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sbl_admin 05-30-2007 07:58 AM

A Horror Story For Four Young Children
A young mother who may have been depressed apparently hanged three of her small daughters and herself in a closet using pieces of clothing and sashes, authorities said Tuesday.

Isaac-Saxxon 05-30-2007 09:01 AM

She was depressed so she killed her kids :confused: Maybe out of crack rock or some other drug. Why not just kill herself ? The drugs ate into her brain like a bad worm so she went on a murder spree. Only good news in this whole thing is the mother is dead the rest is tragedy :nono:

AnimeSpirit 05-30-2007 09:41 AM


Less than five years earlier, another Hudson Oaks family was torn apart when Dee Etta Perez, 39, shot her three children, ages 4, 9 and 10, before killing herself.

Andrea Yates drowned her five children in the family's Houston bathtub in 2001. In 2003, Deanna Laney beat her two young sons to death with stones in East Texas, and Lisa Ann Diaz drowned her daughters in a Plano bathtub.

Dena Schlosser killed her 10-month-old by severing the child's arms with a kitchen knife in 2004.

All four of those women were found innocent by reason of insanity. Yates initially was convicted of capital murder, but that verdict was overturned on appeal.
Ron White, a classic Texan, definitely comes to mind here. He said, "Stop putting all crazy people in one group, d*mn it! Separate them up a little bit."

If they take some else's life, especially their own kids', then OF COURSE they're crazy. Why should they slip away from the death penalty because they're just as psycho as any other creep or freak in our judicial system?

As far as these murder-suicide freaks, that's just WRONG! All that does is rob the grieving family's sense of justice. It's monstrous. :nono:

Texasbelle 05-30-2007 09:52 AM

Anime and Isaac, I usually have a whole lot of respect for the both of you but just lost some at this moment. Apparently it is obvious by both of your posts that you have never seen someone deep in the depths of serious depression and mental illness. I have as we know having had my mom committ suicide only within the last year. There are not words to explain what it is like for these people. I would have never ever ever thought my loving wonderful mom capable of such an act, but in the throes of her illness she obviously was. The one thing my family and I learned is there is not enough help out there for mentally ill patients and doctors are certainly not trained enough to deal with them.

In my reading of this story, no where did I read any references to this woman being on drugs. Did I miss something Isaac? I personally don't think we should speak ill of her when we don't know her situation. What I see when I read her story is a single mother with four children in dire circumstances. Where were people who could help her? I am sure there was someone who should have noticed something amiss with this woman. Where was the father of these children? Was he doing his part? Probably not. Have you ever been the single mother trying to take care of your children with no help from the father? I have and it's not easy and it's extremely depressing. I did pull myself up by the boot straps and did something about my situation. Everybody is not equipped perhaps like myself. Obviously she wasn't.

Yes, you can say she didn't have to kill her children. SHE WAS NOT IN HER RIGHT MIND. No mother in her right mind would. So please before you judge her and make your judgements please try and wonder what shoes was she walking in and how heavy they may have been.

joepole 05-30-2007 10:48 AM

It's kind of a sad story, but it's good to see natural selection still works. I guess it would have been better if she had offed herself before she had kids in the first place, though.

Texasbelle 05-30-2007 10:53 AM

You know Joe there are those if we believed what you post would say the same about you.

BrainSmashR 05-30-2007 12:06 PM

First you express sympathy for that Sheehan piece of trash and NOW you express if for child killers?!?!?!

These other folks might not see it, but *****, you're ******* crazy!!!

joepole 05-30-2007 12:58 PM

The world is better off without me for thinking that the world is better off without that nutcase?

Texasbelle 05-30-2007 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by BrainSmashR
First you express sympathy for that Sheehan piece of trash and NOW you express if for child killers?!?!?!

These other folks might not see it, but b***h, you're ****ing crazy!!!

I expressed sympathy for Sheehan losing a child only not her views. Brain you have no right to get on her and call me or anyone such names. Your post is inexcusable.

Isaac-Saxxon 05-30-2007 01:33 PM

How much longer do we have to put up with his foul mouth ? We can disagree about anything and make our point but this attack dog called brain is way past the line. It is easy to see he has anger management problems and this forum is not the place for a freak like him. I think he is bad for this web site.

AnimeSpirit 05-30-2007 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by Texasbelle
Anime and Isaac, I usually have a whole lot of respect for the both of you but just lost some at this moment. Apparently it is obvious by both of your posts that you have never seen someone deep in the depths of serious depression and mental illness. I have as we know having had my mom committ suicide only within the last year. There are not words to explain what it is like for these people.

I'm sorry you feel that way, TBelle, and you have my sincerest condolences for your recent loss. However, I was not making cracks about people in depression. My statements apply to those who kill their own children. This act is monstrous, no matter what the cause. You can't justify taking the life of a child who had nothing to do with your depression or whatever your ailment was.

Texasbelle 05-30-2007 02:16 PM

Anime, you are missing the whole point. This mother was in a place so deep and dark that she was not thinking and clearly not capable of thinking rationally. Truly mentally ill patients and especially those suffering from severe depression do not see their actions and the consequences the way that you and I do. I never truly understood this concept until I had witnessed a truly mentally ill person so I understand why it is hard to grasp. I am not excusing her actions. I am saying that this mother in a normal state of mind in all likelihood would not have done this to her children or herself. You have to try and begin to understand mental illness.

Sheba 05-30-2007 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by AnimeSpirit
I'm sorry you feel that way, TBelle, and you have my sincerest condolences for your recent loss. However, I was not making cracks about people in depression. My statements apply to those who kill their own children. This act is monstrous, no matter what the cause. You can't justify taking the life of a child who had nothing to do with your depression or whatever your ailment was.

I have to agree with Anime. Just as you can't make the assumption that the mother was on drugs, you really can't assume that she was in deep, dark depression. The article says she didn't show up for work - severely mentally ill patients are not holding down regular jobs. We cannot make excuses for something so inhumane.

Texasbelle 05-30-2007 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by Sheba
I have to agree with Anime. Just as you can't make the assumption that the mother was on drugs, you really can't assume that she was in deep, dark depression. The article says she didn't show up for work - severely mentally ill patients are not holding down regular jobs. We cannot make excuses for something so inhumane.

You must drink the cool aid somewhere Sheba. You know what I would encourage you and Anime to do is study depression and study mental illness before you make assumptions. You might be surprised at how well these people can fool you sometimes. One moment they are fine and appear very normal and it is the next second they are taking their life. Yes, it was inhumane what she did but I think it is very safe to assume she was not in a normal state of mind. What normal state of mind would do this?

LateNight 05-30-2007 03:00 PM

Tbelle, I certainly understand from where you are coming from and your rational. But I think the problem is, is that it's impossible to understand the mind of a truly depressed, or broken mind. At least for me it is. For anyone to get to the point of suicide is just beyond my reasoning. Not to mention taking their own children.

Now YES I do understand that the problem does exist for some.. and that people are pulled or pushed to a point of suicide. Even if I can't comprehend getting to that point myself.

And I think Anime is just speaking in defense of these young children, who had no say so in the matter. and were dragged down with this obviously psychotic/depressed woman.

It is just such an horrendous act.. those of us in our right minds can't get our heads around it, and must simply come to the conclusion that this woman was just out of her freakin' mind and she must be evil. Much less trying to give reason or rhyme to it..

But yes, her mind was BROKEN in some form or fashion. how else could such a thing happen ?

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