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sbl_admin 05-31-2007 07:49 AM

Obama Wants Universal Healthcare
Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama on Tuesday offered a sweeping health care plan that would provide every citizen a means for coverage and calls on government, businesses and consumers to share the costs of the program.

joepole 05-31-2007 09:46 AM

All we have to do is get "the rich" to pay for it, they have tons of money they aren't using!

Texasbelle 05-31-2007 09:49 AM

It's a system currently in use in other countries which has led to inadequate healthcare in those countries. I am all for everybody having healthcare coverage but at whose expense are you going to do this?

joepole 05-31-2007 09:53 AM

Many people feel our health care system is "inadequate," as well. Depends on whether you judge adequacy by availability of access of availability of care. Our country has plenty of the former, it's not the best on the latter.

Texasbelle 05-31-2007 10:10 AM

What I see with healthcare is there is plenty of it to be provided, just not everybody has the means to be plenty of it. There is a group of people who fall in about the lower third who really have the hardest time of it all. They have just enough insurance to see a provider but not enough financial means to afford their coinsurance amounts. Thus they usually just are left out by not getting healthcare so as not to have the expense. Those in the lowest income brackets get some of the best healthcare at the medical school because it is free (even though the wait is long often). Then we have the primary care doctors such as the internal medicine doctors and pediatricians who are not getting reimbursed enough by anybody to stay in practice and are leaving the business left and right. The whole system is flawed but I am not sure a "Universal system" is the fix.

BrainSmashR 05-31-2007 11:44 AM

Wow, the party for minorities and the poor is supporting a black guy who wants the poor to get for free what the rest of us have had to work all our lives to get.

Imagine my surprise...

rhertz 05-31-2007 12:39 PM

Obama is just pandering to his voter base by offering them a "kickback" if you vote for him and put him in power. It's the old populist trick. I almost feel like voting for him just to watch his health plans fail. Because lets face it, "universal" healthcare is not going to happen in the next 4 years. I'd give that about 1% chance of actually happening. Rather he should be promising something smaller like free perscriptions which is doable (sort of) LOL, how about free wireless Internet? I thionk Obama should promise WiFi from coast-to-coast. I know one thing, I am voting for the next politician to offers free tap water instead of free Internet, healthcare, or perscriptions. If they can't offer free drinking water, what makes anyone think they can offer something as advanced and expensive as healthcare?

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