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Pocahontas 04-10-2007 03:29 PM

[quote=Texasbelle]Anime- Where is that Smiley shooting the arrow when Pocahontas needed it??????????????????????:laugh:[/QUOTE

Yes indeed that would be nice!! I'm sure I'll have plenty more shootings to do!:laugh:

BrainSmashR 04-10-2007 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by rhertz
Calling God a "figment of the imagination" is the ultimate act of sticking your head in the sand. Funny how the three main religions all share the same "figment of the imagination" (Abraham's God) Mathematically, what are the chances of millions having the exact same dream? Not good, but that is the ground you choose to stand upon.

Funny how not one of the "3 main religions" can prove the existence of their god.....sort of reminds me of a time when the "majority" of people just KNEW the world was flat because that's what everybody believed and there were even books to cite as reference.

What you call sticking ones head in the sand, I call accepting the truth no matter how much I (or in this case, you) disagree with it.

AnimeSpirit 04-10-2007 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by Pocahontas
Yes indeed that would be nice!! I'm sure I'll have plenty more shootings to do!:laugh:

I'll get right on it. :D

BrainSmashR 04-10-2007 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by rhertz
I see where you are headed Brainsmashr. I believe in the near future, it will become increasingly politicly incorrect to bash someone like you who is, how do I put it, genetically challenged to believe in God. It's not your fault that you may have been shorted in the neurological gene pool.

Am I supposed to be surprised that a "christian" would condone discrimination?

I'm just happy separation of chruch and state prevent idiots like you from taking the law into their own hands.

Are humans hard-wired for faith?

"Dr. Newberg suggests that these brain scans may provide proof that our brains are built to believe in God. He says there may be universal features of the human mind that actually make it easier for us to believe in a higher power."

It would appear by the good Doctor's research that you got short changed somehow. Again, not your fault any more than it would be your fault if you were gay.
It's common knowledge that those who lack self confidence place their faith in higher beings. It's where the "not my fault" and "can't help myself" excuses come from.

Do you even think about what you're going to post before hitting the keyboard or do you just enjoy showing how little thought you've given your replies?

FACT 04-10-2007 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
Am I supposed to be surprised that a "christian" would condone discrimination?

I'm just happy separation of chruch and state prevent idiots like you from taking the law into their own hands.

It's common knowledge that those who lack self confidence place their faith in higher beings. It's where the "not my fault" and "can't help myself" excuses come from.

Do you even think about what you're going to post before hitting the keyboard or do you just enjoy showing how little thought you've given your replies?

BSer you think you know it all. You are one pitiful human being.

BrainSmashR 04-10-2007 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by AnimeSpirit
I agree with rhertz. Calling anyone's God an "imaginery being" is very persumptuous and arrogant, Brain. However, you're entitled to your opinion so long as you don't try to feed it to us by force.

Not trying to force feed my beliefs on anyone.....that's what christians are ordered to do. However, the means of shutting me up are quite simple.....They say their god is real, I say show me. Can't do it....imagine my surprise.

Let's try a similar analogy to this one. Let's say you were married to a woman that you sincerely find attractive. Let's say you go out with this woman and some guy walks up and comments that your wife is ugly. That may be his honest opinion even though your honest opinion differs. However, it was still very rude of him to say and you'd probably feel compelled to lay him out for making that comment.
No, the equivalent would be the guy saying my date doesn't exist. My reply would not be one of violence, it would be to SHOW HIM my date.....which is EXACTLY what I have asked for...a simple request for a visible savior or just one witnessed miracle that cannot be explained by science.


It doesn't matter what the truth is because the truth is entirely personal. However attempting to imply that your personal truth is the ultimate truth is arrogant and some might consider it rude.
I readily admit to being quite arrogant and couldn't care less who finds that rude....I'm not here to make friends (I have a life), but rather to debate issues with people who don't share my opinions.

BTW, Science IS the truth. It never changes and there's nothing personal about it. Hot air will always rise, Gravity will always pull and neither are concerned with the fantasies of man.

BrainSmashR 04-10-2007 04:27 PM


At all of our Christmas get togethers there are prayers and blessings. The family gatherings would sure be alot more meaningful if you did remember the sacrifices our Savior made. Your employer is required to give you the day off I never said otherwise.
Okay so I answered all of your questions without a question. Can you answer mine? Since you are calling ALL Christians "scum on the top of the pond" that would include YOUR Christian relatives as well??:confused:
Well I am delighted that you have prayers and blessing in your family at every get together....and don't get me wrong, they probably take place at some point with some members of my family. What I'm saying is that we don't all stand in a circle holding hands and praying....

