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piemaker720 10-29-2007 09:07 AM

Emergency agency held fake news conference


The US Federal Emergency Management Agency has been forced to apologise for holding a fake news conference on the California fires with staff members posing as reporters.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), whose handling of disasters is closely watched since its sluggish response to Hurricane Katrina in 2005, organised a news conference on the fires on Tuesday in Washington.
Faced with an empty briefing room for FEMA deputy administrator Harvey Johnson's televised news conference, agency staff members staff were placed in the reporters' seats and asked questions.
The real journalists, meanwhile, were given a phone number to call in to listen to Johnson's answers.
Johnson, a vice-admiral in the US navy, apologised for the fake briefing, which was revealed in a Washington Post column today.
Well FEMA done stepped in it again. When are they going to learn, it's not nice to try and fool the public, they get caught.:laugh::laugh:

piemaker720 10-29-2007 06:35 PM

Fake FEMA News Conference Ends Organizer's Bid for New Job at Office of DNI,2933,305969,00.html


A fake news conference at FEMA headquarters in Washington last week has cost its organizer a new job at the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and he won't be returning to his previous post either.
Philbin came under fire last week after he put together a short-notice, televised news conference at FEMA headquarters regarding the southern California wildfires. Members of the press couldn't participate in the event, but could listen through a call-in number. No journalists were physically present at the event featuring FEMA deputy administrator Vice Adm. Harvey Johnson.
Chertoff Blasts Fake FEMA Press Conference FEMA Employees' Role at News Conference on California Fires Raises Newspeople's Eyebrows
Questions ended up being asked by FEMA employees — including Philbin — who posed as reporters.
Working press panned the news conference for its soft-ball questions, which included: "Are you happy with FEMA's response so far?"
Decieve the public, get a raise. HaHaHa!

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