to throw out facts and numbers to try and prove his side of the argument.

As I get older, I've witnessed things.. terrible things.. and personally the passing of my father and TWO of my older brothers. So it would be easy for me to say how could Any god allow such things to happen. Who would make my mother have to witness such things.

But I'll tell you something else.. some years ago, I witnessed first hand the miracle that was the birth of my two children. I know first hand I've had angles on my shoulder more than a few times, where either I or friends of mine should all be dead, except for no other reason, we had angles on our side. I take comfort in knowing my brothers and father are together once again, and looking down on us all.

I can believe in the Big-Bang theory, but I still have to ask myself what came before that, and who or what is responsible. I can believe in the Big-Bang theory, but the odds of this planet forming as it has, in just the right spot, and for life to form on it.. a million things had to play out just right.

at times I envy those who are full of faith, although mine is shaky sometimes at best.. as man has done throughout time.. I hope and pray, I look to the sky for answers, take in the miracle of life around me. And try to live a good life.

It may be ol' Brain just hasn't witnessed enough. But I will not pass any kind of judgement.

1. Child birth is not a miracle. It's the result of a meeting between egg and sperm AND the result is the same for every single sexually reproducing creature on this planet.

2. The Big Bang is a it so hard to believe that the universe simply could have always existed? Hasn't their god always existed?

3. I understand what you are saying about the existence of life on this planet. What about the meteorite discovered in 1996 with signs of microbial life from mars? While it hasn't be confirmed to BE evidence of life, they certainly can't disprove it either.....isn't that one of the religious justifications....that we can't prove god doesn't exist?

Simply put, just because WE are the only form of intelligent life that WE know about.....that's doesn't make Earth the sole location for life in the universe. For instance, there IS underwater volcanic activity on Io, one of the moons of Jupiter. The exciting phenomenon here is that there are life forms on Earth that have developed around underwater volcanic vents that have never been exposed to sunlight or even warmth from the sun. The problem, how do we get to Io (approximately 372,000,000 miles), burrow through hundreds of feet of ice, then get a submarine down low enough to examine their volcanic vents for forms of life.....all without any mishaps since we can't simply pull into a dock or orbiting space station for repairs.

Understand why our knowledge of the solar system much less the entire universe is so limited?

scarlett 03-13-2007 08:58 AM


Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
1. Child birth is not a miracle. It's the result of a meeting between egg and sperm AND the result is the same for every single sexually reproducing creature on this planet.

I would feel that most people think child birth is a miracle. The meeting of an egg and sperm then creating a human being is a miracle.

You are just a very difficult person and love to argue. You have your opinions and everyone else has theirs. I would still think that most would disagree that this is not a miracle.

I do feel for you whether you would like me to or not.

LateNight 03-13-2007 09:55 AM


Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
1. Child birth is not a miracle. It's the result of a meeting between egg and sperm AND the result is the same for every single sexually reproducing creature on this planet.

Well.. I ain't an idiot, and I understand how it all works. But I'll bet dollars to doughnuts you don't have any kids, but hey, I could be wrong too. Still I would beg to differ. The site of my wife holding our new born baby was nothing short of miraculous. So we'll agree to disagree.


Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
3. I understand what you are saying about the existence of life on this planet. What about the meteorite discovered in 1996 with signs of microbial life from mars? While it hasn't be confirmed to BE evidence of life, they certainly can't disprove it either.....

And maybe life on this planet was formed by the mass exodus of creatures from mars Millions of years ago. :) Some questions are too big for us to ask, or to at least expect answers for any time soon.


Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
Simply put, just because WE are the only form of intelligent life that WE know about.....that's doesn't make Earth the sole location for life in the universe. For instance, there IS underwater volcanic activity on Io, one of the moons of Jupiter.

I understand about Io, shoot I'd love for them to find some form of fossils or the like on Mars as well. Finding some form of life, be it fossils, bacteria or another sentient being on another planet.. This doesn't change my faith or belief, or keep me from asking the bigger questions.

It's a big world, it's a wonderful world, and I've experienced some crazy ****. I can't simply explain it all away with science and numbers. Who knows.. just maybe the jokes on you :)

BrainSmashR 03-13-2007 10:22 AM


Originally Posted by scarlett
I would feel that most people think child birth is a miracle. The meeting of an egg and sperm then creating a human being is a miracle.

You are just a very difficult person and love to argue. You have your opinions and everyone else has theirs. I would still think that most would disagree that this is not a miracle.

I do feel for you whether you would like me to or not.

