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sbl_admin 06-29-2007 07:21 AM

Bomb Attempt In London Foiled
Police in London say they have deactivated a bomb packed with nails and capable of creating huge casualties, raising renewed fears of a terrorist strike almost two years after the city was hit by deadly suicide bombers.

Isaac-Saxxon 06-29-2007 07:43 AM

Does anybody think the terrorist are going away ? You fight force with force and the time is coming when they are going to hit the USA hard and the what will the bleeding hearts say ? I know it is Bush's fault that is the scape goat. NOT ! It will be time to kick some ass and no need to take any names they all have the same name. Congress is gutless so they drag our military and our President down with their spineless ways. Still proud to be a American but it is time to vote out the bleeding hearts and this country needs to get some balls.
:flag: :flag: :flag: :flag: :flag: :flag: :flag:

LateNight 06-29-2007 03:29 PM

"The sky is falling, the sky is falling, be afraid, be very afraid."

You know.. on one hand I might agree with you.. but on the other hand, I still don't see what "terrorist" and Iraq have in common.

I guess this makes me a "bleeding heart"... ?

On the lighter side of things.. TGIF :cool: :peace:

joepole 06-29-2007 03:52 PM

Apparently they found another one not too long ago.

These terrorists are pretty bad at their jobs.

Isaac-Saxxon 06-29-2007 04:05 PM

Oh LN it is ok buddy you can be a bleeding heart I will pick up the slack. It is time to reduce the population of the Jihad and vote out the liberal trash out of Congress. Joepole has a good point these bastards are not the brightest when it comes to making plans. One day one is going to get through and oh **** what will we do then.

LateNight 06-29-2007 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
Oh LN it is ok buddy you can be a bleeding heart I will pick up the slack. It is time to reduce the population of the Jihad and vote out the liberal trash out of Congress. Joepole has a good point these bastards are not the brightest when it comes to making plans. One day one is going to get through and oh **** what will we do then.

That's one of my points.. the total sum of monies and man power we spent to go into Iraq.. when we could have kept at it in Afganistan.. against taliban and Al Quaidas etc.. or spend some of that Billions and billions on protecting our borders.. our shipyards etc...

seems to me there's room for disagreement, without me having to be a "bleeding heart" ..

Isaac-Saxxon 06-29-2007 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by LateNight
That's one of my points.. the total sum of monies and man power we spent to go into Iraq.. when we could have kept at it in Afganistan.. against taliban and Al Quaidas etc.. or spend some of that Billions and billions on protecting our borders.. our shipyards etc...

seems to me there's room for disagreement, without me having to be a "bleeding heart" ..

Well LN I suppose there is somewhere ;) If you think that Afghanistan is the center of the problem well :confused: look around the middle east my friend and you will see if they have a towel on their head they would like to kill us. So it is world wide and time to get some brass horns and send those bastards to pick up their virgins. I am off to the house you guys have a great day I will see ya on the board later.
The Saxxon

LateNight 06-29-2007 08:23 PM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
Well LN I suppose there is somewhere ;) If you think that Afghanistan is the center of the problem well :confused: look around the middle east my friend and you will see if they have a towel on their head they would like to kill us. So it is world wide and time to get some brass horns and send those bastards to pick up their virgins. I am off to the house you guys have a great day I will see ya on the board later.
The Saxxon

It's not that I believe our problem is ONLY in Afghanistan.. hardly.. but there was plenty there, and we may have passed up our chance at Bin Laden, when we pulled troops out of there to send into Iraq.

And as far as looking for the terrorist.. I'm all for that. But that kind of war, is not fought on a grand scale, going into some country like Iraq, forcing our young troops to "play cop" and not shoot, until shot at first. Not to mention the money alone spent to support such a war.. Since the terrorist have no "country" that kind of war needs to be fought on the under-cover, hit and run type missions.. troops that can be sent to a location at a moments notice, and hit them hard and fast at their training camps etc..

There I go sounding all Freaking "bleeding heart" again eh ?

Isaac-Saxxon 06-30-2007 05:55 AM


Originally Posted by LateNight
It's not that I believe our problem is ONLY in Afghanistan.. hardly.. but there was plenty there, and we may have passed up our chance at Bin Laden, when we pulled troops out of there to send into Iraq.

And as far as looking for the terrorist.. I'm all for that. But that kind of war, is not fought on a grand scale, going into some country like Iraq, forcing our young troops to "play cop" and not shoot, until shot at first. Not to mention the money alone spent to support such a war.. Since the terrorist have no "country" that kind of war needs to be fought on the under-cover, hit and run type missions.. troops that can be sent to a location at a moments notice, and hit them hard and fast at their training camps etc..

There I go sounding all Freaking "bleeding heart" again eh ?

eh ????????

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