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Old 01-09-2008, 10:02 PM   #3
Al Swearengen
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Originally Posted by Morpheus View Post
It bothers me that Ron Paul is 72 years old. I worry that he'll be in diapers halfway through his first term, or that he'll simply succumb, leaving us with some dip**** vice president as the Commander in Chief. Reagan holds the distinction of being the oldest elected president at the ripe old age of 69. He served two terms and left at age 77, so I guess it can be done, but there have also been murmurings that he was already suffering the beginnings of Alzheimer's while in office. Not exactly the guy you want with his finger on "the button". Wait, let me guess, Ron Paul is going to do away with the button.

I like what the guy is saying, but what he's proposing is ridiculous. Even if he was elected, the office of the presidency doesn't hold enough power to accomplish everything he proposes to do. I agree with him in principle, hell, I might even vote for him, but I'm not going to hold my breath that much will change. I certainly wouldn't get myself all worked up defending the guy.
"Defendin the guy"? Any goddamn day of the week, and you can count on that! But more than that, I'll defend his messege, and you should be doin the same. So what exactly does it take to get you "all worked up", Morpheus? If the current state o' affairs aint enough to do that then you've been asleep at the switch. Its all goin down the schitter and you people are too phuckin brainwashed to realize it. I'm disgusted with the lot of ya. There aint nothin "ridiculous" about his proposals, and the fact that you'd even say as much shows just how far gone ya are. As for the extent of executive authority, past presidents have done far more unbelievable things with executive orders than what Dr. Paul proposes. He'll take it as far as he can and then We The People will do the rest. Ya let me down, man...I expected better from ya.
Molon Labe!

Last edited by Al Swearengen; 01-09-2008 at 11:02 PM.
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