I don't hate or even dislike you at all Scarlett.

I don't judge a person's worth by their words, but rather by their actions......and you and I simply don't know each other in real life, therefore it's practically impossible for you to do something I would find offensive....unless of course you think your opinion matters when I'm going through something highly emotional, life altering, and devastating, like losing a girlfriend AND being the prime suspect in her murder. That's why I have no use for Isabelle....she never called me guilty, but she certainly was less that sympathetic. In fact, I'd go as far as to say she will respond to this post with something to the extent of it was MY fault.....even knowing shes on my ignore list. She's one of those people who cares more about what others think than about doing the right thing. It was fun to ridicule Tracy and be a part of the "in crowd"...forget that his life was falling apart and getting worse by the minute. That won her a spot on my ignore list....and as I stated, she won't let this slide because what you think about her is more important than what she does.

Now, as far as child birth being a "miracle".....maybe our definitions of what constitutes a miracle differ here. In my opinion, a "miracle" is something which has no scientific explanation. Conception, the resulting pregnancy and child birth all have scientific explanation and can be replicated on any corner of the globe....Immaculate conception would be a miracle.

Isaac-Saxxon 03-13-2007 01:34 PM

Brain, Brain, Brain you condesending ? Who would think that ?

Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
Well there's really no way for me to respond to this garbage without being overly condescending, so I'll just paraphrase instead of responding to specific comments.

Yes I have read the entire Bible on multiple occasions. I'm not some idiot who develops opinions without any knowledge to support those opinions. Now I've got a question for you, have YOU studied any other system of beliefs besides Christianity? Or are you a typical Christian devoid of even a general understanding of alternate religions?

You see, your implication is that you think I'm ignorant because you don't think I've read the Bible while my implication is that you are ignorant because the Bible is all you've read.....

Remember, knowledge is power and ignorance is a VERY curable condition.

I have studied other religions and in dept more than you could ever know Sir ! You are acting like a idiot with your mean spirited post. Now you say all I have read is the Bible and this does sound like you are "ignorant" ! You are the one that sits in the judgment seat and a good offence is your best defense so when your all knowing attitude over loads your ass you take to attacks and insults when there are nice people on this board that have tried to be nice to you but oh no you will not have that. Nobody is trying to be your best friend :nono: You say you want to make me admit that your right :rolleyes: that is a great way to get you point across. Most everybody wants to have hope in something and it is a "choice" and just because you paste dictionary pages to prove your point does not make you right.When you make your case on other "peoples" findings this still does not make you right. You are a very vain person to think so highly of yourself and even if you have a valid point it is lost with your arrogance and condescending approach to the subject at hand.Ignore list ? Are you hiding from someone or something ? You truly are a very sad lot and all that is left is to pity you for the miserable wretch that you are!

AnimeSpirit 03-13-2007 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
Now, as far as child birth being a "miracle".....maybe our definitions of what constitutes a miracle differ here. In my opinion, a "miracle" is something which has no scientific explanation. Conception, the resulting pregnancy and child birth all have scientific explanation and can be replicated on any corner of the globe....Immaculate conception would be a miracle.

I understand your position on this topic. I agree that as childbirth, in itself, is easily explanable on a scientific basis and thus is not a miracle. It's true that conception has not only been explained, but observed through a microscope. There is nothing miraculous about this process.

However, the feelings you experience when that moment happens to you is nothing short of miraculous. The miracle in childbirth, though not the process itself, is how this simple process can bring an immeasurable degree of happiness and joy into the lives of two lovers. How does the extraction of a large collection of accumulated chromosomes and proteins bring such a powerful wave of unparalleled joy to the very heart of your soul when you first peer into the new child's eyes? Simple! Because it's a baby, new life, and not merely a collection of chromosomes and proteins. Like any other gift in our world, it is not gift itself, but the feeling that it gives you inside. This is the miracle of childbirth.

rhertz 03-13-2007 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
unless of course you think your opinion matters when I'm going through something highly emotional, life altering, and devastating, like losing a girlfriend AND being the prime suspect in her murder. That's why I have no use for Isabelle....she never called me guilty, but she certainly was less that sympathetic.

Whoa, wait a minute, did I miss something? You're a murder suspect? Did I read that right? You must be jerking everyone's leg here. If you are serious, and if you are innocent, then you really need to try harder to make friends here on earth. And if you are guilty, then you really need to try harder to make friends in heaven. In other words, either way, I'd be praying my @ss off!

