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LateNight 12-03-2007 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon (Post 25942)
It is good to see you get over your apathy LN. I had a visit with a man this morning and he liked RP and said that RP just lacked the charisma he needed.

Granted, the man is no "politician" :) :cool:

rhertz 12-03-2007 02:36 PM

Maybe he should hire a guru like James Carville or Dick Morris to polish his presentation... (NOT!)

vixweb 12-03-2007 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by Al Swearengen (Post 25900)
Just what exactly is it about him or his campaign that makes him a "nut"?

If you've heard him speak, you shouldnt even need to ask that. He's a loon.

LateNight 12-03-2007 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by vixweb (Post 25953)
If you've heard him speak, you shouldnt even need to ask that. He's a loon.

Other than your love for this war.. what of his do you disagree with ?

Isaac-Saxxon 12-03-2007 05:08 PM

I am still open for debate on Ron Paul. I have been to his web site. I would like to hear from Al and LN on what it is you like about him. Short list I can do my homework. Vix what is it you do not like about him ? Short list. Can this man beat the Federal Government Machine ?? He has to have Congress behind him to do anything. I am still very much up in the air on who I will choose ? I welcome any comments. Joepole some of you wisdom here please !

Al Swearengen 12-03-2007 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by vixweb (Post 25953)
If you've heard him speak, you shouldnt even need to ask that. He's a loon.

Yeah, Ive heard him speak many times, including this debate. And he was the only man up there that had any integrity, who wasnt chokin on a mouth full of bullschit like the others. He's the only man I trust to fix what's wrong with this country...hell, he's the only one who can. Charisma? Jesus H. Christ, people! Havent ya had enough of that yet? Another stuffed shirt makin empty promises and lyin his (or her) ass off to get elected...that what ya want? Will ya listen to the man for the love o' God? Ya want another self-servin crook of a politician or do ya want a decent, honest man who believes in personal freedom, who's decisions are guided by the U.S. Constitution, who walks it like he talks it and has the record to prove it, who wants to abolish the IRS, the FED, the Dept of Education and all the other pork and thievery and give the power back to the people? Business as usual aint workin...the system is broke, been broke a long time, and it's time for an overhaul.

Isaac-Saxxon 12-03-2007 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by Al Swearengen (Post 25961)
What the hell's wrong with you? Yeah, Ive heard him speak many times, including this debate. And he was the only man up there that had any integrity, who wasnt chokin on a mouth full of bullschit like the others. He's the only man I trust to fix what's wrong with this country...hell, he's the only one who can. Charisma? Jesus H. Christ, people! Havent ya had enough of that yet? Another stuffed shirt makin empty promises and lyin his (or her) ass off to get elected...that what ya want? Will ya listen to the man for the love o' God? Ya want another self-servin crook of a politician or do ya want a decent, honest man who believes in personal freedom, who's decisions are guided by the U.S. Constitution, who walks it like he talks it and has the record to prove it, who wants to abolish the IRS, the FED, the Dept of Education and all the other pork and thievery and give the power back to the people? Business as usual aint workin...the system is broke, been broke a long time, and it's time for an overhaul. I swear to God some of you folks have a chronic case of the dumbass that nothin, no amount of logic or common sense can ever cure. Ya make me despair for the future.

Come on now Al a little less rant and a few more facts. I know you like RP and I would like to hear what it is you think makes him the ONE !

LateNight 12-03-2007 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon (Post 25956)
I am still open for debate on Ron Paul. I have been to his web site. I would like to hear from Al and LN on what it is you like about him. Short list I can do my homework. Vix what is it you do not like about him ? Short list. Can this man beat the Federal Government Machine ?? He has to have Congress behind him to do anything. I am still very much up in the air on who I will choose ? I welcome any comments. Joepole some of you wisdom here please !

Isaac, times like now I wish I was a better debater.

For me, it's the amount of common sense on the issues at hand when I hear Ron Paul speak. Ron Paul's been around a long time. Certainly there are things he would like to change, that may or may not happen, they would require much help from congress and senate to ever pass..

But put simply, if it were up to Ron Paul, he would drastically reduce the size of the Federal Government. Get it back to what it was meant to be, not the huge machine that it is today. Take the Federal Government OUT of the things that it shouldn't be in the business of in the first place, or that it doesn't do very well.

Many things that he speaks of are true "republican ideas" or at least USED TO BE. Smaller government, get the feds out of personal lives.. a strong defense, that doesn't go anywhere. Stop fighting these wars that are bleeding us dry. Don't send troops in because of some UN resolution.

Many of us are working 4 months out of a year, just to pay our taxes each year.. Ron Paul would like very much for us to be able to keep most if not all of that money. Which would be very possible.. end this war in Iraq.. quit sending all this money overseas..

What ever your feelings are on this Iraq war.. whether you are for or against it.. there's just no way we can continue to afford it.. we can't foot the bill anymore. it's bleeding us dry financially. not that there are certain companies making a bloody fortune from it with all the privatizing they done with aspects of the war. Not to mention, our tax dollars, pay to blow up **** over there, so our tax dollars can pay to FIX it. meanwhile our own infrastructure at home falls apart.

