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Old 12-18-2007, 07:35 PM   #59
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Repeat After Me: "Ron Paul
Is NOT Electable!"

"Ron Paul Is Just NOT Electable!"

Ron Paul is "not electable." Ron Paul "doesn't have a chance." Ron Paul is "not a mainstream candidate." "He's a long shot." Ron Paul is a "spoiler." If you vote for Ron Paul, you'd "might as well vote for Hillary." "We've gotta beat Hillary, and Ron Paul will never get the Republican nomination." "Ron Paul won't make it - that's what they're saying in the circles I run in."

If phrases like these come immediately and unbidden to your mind, please take an honest look at your thought processes. Can you look yourself in a mirror and say without flinching:

"The notion that Ron Paul is "not electable" is original with me; I arrived at it by careful consideration of all the evidence."
If you want to prove to yourself that "traditional media" is seriously distorting your world view, try this simple test:
Take a drive around your city and see for yourself all the Ron Paul signs! Who are those people at the mall, on the street corner, and why do they stand there for hours waving to you and holding up those signs that say "Hope for America!" ???
How about that "political nut" at church - you know, the one with the Ron Paul button and the signs on the side of his car. You know who I mean! Why is he so passionate about Ron Paul? Is it possible this Ron Paul guy has more support than you've been allowed to see on the TV?
There is another, better way to get real news. It used to be that we would tune in to short-wave radio to get real news. Today, we can simply log on to the internet. Why not try it?
Look, up in the sky! What's that, a Ron Paul blimp?
Watch the videos, admire the creativity! Read the blogs. See the artwork. Listen to the music. Count the money! Tune in, for God's sake, and for America's sake, and witness a movement for liberty unprecedented in recent American history!
NONE of this massive support for Dr. Paul -- you can see it with your own eyes -- was manufactured by a Corporatocracy!
NONE was generated by the Ron Paul Campaign!
ALL of these efforts are spontaneously generated by a rapidly growing legion of people, people like you and me, people excited to the core by the idea of LIBERTY!
Now, after personally considering all the evidence, can you still say with a straight face "Ron Paul is not electable?"
Maybe it would be worth your while to read a little bit about Ron Paul and his message of Freedom, don'cha think? Then, register or re-register as a Republican and get out and vote to make Ron Paul the Republican nominee for president!
Link to full article
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