You’re joking right? Does your attorney know you are chatting about it on the Internet? This just doesn’t seem real, especially considering your past radical religious posts. But if you are serious, my apologies, I’m not asking you to prove it. A man is innocent until proven guilty, and maybe you just like giving the authorities lots to read!

Al Swearengen 03-13-2007 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
Very good, that's all I wanted to hear/read.

I see, so in your opinion, being scared of the dark is the same as the fear of being shot. Well that's simply not true.

What you are describing is a phobia, not a fear.

Last time I checked, phobias qualified as fears.

Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
phobia: an exaggerated usually inexplicable and illogical fear of a particular object, class of objects, or situation

Just because a particular fear is exaggerated, inexplicable or illogical doesnt make it any less powerful or compelling.

Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
What you have described can easily be defined as the results of evolution....not to mention we have fossil evidence to support that theory rather than 1 book written by the single most deceptive creatures this world has ever seen.

Deceptive? The God of the Universe is "deceptive"? Exactly HOW have you been deceived, mister?


Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
You sound like a common middle eastern terrorist

I cant make it any plainer than I have. Its definitly in YOUR best interest to believe in God, but I'm thru wasting my time trying to explain it to ya. Have it your way, pal.

Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
Are you sure your name isn't Akmed or Abdul?

I called my mother in San Antonio and she assures me those are not my names.

Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
Better to have lived my life a free man than to bow because of an exaggerated and irrational fear.

"Free man" eh? NOW we're getting somewhere. See, I've suspected all along that the real issue here is that you want to live by your own rules. You dont like the idea of being held accountable by a higher power when this earthly life comes to an end...well thats just too bad. Ive got news for ya Jack, youre in for a rude awakening.


Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
I see, so since I don't fit into your perfect little mold....I must be the one lying. The person you talk to everyday, the man who will answer any question you ask, RATHER than the figment of someone elses imagination that you have never seen, heard, or had what can be called a conversation (oral exchange of sentiments, observations, opinions, or ideas).

and you think I'm the crazy one......

Trust me Brain, if I had a "perfect little mold" I'd never claim ya as one of MY creations.

Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
Just like I am not afraid of your god, I am not afraid of death. Although I'll admit I'm not looking forward to it, I HAVE led a good life and have spent roughly the last 3rd of it giving back to the community I took so much from during my youth.

Youre "not afraid of MY God"? Oh I see, so God only has dominion over everyone else, but not YOU? Forgive me, I didnt realize the messege board was being graced with the Almighty Brain Smasher, Lord Of All He Surveys"...who'll bow to NO God, much less any mortal man.

Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
Yes well stop wasting your good worries on folks who don't need it. I am you even understand what that means? Here's a hint, I have the best of both worlds.

One minute youre atheist, the next youre catholic. You aint got the foggiest notion what ya wanna be, do ya? It'd be nice if you'd make up your mind. "Best of both worlds"? Well I'll tell ya, if you think being catholic is "the best of both worlds, think about this...Catholics cant commit suicide. Thats right genius, if you end up with some terminal, wasting disease that takes it's sweetass time tuckin ya in for your dirtnap, sparing yourself all that misery isnt an option FOR YOU.


Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
Who would have thought that a Christian couldn't keep his own sinful nature locked away.......certainly not anyone who posted several pages worth of atrocities committed in the name of your god.

Oh, I COULD'VE kept it "locked away", its just that in your case I figured I'd make an exception.

Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
You should have read it....I bet there was at least one group of people you would have put the sword to also, had you the legal authority to do so.`

Oh, make no mistake Brain, theres a WHOLE LOTTA people I'd put to the sword, were it in my power, and I wouldnt lose a minute's sleep over it. You can count on that!

BrainSmashR 03-13-2007 07:07 PM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
I have studied other religions and in dept more than you could ever know Sir ! You are acting like a idiot with your mean spirited post. Now you say all I have read is the Bible and this does sound like you are "ignorant" !

Well I certainly find that hard to believe, but until I have evidence to prove otherwise, I'll just accept your word.

You are the one that sits in the judgment seat and a good offence is your best defense so when your all knowing attitude over loads your ass you take to attacks and insults when there are nice people on this board that have tried to be nice to you but oh no you will not have that.
I see, so you use terms like Socialist, Sinner, and Atheist in a "nice" that what you're trying to imply?

I mean I don't want to just come right out and call you a bald-face liar, because that would be intentionally insulting....I'll give you a chance to clarify your statment first.