Some people freak out when they hear Ron Paul wants to get rid of the Department of Education.. it's my understanding, the Department of Education as we know it, didn't exist until 1980 ? Ronald Reagan wanted to do away with it. For Ron Paul, so much of these things should be considered on the Local level.. take for instance PRAYER IN SCHOOL.. feds say we can't have that.. now if prayer in school was left up to the states, the local level.. I guarandamnteeya, we'd have prayer in schools right here in Louisiana !!

Because of the Feds, airline pilots aren't allowed to arm themselves.. hell an armored car vehicle can protect their cargo, but an airline pilot can't ? why not ? we entrust them with our lives to fly us from here to there.. if we left that kind of thing up to the Airlines.. 9/11 never happens.

Many of the issues that bother us today, abortion, prayer in school, etc.. they take up so much of our time in Presidential Debates.. never should happen, these things should be considered at the Local level, it's what the founding fathers had intended.

Ron Paul is very much Against Abortion, the man has delivered many a baby. But he simply doesn't believe it should be considered on the Federal level.

He's a big supporter of your second amendment rights. He receives the highest scores from the NRA etc..

He's often mistaken for being an isolationist... which is wrong.. he's all about working with other countries, just doesn't want our troops all over the globe, unless we are declaring war against someone.

As long we expect so much from the Feds.. the more they OWN us. And they know this.

on a side note.. I heard elsewhere on these message boards, someone was complaining about Ron Paul, said he was the lone vote against Rosa Parks receiving a congressional medal of honor. Some people call him a racists because of it. Well the story I hear, he has nothing but great respect for the woman.. just doesn't think the $30,000 it takes to make one of those things.. is not a good use of Tax Payer money.. he suggested members of congress pony up the money for it instead..

I don't do any of his comments or arguments justice. I would suggest reading Ron Pauls thoughts on all these issues and more here:

the issues:

his writings:

Isaac-Saxxon 12-04-2007 09:09 AM

This is the kind of post I like to read. It is good to see you so proactive. Can RP make the jump ? Only time can tell.

vixweb 12-04-2007 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by LateNight (Post 25955)
Other than your love for this war.. what of his do you disagree with ?

1. What on earth makes you think I love this war, genious? This war is N.E.C.E.S.S.A.R.Y. - what part of that do you not understand?

2. RonPaul said we should pull out ALL of our troops from EVERYWHERE, bring them home, and "we should mind our own buisiness" That sounds great, in a FAIRY TALE!!! This is the really real world ! When I say He's a nut, those are the type of "rants" I am reffering to. Our president needs a full understanding of some very complex issues, that RonPaul clearly cannot grasp. This is what you call a "fundamental flaw". I LOVE his constitutionalism, but that is NOT good enough. This is MY opinion, and I am certainly NOT alone. I don't care if you love him- go for it. You are few:peace:

LateNight 12-04-2007 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by vixweb (Post 26028)
1. What on earth makes you think I love this war, genious? This war is N.E.C.E.S.S.A.R.Y. - what part of that do you not understand?

Every reason we were told this war was necessary turned out to be crap... why are we there again now? to keep it from falling apart since we got there ?

we leave, it might get better, it might get worse.. no one knows these answers anymore than they "knew" it was going to be a cake walk going in there and maintaining control of that cluster #$@$

troops did a fine job, we declared "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" time to bring them home.. we can't financially afford this war anymore.

I'll agree. that bringing our troops home from EVERYWHERE can't happen over night.. and may not be possible everywhere. .. but at least someone is standing up and saying Guess what folks!? we can't afford this crap anymore.. it's bleeding us dry.

howela 12-04-2007 09:31 PM

All did well

Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon (Post 25921)
Did anybody watch the debate ? Who won ?

I watched it and to say who "won" would depend on what you were looking for in a candidate.
I was impressed with several who appeared genuine in their answers including Rudy Giuliani, Mike Huckabee, John McCain and Ron Paul.
I thought Romney sounded plastic, although I've liked his position in the past.
Mike Huckabee seemed to connect with the audience more than the others.
Ron Paul was the most committed to his position. By that I mean he told you how he felt about an issue when others would try to spin it ;IE, the waterboading question. Ron Paul would answer honestly and unbending sometimes amidst booing from the crowd.
I thought John McCain was what has been referred to as sounding the most "Presidential".
Fred Thompson spoke and I heard him but like our day long company meetings... afterward I couldn't tell one thing he said. Like the peanuts cartoon... Waw waw waw wah..wah wah.

vixweb 12-04-2007 09:45 PM


Originally Posted by LateNight (Post 26029)
Every reason we were told this war was necessary turned out to be crap... why are we there again now? to keep it from falling apart since we got there ?

If you STILL havent figured that out yet, I'm not gonna explain it to you again....Vote for paul:rolleyes: Apparently, your as clueless as he is-

Al Swearengen 12-04-2007 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by vixweb (Post 26033)
If you STILL havent figured that out yet, I'm not gonna explain it to you again....Vote for paul:rolleyes: Apparently, your as clueless as he is-

Except the troops overwhelmingly support Dr. Paul, but I guess they're clueless too. Why is Dr. Paul good enough for our troops but not good enough for you?:rolleyes:

vixweb 12-04-2007 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by Al Swearengen (Post 26036)
Except the troops overwhelmingly support Dr. Paul

Right....assuming thats correct (and thats a BIG assumption),then yes.

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