Notices |
Welcome to the new! The website is now under new management, and certainly by now you have noticed that it has been completely redesigned. We have created a ton of new content, including detailed pages about local attractions, entertainment, industry, and sports. Please check out the new site at . We've also opened the forums back up - please feel free to jump in and get engaged!
Who is SBLive? |
SBLive! is developed and owned by Bandwise LLC. Bandwise is headquartered in Shreveport and is owned by two local Internet businessmen who seek to build local community as well as help other local businesses to promote themselves using Internet technologies. Bandwise LLC is an ASP (Application Service Provider) specializing in Internet tools and services needed by today's organizations to publish and promote their products and services via the Internet. If you wish to build a web presence or else advertise on any of our sites, please visit |
Who moderates Group content? |
Any Member may submit a request to create a new group. SBLive must approve any new group or sponsorship before it becomes available to the public according to our Terms of Use policy. When a member creates a new group or sponsorship, he is automatically setup as the first moderator for that group. Moderators may designate additional members to become moderators as well. There is no limit to the number of moderators that a group or sponsor may setup. We ask that moderators and members keep the discussion "on topic". Moderators do have the ability to ban any user who does not abide by our Terms of Service policies. |
Board FAQ |
Here you can find answers to questions about how the board works. Use the links below or the search box above to find your way around. |
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