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sbl_admin 01-11-2007 09:27 PM

Home invaders, invade wrong home
two men, brothers, broke into the home of a 56-year-old man (name withheld). The owner opened fire killing one of the brothers at the scene, the other brother critically wounded.

LateNight 01-11-2007 09:33 PM

Well I'm glad to hear these 'invaders' got what they had coming to them, apparently.. but what I find most amazing about this story, according to KTBS :


Between them, the two brothers had been arrested about 20 times by Shreveport police

AnimeSpirit 01-12-2007 03:29 PM

Arrested 20 times?!?!?! And they are still on the street because? :confused:

Isaac-Saxxon 01-12-2007 04:20 PM

And they are still on the street because?
A good lawyer knows the law and a great lawyer knows the Judge :D I am sure he went in front of one of the two Walker judges. Help a brother kind of deal. Parish system pardon the French !

rhertz 01-13-2007 11:57 AM

Now you got that right. Its amazing what a good lawyer can do (and equally amazing how much they can charge for it) But it is the "activist" judges who let violent criminals off lightly that I can't stand. Judges shouldn't give the finger to the same system that puts food on their table and pays their dry cleaning bills.

Shreveopolis 01-13-2007 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by rhertz
But it is the "activist" judges who let violent criminals off lightly that I can't stand.

now I'm all for giving someone a "second" chance etc :) but heck, if between the two of them they had been arrested 20 times. they had more than their fare share of second chances.

Isaac-Saxxon 01-13-2007 01:12 PM

arrested 20 times
Well we know one of them will not be arrested again. Thank you NRA ! The other one Mr. Swiss Cheese will have a long time to think about trying that again. Thank you NRA !
Isaac :eek:

Al Swearengen 01-15-2007 06:30 PM

Im surprised the anti-gun media even gave this story any play. "Man uses gun to thwart home invasion!" Imagine that!

rhertz 01-15-2007 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by Al Swearengen
Im surprised the anti-gun media even gave this story any play. "Man uses gun to thwart home invasion!" Imagine that!

Someone should email the story to Tom Gresham. I admire this radio talk show host more than Rush, Sean, and Bob&Tom all combined!

Isaac-Saxxon 01-16-2007 06:53 AM

Man uses gun to thwart home invasion!" Imagine that!
If every home had a legal gun in it there would be a lot less of this home invasion where they kick down the door and rob you at gun point. I too think that public execution by firing squad would deter murders and rapist in a very big way. I see they popped the head off one of Saddams half brothers now that would deter me big time :eek:

Neo 01-16-2007 03:17 PM

one in the head is better than two in the bushes
Dead men tell no tales. the victim must have missed the 8th shot. That should be certain death for those whose tread on another's domicile for intent to cause harm whether financial or bodily. Maybe then criminals won't be so ignorant of the laws...... Let me guess the criminal's lawyer will wait until the last day of statute of limitations and file a civil lawsuit. if that happens the 8th shot should hit the lawyer.:cool:

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