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What is SBLive! ?
SBLive! is a highly interactive community website provided for local people to express themselves, as well as for local businesses to promote themselves. SBLive! combines many of the features of a city portal, news portal, myspace, blogspot, and other social and business networking sites. You might think of SBLive! as "my shreveport space dot com" and much more. Businesses are provided with the same powerful tools such as a blog, photo gallery, podcast, video, virtual storefront, and discussion forum which can be used to "build community" as well as create and expand new markets.

Would you like to start a new group?
It’s easy. Simply click here and fill out the form to submit your idea for a new group. If approved, you will be the first moderator of that group and your SBLive Control Panel will expand to include the new group functions. This form is also linked under "Groups".

Why Register with SBLive?
There are many benefits to becoming a SBLive member. As a member you can post comments, photos, video, etc. You can vote in polls. You can promote yourself, your local business, or your special interests. Make friends and influence people with lively discussion on a wide variety of topics.

What is an avatar?
An avatar is a tiny picture associated with a member so that everyone knows what you look like! (or don’t look like). Avatars are typically as small as 60 x 60 pixels and as large as 100 x 100 in size. Avatars must be either .jpg or .gif or .png format files. They are uploaded through your “My SBLive!” control panel under “settings and options”.

Are you unable to log into the site even though you completed the registration page?
Did you know that your new account must be activated? After the registration process, you should receive an email from SBLive with further instructions on how to activate your account. This is done by simply clicking on a link in the email (highlighted in blue). You should then be able to log in. If you have further problems, please email info@shreveport.com for more assistance.

Does SBLive cost anything?
You may register to become a member for free. Members may also create "SBLive! Groups" which are also free. Groups may be started to promote almost any activity or special interest, that abides by our Terms of Service agreement. Groups may be formed by anyone such as non-profit organizations, clubs, special interests, or even businesses. However a business may choose to go one step further and become a "SBLive! Sponsor" for a small monthly service fee which is where we earn our revenue to support the site. Sponsors receive an ad on the group pages they are sponsoring. In addition, Sponsors a rotating ad space that appears throughout the site. Once again, we only charge for Sponsorships and normal advertising, whereas memberships and groups are free.

How do I post Youtube videos in the forum?
To post YouTube videos into a thread on the forum, follow these steps. When you see a Youtube video you like, click on the page to view the video as you normally would. The address to any video on Youtube.com looks like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVF-0JKLnd4 To post a video in our forums, you will need to copy the video ID. This is the part of the address that follows the "v=", for example "NVF-0JKLnd4" in the address used above. Sometimes the address will look something like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TlN2_ru37vg&mode=related&search= In this case, you still want just the part after v= and before the &, for example "TlN2_ru37vg". Highlight this part of the address and copy it. Proceed to the thread in the forums where you want to post the video. Press the Youtube button above the text field. It should resemble a tiny Youtube logo. The Youtube tags will appear for you. Paste the video ID between the tags like so: [YT]TlN2_ru37vg[/YT] Continue your post until you are satisfied and submit your post as normal. The point where the Youtube tags are in your post will be replaced by a large Youtube player. These instructions apply only to Youtube videos and NOT videos found in the galleries here on our site.

How do I add media (photos/videos/blogs/pocasts) to my personal gallery?
This is fairly simple. Click the MySBLive! button at the top of your screen. This is your control panel for account settings and media. You will see buttons to the left that identify each media gallery in your personal account (i.e. My Videos, My Podcasts, etc.). These buttons expand when you mouse over them. Each one has an option to add a media item to your gallery. Each media type has a quick form to fill out. On this form, you will select the file you want to upload and other things such as a title and description. Once you submit this form, the media item becomes viewable in your personal gallery.

How do I add media (photos/videos/blogs/pocasts) to my group gallery?
Once you are a member of a group, you may post certain media types in that group to share with your fellow members. Note that blogs cannot be uploaded to a group gallery except by the group moderators. Members may post their blogs in their personal galleries only. Group members may only post photos in their own categories as well. If you do not have a category, contact that group's moderator to request a category be added for you to upload to. To add media to a group gallery, click the My SBLive! button at the top of the site. You will see 4 main menu items in the middle of the page. Select the one that say "My Groups." This will show a list of groups you both own and are a member of. Select the group you want to add media to. You will be given a menu that allows you to add/edit every media type in that group. Members can only edit the media they uploaded. For additional assistance, contact sbl_admin via private message or e-mail via the contact us page.

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