Nobody is trying to be your best friend :nono: You say you want to make me admit that your right :rolleyes: that is a great way to get you point across. Most everybody wants to have hope in something and it is a "choice" and just because you paste dictionary pages to prove your point does not make you right.
Ummm, yeah it does and your denial of the numbers/stats/totals doesn't change them either.

When you make your case on other "peoples" findings this still does not make you right.
Ummm, yeah it does, that's called quoting a verifiable and creditable source. Didn't you tell me you went to college? Then you should be quite familiar with the concept.

You are a very vain person to think so highly of yourself and even if you have a valid point it is lost with your arrogance and condescending approach to the subject at hand.
I'm downright arrogant.....that seems to be the only accurate assumption you've made about me to date. Such is the world we live in....I'm relatively young, single, no dependents, homeowner, my GF is a decade younger than me AND has her home.....I'm quite happy doing whatever I want, all of the time.!!

BTW, my talking points being "lost" on folks like you is typical. Notice Rhertz and I had an extensive conversation about the subject and I more or less made him act the role of a zealot whereas you were doing it right from the get go....and have "lost" the point in the process....

Ignore list ? Are you hiding from someone or something ? You truly are a very sad lot and all that is left is to pity you for the miserable wretch that you are!
Riiight.....the people on my ignore list can't see me, stupid.......

BrainSmashR 03-13-2007 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by Al Swearengen
Deceptive? The God of the Universe is "deceptive"? Exactly HOW have you been deceived, mister?

By the author who told you he was "divinely inspired"?

I cant make it any plainer than I have. Its definitly in YOUR best interest to believe in God, but I'm thru wasting my time trying to explain it to ya. Have it your way, pal.

I called my mother in San Antonio and she assures me those are not my names.
Thank you and I am glad...

"Free man" eh? NOW we're getting somewhere. See, I've suspected all along that the real issue here is that you want to live by your own rules. You dont like the idea of being held accountable by a higher power when this earthly life comes to an end...well thats just too bad. Ive got news for ya Jack, youre in for a rude awakening.
Ahhh, of course....since I'm not a Christian I can't possibly define my own beliefs....right?

Nice try buddy, but man is at the top of the ladder....get used to it.

Trust me Brain, if I had a "perfect little mold" I'd never claim ya as one of MY creations.

Youre "not afraid of MY God"? Oh I see, so God only has dominion over everyone else, but not YOU? Forgive me, I didnt realize the messege board was being graced with the Almighty Brain Smasher, Lord Of All He Surveys"...who'll bow to NO God, much less any mortal man.
Crazed ramblings as far as I can tell. Obviously I'm not the only person exempt from "the powers" of your god.

One minute youre atheist, the next youre catholic. You aint got the foggiest notion what ya wanna be, do ya? It'd be nice if you'd make up your mind. "Best of both worlds"? Well I'll tell ya, if you think being catholic is "the best of both worlds, think about this...Catholics cant commit suicide. Thats right genius, if you end up with some terminal, wasting disease that takes it's sweetass time tuckin ya into your dirtnap, sparing yourself all that misery isnt an option FOR YOU.
OMG dude....are you a f***** psycho? Suicide is never an option for sane individuals and I really don't even know how to respond other than to say you have struck a major blow to my opinion of your mental stability.

BTW, I never said I was did.....and completing the required rituals earns me the title of confirmed Catholic.

Oh, make no mistake Brain, theres a WHOLE LOTTA people I'd put to the sword, were it in my power, and I wouldnt lose a minute's sleep over it. You can count on that!
I have no doubt....

Al Swearengen 03-13-2007 07:42 PM


Since Im not a Christian I cant define my own beliefs?
Again, make up your befuddled mind, if you are CATHOLIC then you are CHRISTIAN.


Nice try buddy, but man is at the top of the ladder...get used to it
Top of the ladder eh? Ya mean HERE, on Earth? Not quite. Mother nature, which could be interpreted as a facet of God's power, has no equal.


Im not the only person exempt from "the powers" of your God
Oh man, are you for real?


OMG dude...are you a ***** psycho? SUICIDE IS NEVER AN OPTION FOR SANE INDIVIDUALS and I really dont even know how to respond other than to say you have struck a major blow to my opinion of your mental stability.
Yes, dude, Im a ****in psycho. I MUST be, since I've been spending all this time trying to understand the horse**** that gets pounded out of your keyboard. IF, and I say IF you EVER had any credibility, you ran fresh out with your last post (not that I dont enjoy them, theyre very amusing) on this thread. Maybe someday when you get diagnosed with some dreaded incurable disease involving alot of pain and suffering you'll change your tune about how sane suicide is. I think it's a safe bet you'll have a change of heart. But thatll just be tough titty, wont it, since you're a catholic and catholics believe suicide leads straight to Hell. Have a nice day.


