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sbl_admin 09-20-2006 08:58 AM

Extremists Are Falsely Claiming U.S. Is Waging War On Islam
President Bush addressed to the world leaders at the U.N. General Assembly and tried to advance his campaign for democracy in the Middle East.

windshop 09-20-2006 11:47 AM

Caution: Extremist On Board
We Are Creating Enemies Faster Than We Can Kill Them

Rough Rider 09-20-2006 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by windshop
We Are Creating Enemies Faster Than We Can Kill Them

I believe there is a certain amount of truth to that statement. I was all for going into Afghanistan and taking out the Taliban, and we had much global support for that action. But between Iraq, and other decisions we have made, I feel we are creating a large number of people who want us dead. I understand the 'wanting' to go out and KILL everyone who wants us dead, but sometimes I just don't see that as very practical. So I'm not sure what the answer is.

Mudbug 09-20-2006 05:23 PM


for future record - FOX news should never be considered a "source" for news - instead the title should be "the propaganda channel."

rhertz 09-20-2006 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by Mudbug
for future record - FOX news should never be considered a "source" for news - instead the title should be "the propaganda channel."

I tend to agree, however the same can be said of CNN and even most local news sources. I think that many times, the newspaper or tv reporters have their story and minds already made up already, then they go out and "report the story". Sometimes the facts get distorted or even misreported.

I rarely see pure true jouralistic news anymore. Most news today is entertainment news (like much of what we see on FOX) I learned this many years ago............

Nearly 20 years ago I was driving down Lakeshore Dr and witnessed an accident near Cross Lake. Short story was that their was a victim that I helped drag to safety out of the water, but I didn't perform CPR and we all (all the witnesses and crowd that gathered) just stood around scratching our heads until the EMS showed up. Fortunately the victim didn't drown and had no serious injuries. About that time the news reporters show up and interviewed me. Next thing I know they called me a hero and put my picture on the front page of the paper. I kept saying, I'm no hero, I'm an ignorant coward for not performing CPR. But that just made them say "Oh he's a humble hero". Jeez, all I did was drag a person 20 feet and get my legs a little wet. But the news media wanted a hero to make story out of, for a day..... So I had my day of glory, deserved or not. LOL

windshop 09-21-2006 06:45 AM

I get all the news I need on the weather report.
The rest of them seem to just be there to make me believe what they want me to believe.

rhertz 09-22-2006 01:03 AM


Originally Posted by windshop
The rest of them seem to just be there to make me believe what they want me to believe.

Exactly! :D

Isaac-Saxxon 09-22-2006 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by Rough Rider
I believe there is a certain amount of truth to that statement. I was all for going into Afghanistan and taking out the Taliban, and we had much global support for that action. But between Iraq, and other decisions we have made, I feel we are creating a large number of people who want us dead. I understand the 'wanting' to go out and KILL everyone who wants us dead, but sometimes I just don't see that as very practical. So I'm not sure what the answer is.

We are not creating a large number of people that want to kill us those
bastards have wanted to kill us for thousands of years its time to send
them to collect there virgins. They react to everything with terror and
that is who they are and will always be so it is time to dispatch them
to hell.

Rough Rider 09-22-2006 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
We are not creating a large number of people that want to kill us those
bastards have wanted to kill us for thousands of years its time to send
them to collect there virgins. They react to everything with terror and
that is who they are and will always be so it is time to dispatch them
to hell.

hard to argue with that.

joepole 09-22-2006 03:08 PM

Thousands of years
>those bastards have wanted to kill us for thousands of years

Who exactly are "those bastards" and "us?"

"Us" obviously isn't the US, we haven't been around for thousands of years and "those bastards" are obviously not muslims, as that religion has only existed for about 1,400.

rhertz 09-23-2006 01:56 AM


Originally Posted by joepole
>those bastards have wanted to kill us for thousands of years.

Who exactly are "those bastards" and "us?"

I think I understand enough Genesis to see where Isaac-Saxxon is coming from: (maybe....please correct me if I'm wrong) Pardon me for being blunt.

