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Bob 11-16-2006 04:22 PM

O.J. Simpson to promote "If I Did It"
oh man.. incredible.
O.J. Simpson to promote "If I Did It" on Foxx


Fox said Tuesday it will air a two-part interview with O.J. Simpson at month's end in which he describes the 1994 murders of his ex-wife and her friend that he says he didn't commit.

The interview will be conducted by editor and book publisher Judith Regan. On November 30, her Regan Books is publishing a book Simpson wrote with the working title "If I Did It, Here's How It Happened."

Fox said Simpson's book "hypothetically describes" how he would have committed the murders. The special will air at 9 p.m. November 27 and 29 on Fox.
HA.. now THAT'S entertainment !


I didn't do it.... BUT If I did do it. Here's how I would have ..
if that doesn't take a pair to try and pull that off

rhertz 11-16-2006 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by Bob
HA.. now THAT'S entertainment !


I didn't do it.... BUT If I did do it. Here's how I would have ..
if that doesn't take a pair to try and pull that off

I feel sorry for Nicole's family having to endure even more of OJ's shenanigans at this late date. LOL, I started to say "this guy's a real psychopath", but DUH! But on top of being a murderous psychopath, he also evidently craves public attention too - that kind of a psychopath. I didn't watch the trial on TV and I probably won't watch this either....

joepole 11-16-2006 06:47 PM

I wonder if he seriously thinks he has people fooled. I wonder if he's surrounded by so many Yes-men and sycophants that he's convinced anyone actually believes he's innocent.

If not, why not just admit he did it?

Al Swearengen 11-16-2006 08:14 PM

"If I did it" hell! The sum***** DID do it and he's guilty as sin. I've seen the actual uncensored photos of Nicole Simpson's and Ron Goldman's corpses left in a bloody heap where they died, their hands and arms covered with defensive wounds...Nicole's head hanging on the merest thread of sinew. The shocking brutality of these murders is enough to make the hairs on anyone's neck stand up. If I'm not mistaken, there are laws that forbid criminals from capitalizing on their crimes...the Juice's careful wording is obviously an attempt to circumvent these laws. Guess when you're shunned like a leper your cash flow dries up...the guy could'nt get hired to shovel horseapples now, so he probably figures this stunt'll net him some easy money. We all know the only reason he got off was because the authorities were afraid his conviction would spark a riot in the black community. If there was ever a miscarriage of justice, this case is it! But thats ok...if there is a hell, I'm sure there is a room with this unremorseful maggot's name on it.

rhertz 11-17-2006 12:22 AM

If I did it?
I am a Christian but I sometimes wonder when I die, what might happen. Will I have the chance to have unanswered questions of the universe finally answered to my satisfaction??

Who really "and I mean really" killed JFK? Was there a "Grassy Knoll" shooter? How about WMD's in Iraq? Are they buried in the sand? Do UFO's really exist? Does life begin at conception or birth? Did Scott Peterson kill his wife? Stone Henge? Did OJ really do it? Err... scratch that... Not exactly a mystery of the universe......

Shreveopolis 11-17-2006 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by rhertz
I am a Christian but I sometimes wonder when I die, what might happen. Will I have the chance to have unanswered questions of the universe finally answered to my satisfaction??

Who really "and I mean really" killed JFK? Was there a "Grassy Knoll" shooter? How about WMD's in Iraq? Are they buried in the sand? Do UFO's really exist? Does life begin at conception or birth? Did Scott Peterson kill his wife? Stone Henge? Did OJ really do it? Err... scratch that... Not exactly a mystery of the universe......

oh man...
who killed JFK.. yea that's one of those mystery questions I'd like answered as well. i'm pretty sure Iraq WMDs don't exist, but I have no doubt Saddam would still be giving it his best shot if he was still in power.
I think UFOs exist, just how much and how often and where are they from is the mystery.
I'm close to 100% positive Scott Peterson killed his wife.
Yea, Stone Henge freaks me out.

And I don't know where O.J. gets off with writing this book.. think about his kids, and the family of the victims having to listen to this @#$@

Isaac-Saxxon 11-17-2006 07:37 PM

Dont drink the juice it will kill you
This is Johnny Cochrans greatest hour even though he is dead. The run away
jury bit justice in the butt. OJ can run but he can not hide and I too think that he should burn. His real day in court will come in the next phase of life and the Judge will see all the facts and well I judge no mans eternal soul but I
would not like to be OJ on that big day.

rhertz 11-18-2006 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
I judge no mans eternal soul but I
would not like to be OJ on that big day.

Well one thing is blatently obvious about you Sir Isaac if nothing else, you are a Christian or at least you believe in Christian principles...

I think it is fair to say that OJ does not.... (unless in some completely unforseen event that he is indeed innocent and has been falsely persecuted) But the crack in that door seems pretty thin after seeing OJ's old attorney on TV yesterday where he practically nodded to the fact that OJ confessed to him before he turned down the case. LOL, OJ's lawyers seem to love him about as much as Michael's lawyers love Michael.

Isaac-Saxxon 11-18-2006 08:33 PM

I can not belive he is still alive
If he had killed my daughter well he best go dig his own hole. I sure OJ does not sleep well at night and his demons are after him all the time. Hey rhertz
did OJ do the hertz adds :-) Slow weekend much time to rest and get ready
for good old Monday.

joepole 11-18-2006 09:51 PM

Killed his daughter
Fred Goldman doesn't have time to avenge the death of Nicole and Ron. Maintenance on his mustache occupies over 80% of the time he's awake.

LateNight 11-19-2006 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by joepole
Fred Goldman doesn't have time to avenge the death of Nicole and Ron. Maintenance on his mustache occupies over 80% of the time he's awake.

oh sure, take a shot at the grieving father why don't ya. :o

you know what amazed me.. remember that Amish family that lost a child when that guy went into that Amish school. I think he killed himself I think.. but the parents of that kid, a few days later INVITED the family of the murderer to like a dinner or something.. to show their forgiveness ..
that's pretty incredible. Don't think I could be capable of such a thing.

joepole 11-19-2006 01:45 PM

How can you resist taking a shot a a guy with that mustache?

Isabella 11-19-2006 10:31 PM


Originally Posted by joepole
Fred Goldman doesn't have time to avenge the death of Nicole and Ron. Maintenance on his mustache occupies over 80% of the time he's awake.

Your comment is not very nice. :( :mad:

Isabella 11-19-2006 10:33 PM


Originally Posted by joepole
How can you resist taking a shot a a guy with that mustache?


Just can't stop yourself, can you? :(

rhertz 11-19-2006 11:27 PM

I dunno, I thought it was pretty funny. You got to have a sense of humor at some point. :)

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