By the way, I never said I was an atheist, you did
Maybe you never specifically SAID you were an atheist, but you sure as hell implied it. I think everyone would agree on that.

Al Swearengen 03-13-2007 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
I'm going through something highly emotional, life altering, and devastating, like losing a girlfriend AND being the prime suspect in her murder.

Rhertz is exactly right. Somebody in your position, if they had any sense, wouldnt be churning out a bunch of dumb-ass posts (not that I dont enjoy them) on an internet messege board, unless ofcourse its all part of your brilliant strategy to convince the authorities that youre a complete imbecile and thus incapable of committing the crime. I've heard of the "insanity defense", but the "stupidity defense"? I suggest you find yourself a new lawyer. You aint the sharpest knife in the drawer, are ya boy? Bout as sharp as a sack o wet mice.

rhertz 03-13-2007 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by Al Swearengen
I appreciate the kind words and the vote of confidence, Isaac, and Rhertz and LateNight. But I'm no Soloman...I've done far too many dumbass things in my short life, made far too many mistakes. Wish that wasnt the truth, but it is!

Al nearly every good doer or saint has done too many dumbass things. Unless one of us is the second coming, “Mistake” is our middle name. Every steadfast person except maybe one that I can think of has been shocked by their role in society. So just don’t be too surprised if you wake up one morning with some extra gate keys in your pocket. Who do you think the keys are going to? The richest person? The one with the royal bloodline? Or the one with the best attorney? LOL, some of us worry about what may happen if we are bad enough, but how many of us think what may happen to us if we are good enough?

Me, I judge a person solely by how well they play the guitar. Kansast is ok in my book. Probably better than you or I. (duck) I can’t play a note but I’m a darn good listener.

Al Swearengen 03-13-2007 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by rhertz
Al nearly every good doer or saint has done too many dumbass things. Unless one of us is the second coming, “Mistake” is our middle name. Every steadfast person except maybe one that I can think of has been shocked by their role in society. So just don’t be too surprised if you wake up one morning with some extra gate keys in your pocket. Who do you think the keys are going to? The richest person? The one with the royal bloodline? Or the one with the best attorney? LOL, some of us worry about what may happen if we are bad enough, but how many of us think what may happen to us if we are good enough?

Me, I judge a person solely by how well they play the guitar. Kansast is ok in my book. Probably better than you or I. (duck) I can’t play a note but I’m a darn good listener.

Well, they let me guard the gates down here...if they give me a job guardin the pearly gates in the hereafter, well, heck, I'll take that! :) Got lots of experience.

LateNight 03-13-2007 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by Al Swearengen
Bout as sharp as a sack o wet mice.

LOL good one there Al.. always liked Foghorn Leghorn.. full of all sorts of good wisdom, for them folks who are too slow :yes:

"I said, now I said, pay attention boy!"

"That boy is about as sharp as a bowlin' ball."

"That kid's about as sharp as a pound of wet liver."

"Boy, your lips are movin' but you ain't saying nothin"."

"That dog's as subtle as a hand grenade in a barrel of oat meal." (FUNNY):clap:

"That boy's just like a tattoo...gets under your skin."

"You're built too low. The fast ones go over your head. Ya got a hole in your glove. I keep pitchin' 'em and you keep missin' 'em. Ya gotta keep your eye on the ball. Eye. Ball. I almost had a gag, son. Joke, that is."

"Pay attention, boy! I'm cuttin' but you're not bleedin'!"

"That boy's so dumb, he thinks a Mexican border pays rent!"

"Smart boy, got a mind like a steel trap -- full of mice."


Al Swearengen 03-13-2007 09:28 PM

Ha! Ok, ya got me fair and square...I...I confess...I'm Foghorn Leghorn!

Isabella 03-13-2007 10:37 PM

You guys are so funny! Al, Isaac, rhertz, and LateNight keep up the good work.:clapbig: :clapbig: :clapbig:

Isaac-Saxxon 03-14-2007 07:01 AM

I love Foghorn Leghorn

Originally Posted by LateNight
LOL good one there Al.. always liked Foghorn Leghorn.. full of all sorts of good wisdom, for them folks who are too slow :yes:

"I said, now I said, pay attention boy!"

"That boy is about as sharp as a bowlin' ball."