"those bastards" = offspring of Cain who "bray like donkeys" (search google)
"us" = offspring of Able who adopt Judao-Christian ethics (like "us")

yes, I know this reeks of incorrectness, but I'm just testing the waters here so to speak.


Originally Posted by joepole
>"Us" obviously isn't the US, we haven't been around for thousands of years and "those bastards" are obviously not muslims, as that religion has only existed for about 1,400.

The United States sprang from England who has a much longer history than "we" do. (Jacob's Pillar aka Corination Stone is just one example)

"those bastards" goes back much farther than muslim religion. I think Isaac-Saxxon is more of a "Genisis" scholar. I am interested in where he is headed with all this. I don't think his use of the "stone" as an avatar is meaningless. This guy knows something (or at least thinks he knows something). The "stone" is thousands of years old.

Isaac-Saxxon 09-26-2006 11:18 AM

Ables blood cried from the ground
Seth carried the seed forward for Adam and Eve . OK folks just unplug from the traditions of man for a just a while. Cain and Able where fraternal twins !!
"Cain you are of your father Satan" now before you hit the wall go ask any
MD or OBGYN if you can have two fathers (sperma) and two eggs in womb
at one time. Yes you can. Who was the first muderer ? So with that said
do you think Eve ate a apple??? Did Adam and Eve place the fig leaf over
there mouth ???? NO ! Why did Cain want to kill Able ? To destroy the seed
line thru which Christ would be born. Why did the fallen angels leave come
to earth to take wives of Adam to destroy that seed too. Why did the
flood of Noah come ? To wipe out the fallen angels that was Satans second
attempt to taint the seed of Adam. Still did not work. Satan tried to tempt
Christ didnt work. Satan and his horard hung Christ on a tree and as you know
on the third day Christ was raised from the dead to forever defeat Satan
or death another name for Satan. It was at that time Satan knew he was
and is defeated to a mortal soul sentenced to eternal damnation. It is the
battle between good and evil the common thread in all we see and do in
this clay shell. One last thought. The King James is a tranlation as are many
other Bibles. The Bible was written in Hebrew and Greek and Culdea.
There is a King James Bible with a concordance in the side column it
is called a "The Companion Bible" ! Listen to your preachers but check them
out in the Word.

Bob 09-26-2006 02:39 PM

oh man
Isaac-Saxxon, you must be the life of the party man ! Ughh. :rolleyes:

maccentric 09-26-2006 08:21 PM

Re: Terrorists have been...
fighting a war against the United States since long before the war in Iraq and even September 11.

They attacked the World Trade Center for the first time in 1993.

They bombed the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia in 1996.

They attacked our embassies in Africa in 1998.

They launched a suicide bombing attack against the USS Cole in 2000.

And, as far as I can recall, the US had no presence in Iraq during that time period. Bin Laden declared war on us in 1998. They were at war with us. We just weren't at war with them.

Some of you sound like such self-loathing, terrorist apologists, it makes my stomach turn. For a variety of reasons, they want the majority of the West and Israel to just go away. We have to go after them where they are. We can't just wait for them to come back.

And Mudbug, whatever about FOXNews. Like CNN, MSNBC, etc. are not biased toward the left in their purveyance of the world as they see it.

And one last note, perhaps if Bill Clinton had done jack-squat about terrorism in the 90's (did any of you see his complete meltdown when the topic was broached in an interview over the weekend?), President Bush would have been spared the mind-numbingly innane criticisms from the left for doing what we must to defend both America and the West from Islamic fascism today. But, as we all know, he was otherwise occupied....

rhertz 09-27-2006 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by maccentric
And one last note, perhaps if Bill Clinton had done jack-squat about terrorism in the 90's (did any of you see his complete meltdown when the topic was broached in an interview over the weekend?), President Bush would have been spared the mind-numbingly innane criticisms from the left for doing what we must to defend both America and the West from Islamic fascism today. But, as we all know, he was otherwise occupied....

I never blamed Clinton much for 9/11 until I heard him say in his own words "I tried to get Bin Laden and I failed... bla bla bla". In the 4 or 5 years that 9/11 was in the planning stages, most of those years were not under the Bush years. I guess it is fair to say that islamic fascism is a "bi-partician" issue. LOL

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