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Isaac-Saxxon 11-27-2007 07:07 PM

The United Nations elected a High Representative
1 Attachment(s)
(one man) who is pretty much in control over the UN. There were two documents which gave this position and which gave this position power and both of these documents were numbered 666.

Plus, check out what's behind them in this picture.

Attachment 1887

Links to documents:

This a list of the 10 member group states:
United Kingdom

Russia joined when they dissolved the Soviet Union in 1991.

Princess Leia 11-27-2007 08:39 PM

WOW. It does state (in Revelations) that the mark of the beast is to be 666. Are the end times drawing near? Only One knows and time will reveal that part. Also, the Antichrist is going to be a great political leader with great power and persuasion. This is a great post. Very interesting. :clapbig::clapbig:

Al Swearengen 11-27-2007 09:28 PM

Just another reason to vote for Ron Paul for president, as he advocates the U.S. resignin from the U.N. post haste!

Isaac-Saxxon 11-28-2007 07:27 AM


Originally Posted by Al Swearengen (Post 25483)
Just another reason to vote for Ron Paul for president, as he advocates the U.S. resignin from the U.N. post haste!

That is reason enough to keep him from getting elected. I do not like the U.N. at all and I do not think the U.N. is the Anti Christ but it is a part of the one world system that is all but here. I thought this was a very good read for those who might want to know. I think if someone were to get elected that was not in tune with the one world system they would not live long. This is what happened to Reagan and this is why the people liked him so much. They did try to kill him but as we all know they failed. Reagan wanted to hand the Russians their arse and this was unacceptable to the one world crowd.

Morpheus 11-28-2007 10:09 AM

scary stuff. while trying to research the picture I came up with some even scarier sites.

joepole 11-28-2007 10:44 AM

>Plus, check out what's behind them in this picture.


That means the photo was taken in 2005 (UN's 60th anniversary), not 1998.

Plus pretty much everything else in the original post is wrong.

1. There is not a single "high representative" that is "pretty much in control over the UN." The title "high representative" is given to a person who represents the UN in administration of a particular policy, such as the "High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States." Not exactly "in charge of the UN," is he?

2. The "document 666" you linked to isn't even a document, it's a page number of a general report of the activities of the council over the previous year. It wasn't a resolution or even a decision, it was a description of a vote that had taken place in the past.



This a list of the 10 member group states:
Then you list the member nations of the "Western European Union" for some reason. Russia is (obviously, since it's not in Western Europe) not a member of that. What exactly was your point in post this list?

Isaac-Saxxon 11-28-2007 10:55 AM


Originally Posted by joepole (Post 25527)
>Plus, check out what's behind them in this picture.


That means the photo was taken in 2005 (UN's 60th anniversary), not 1998.

Plus pretty much everything else in the original post is wrong.

1. There is not a single "high representative" that is "pretty much in control over the UN." The title "high representative" is given to a person who represents the UN in administration of a particular policy, such as the "High Representative for the Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Island Developing States." Not exactly "in charge of the UN," is he?

2. The "document 666" you linked to isn't even a document, it's a page number of a general report of the activities of the council over the previous year. It wasn't a resolution or even a decision, it was a description of a vote that had taken place in the past.


Then you list the member nations of the "Western European Union" for some reason. Russia is (obviously, since it's not in Western Europe) not a member of that. What exactly was your point in post this list?

To give you something to debunk :laugh::laugh: and you went right after like a good joepole would do. I said if you read that I do not think the U.N. is the Anti Christ :rolleyes: Glad to see you doing your home work JP ;) I for the record think the Anti Christ is Satan the most beautiful of all the angels coming from the heavens as a super natural impostor. MY OPINION !!!

Princess Leia 11-28-2007 09:23 PM

I believe that Satan has already been banished from heaven long before creation. He is allowed to wander on earth and tempt us from the truth. There is going to be one person who rises up from a restored empire (roman) and be allowed to have authority over the earth for a limited period of time. Satan was banished before due to the fact that he wanted to be higher than God. He is a beautiful being, not with horns and a pitchfork so frequently pictured.