"That kid's about as sharp as a pound of wet liver."

"Boy, your lips are movin' but you ain't saying nothin"."

"That dog's as subtle as a hand grenade in a barrel of oat meal." (FUNNY):clap:

"That boy's just like a tattoo...gets under your skin."

"You're built too low. The fast ones go over your head. Ya got a hole in your glove. I keep pitchin' 'em and you keep missin' 'em. Ya gotta keep your eye on the ball. Eye. Ball. I almost had a gag, son. Joke, that is."

"Pay attention, boy! I'm cuttin' but you're not bleedin'!"

"That boy's so dumb, he thinks a Mexican border pays rent!"

"Smart boy, got a mind like a steel trap -- full of mice."


Hey Al your ok in my book. I love Foghorn Leghorn and all those quotes bring back good memories. There is another I used to watch Francis the talking mule and yes I can think of someone on this board that could play the part of a talking jackass :laugh: :laugh: and it is not Al ! So when you read words that sound like they came out of the mouth of a braying ass then spread some of you reputation around and vote your heart !

sbl_admin 03-14-2007 07:53 AM

Updated News Story
A new story has been added to the "Read More" section of this topic, as follows

CNN -- Mar 14 2007 7:53 AM
Scholar: 'Jesus Tomb' documentary got it wrong

Neo 03-14-2007 08:39 AM

Nominee of the year
I have been missing in action for few days. After reviewing past replies, I think Brainsmash has won the prize for longest reply and can be named Librarian Kain for ample bibliography. Also, I would like to nominate him for master headbutter that will not conceed an inch.....I think I here the division bell!:D :D

Hey brainsmash Tom cruise is coming to town. What do you think of his religion?

BrainSmashR 03-14-2007 11:59 AM


Originally Posted by Al Swearengen
Again, make up your befuddled mind, if you are CATHOLIC then you are CHRISTIAN.

Fine, have it your way.....I have completed the rituals and earned the title of Confirmed Catholic.....if that makes me a Christian in your eyes, then so bit it. That certainly wouldn't be the first mistake made by a Christian and his/her warped sense of beliefs.


Top of the ladder eh? Ya mean HERE, on Earth? Not quite. Mother nature, which could be interpreted as a facet of God's power, has no equal.
Actually Mother Nature has met her superior. Notice man tends to alter the environment to suit our needs rather than us adapting to the environment. For instance, I'm betting you are in a dry, climate controlled building today as opposed to standing in the rain.

Oh man, are you for real?
I think that's the question you should be asking of those that bow to imaginary beings....

Yes, dude, Im a ****in psycho. I MUST be, since I've been spending all this time trying to understand the horse**** that gets pounded out of your keyboard. IF, and I say IF you EVER had any credibility, you ran fresh out with your last post (not that I dont enjoy them, theyre very amusing) on this thread. Maybe someday when you get diagnosed with some dreaded incurable disease involving alot of pain and suffering you'll change your tune about how sane suicide is. I think it's a safe bet you'll have a change of heart. But thatll just be tough titty, wont it, since you're a catholic and catholics believe suicide leads straight to Hell. Have a nice day.
No, I'll never change my mind about the "sanity" of suicide....and you might be surprised to find out that Catholics aren't the only ones who consider it a sin.....Thou Shalt not kill is pretty cut and dry.

Maybe you never specifically SAID you were an atheist, but you sure as hell implied it. I think everyone would agree on that.
Actually Atheist is a religious term, specific to Christianity. In other words, everyone YOU know might agree, but that certainly doesn't make it true.

BrainSmashR 03-14-2007 12:07 PM


Originally Posted by rhertz
Whoa, wait a minute, did I miss something? You're a murder suspect? Did I read that right? You must be jerking everyone's leg here.

Obviously you missed maybe the part where I was speaking in past tense.

If you are serious, and if you are innocent, then you really need to try harder to make friends here on earth. And if you are guilty, then you really need to try harder to make friends in heaven. In other words, either way, I'd be praying my @ss off!
Well that's partially because you lack basic reading comprehension skills....and apparently lack even the most basic aspects of common sense

You’re joking right? Does your attorney know you are chatting about it on the Internet? This just doesn’t seem real, especially considering your past radical religious posts. But if you are serious, my apologies, I’m not asking you to prove it. A man is innocent until proven guilty, and maybe you just like giving the authorities lots to read!
Or better yet, you could not jump to conclusions and make wild accusations when simply asking questions will provide you with the correct information.

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