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sbl_admin 08-31-2006 08:20 AM

Is The Red River School Bus Incident A Civil Rights Issue?
The FBI is looking into it to see if an actual civil rights violation is involved.

windshop 08-31-2006 02:10 PM

Lesson: How To Fill & Empty A Bus
If all the riders of a bus are being picked up along a predetermined route and all are going to the same destination there is a logical way to fill the bus.
Stop #1 riders walk to the back of the bus and sit down.
Stop #2 riders walk to the back of the bus and sit down at the last available seat. And so on until the last stop riders are in the front seats. To empty the bus riders exit front to back. First to get on = last to get off. The result is everyone gets to their destination faster.

Am I missing something?

LateNight 08-31-2006 02:31 PM

This was my understanding of what went down as well.. that it had to do with just the order of where to sit... if that is the case, then I just don't understand what all the fuss is about.. ?? I guess this is one of those times one of those BUS video cam would have came in handy?

Cadenza 08-31-2006 05:00 PM

Windshop is right about there being a "logical" way of filling a bus IF you are dealing with adults. With children, there have to be other considerations such as whether some have to sit apart because they will fight or get into some other mischief when together. I don't know whether this incident is a civil rights violation or not. I hope they get to the bottom of it because it should be addressed if it is, and if not, this driver should be exonerated.

I will say this. I am a music teacher and I believe in treating all children with equal respect. Race should NEVER be a consideration in any decision. That said, I have been accused of racism when I was totally innocent. Some people can see racism in everything. For instance, I always allow any child who wants to audition for solos. One year it just happened that at the Christmas concert, the only two soloists were Black children because they were the best singers. (I never even thought about it and had no complaints from white parents.) Both of these students moved away during the year. In the spring, five of seven soloists were white children and two were Black. Our student population is probably 95% white and other, 5% Black. I never even thought of the racial factor until a Black employee accused me of racism. Even after I pointed out that at Christmas 100% of the solos were sung by Black children, she refused to admit that I chose them only on the basis of their audition. In my opinion, she was the one being racist. Fortunately, after years of knowing me, she now knows where I stand and we are friends.

When the opportunity presents itself, I teach my students that no matter what color our skin may be, we all bleed red. In other words, we are all the same on the inside where it counts.

Unfortunately, racism still exists among both populations. But it has to be taught! Our little children walk hand in hand around the playground many in a black/white pair or group. They don't even seem aware there is any difference until about third grade. They are aware of the boy girl thing way before that. We must ALL, all of us of any race, teach tolerance and not instill these absurd prejudices in innocent children.

Bob 08-31-2006 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by Cadenza
Unfortunately, racism still exists among both populations. But it has to be taught! Our little children walk hand in hand around the playground many in a black/white pair or group. They don't even seem aware there is any difference until about third grade. They are aware of the boy girl thing way before that. We must ALL, all of us of any race, teach tolerance and not instill these absurd prejudices in innocent children.

so true.. but I'll tell ya, it's hard. We have very strict rules in our house, regarding talking negatively of any race, and have certainly tried to raise and teach our kids not to be racist. But I'm constantly amazed what I do hear out of their mouths at times.. picked up from what they hear at school and the like.. it's a tough thing to do, and try to teach by example. I'd like to think that in this day and age we could get over such things.. but damn if it still ain't around. And you are correct, kids aren't born this way.

Cadenza 08-31-2006 09:51 PM

We can only do our part. When you hear your children saying something against your values and you speak up and refute what they have picked up at school you are doing your part. I believe that ultimately, persistent parental teaching and example can conquer peer influences. Sometimes there is a cultural divide to bridge as well. The only cure I know for racism is actual person to person contact between people of different races. When we see one another as individuals rather than as groups, we can break down stereotypes more easily. We can look at how far we have to go, but we should also look at how far we have come in a few generations.

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