As far as my christian relatives, yes that would hold true for them as well. I'm not a hypocrite and to the best of my knowledge they are believers of their own free will. What's there to be confused about? Do you agree with everything every member of your family does and says? Of course you don't.....

Isaac-Saxxon 04-10-2007 04:29 PM

Hot air will always rise

Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
Not trying to force feed my beliefs on anyone.....that's what christians are ordered to do. However, the means of shutting me up are quite simple.....They say their god is real, I say show me. Can't do it....imagine my surprise.

No, the equivalent would be the guy saying my date doesn't exist. My reply would not be one of violence, it would be to SHOW HIM my date.....which is EXACTLY what I have asked for...a simple request for a visible savior or just one witnessed miracle that cannot be explained by science.

I readily admit to being quite arrogant and couldn't care less who finds that rude....I'm not here to make friends (I have a life), but rather to debate issues with people who don't share my opinions.

BTW, Science IS the truth. It never changes and there's nothing personal about it. Hot air will always rise, Gravity will always pull and neither are concerned with the fantasies of man.

You should be floating around all the time Buddy :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

FACT 04-10-2007 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
Well I am delighted that you have prayers and blessing in your family at every get together....and don't get me wrong, they probably take place at some point with some members of my family. What I'm saying is that we don't all stand in a circle holding hands and praying....

As far as my christian relatives, yes that would hold true for them as well. I'm not a hypocrite and to the best of my knowledge they are believers of their own free will. What's there to be confused about? Do you agree with everything every member of your family does and says? Of course you don't.....

It would be interesting to know what your family thinks of your views on religion. I bet you don't discuss them.

BrainSmashR 04-10-2007 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by FACT
It would be interesting to know what your family thinks of your views on religion. I bet you don't discuss them.

Why do you think they don't discuss religion with me, Einstein?

It's not like it's a secret I haven't been to church in like 25 years....

Pocahontas 04-10-2007 04:43 PM


Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
Well I am delighted that you have prayers and blessing in your family at every get together....and don't get me wrong, they probably take place at some point with some members of my family. What I'm saying is that we don't all stand in a circle holding hands and praying....

As far as my christian relatives, yes that would hold true for them as well. I'm not a hypocrite and to the best of my knowledge they are believers of their own free will. What's there to be confused about? Do you agree with everything every member of your family does and says? Of course you don't.....

No I don't believe and agree with alot of my family members about alot of things but I don't feel they are scum! Most people feel scum is a derogatory statement. I guess your family doesn't know that you consider them scum.
Of course maybe they do and enjoy like company!!?

BrainSmashR 04-10-2007 04:49 PM


Originally Posted by Pocahontas
No I don't believe and agree with alot of my family members about alot of things but I don't feel they are scum! Most people feel scum is a derogatory statement. I guess your family doesn't know that you consider them scum.
Of course maybe they do and enjoy like company!!?

Try to be honest for a many of your uncles have you spoken to today? How many of your aunts did you have lunch with yesterday? How many of your cousins are coming for a sleep over this evening?

While I will congratulate you on what you tried to do, as you can see, it wasn't very well thought

AnimeSpirit 04-10-2007 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by Texasbelle
Anime- Where is that Smiley shooting the arrow when Pocahontas needed it? :laugh:

Here you go! I made this during my lunch break earlier today. Admin apparently added it while I was in class. Rep+ if you like! :p


Pocahontas 04-10-2007 06:37 PM

Answers only please!

Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
Try to be honest for a many of your uncles have you spoken to today? How many of your aunts did you have lunch with yesterday? How many of your cousins are coming for a sleep over this evening?

While I will congratulate you on what you tried to do, as you can see, it wasn't very well thought

We just had a 50 member family reunion this past Sat. So for now I'm caught up with all my relatives thanks for asking though. Once again I will attempt to get an answer and NOT a question from you. Do your Christian family members know that you think they are all scum? Just a one word reply will do...Check Yes or NO.

Pocahontas 04-10-2007 06:40 PM

[quote=AnimeSpirit]Here you go! I made this during my lunch break earlier today. Admin apparently added it while I was in class. Rep+ if you like! :p


How totally awesome Anime! You are my hero!;) ;) ;)


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