The Antichrist is going to be a very powerful leader and be able to sway the masses to the ways of the wicked. He isn't Satan, because Satan is a spiritual being. This person is a "disciple" so to speak for Satan.

The whole 666 thing is a mark that people will have during the tribulation that are worshipers of the Antichrist. It is to be placed under the skin on the back of the hand. Those who don't have the mark are unable to trade and can and will be persecuted. The number 7 in the Biblical sense has been associated with the fullness of God, so six is a numerical symbol for evil falling just one short of Completeness. The threefold six is just a glimpse of how evil the Antichrist is,

This is always a very hot topic of conversation and debate among many. Revelations is a great book to read in the Bible. A good study tool to go along with this is There are study notes that help break down the symbolism of Revelation and gives different ideas as to what is to come. '

One thing is for sure - no one truly knows the time that all of this is going to take place. Just a thought!!

Al Swearengen 11-28-2007 09:53 PM

I aint worried bout Revelations, for I know that when the end times are upon us, Jack Van Impe and his lovely wife Rexella will step up to the plate and defeat the antichrist. 11-28-2007 11:41 PM

i guess this all makes sense now...

rhertz 11-29-2007 12:20 AM


Originally Posted by (Post 25586)
i guess this all makes sense now...

LOL, there are quite a few photoshop aficionados on this site. Good post... I dabble in photoshop... Please don't ask me to post my best photoshop work on this site.... Latenight would beat me hands down. Although that might make a good thread. (Best Photoshop Pic)

Isaac-Saxxon 11-29-2007 06:52 AM


Originally Posted by (Post 25586)
i guess this all makes sense now...

Mark of the beast alright :laugh: That looks like graffiti that JP left on her.

Isaac-Saxxon 11-29-2007 06:55 AM


Originally Posted by Princess Leia (Post 25575)
I believe that Satan has already been banished from heaven long before creation. He is allowed to wander on earth and tempt us from the truth. There is going to be one person who rises up from a restored empire (roman) and be allowed to have authority over the earth for a limited period of time. Satan was banished before due to the fact that he wanted to be higher than God. He is a beautiful being, not with horns and a pitchfork so frequently pictured.

The Antichrist is going to be a very powerful leader and be able to sway the masses to the ways of the wicked. He isn't Satan, because Satan is a spiritual being. This person is a "disciple" so to speak for Satan.

The whole 666 thing is a mark that people will have during the tribulation that are worshipers of the Antichrist. It is to be placed under the skin on the back of the hand. Those who don't have the mark are unable to trade and can and will be persecuted. The number 7 in the Biblical sense has been associated with the fullness of God, so six is a numerical symbol for evil falling just one short of Completeness. The threefold six is just a glimpse of how evil the Antichrist is,

This is always a very hot topic of conversation and debate among many. Revelations is a great book to read in the Bible. A good study tool to go along with this is There are study notes that help break down the symbolism of Revelation and gives different ideas as to what is to come. '

One thing is for sure - no one truly knows the time that all of this is going to take place. Just a thought!!

Leia I respect where you are coming from but the Anti Christ is no mortal man.
I will not debate it here but a good read in Daniel would help to show you that Beelzebub would not let anybody take his place as the instead of Christ. Beelzebub has always wanted to be Christ this is what caused the fall of man see Job.

rhertz 11-29-2007 01:18 PM

Butts and Religion.... Now there is an odd mix for a thread... :D

Leia, I enjoyed reading your thoughtful (and thought provoking) post. Revelations is indeed a "hot topic" of conversation.. It might turn out to be hotter for some than others... 11-29-2007 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by rhertz (Post 25629)
It might turn out to be hotter for some than others...

thank you ladies and germs


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