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Isaac-Saxxon 06-01-2007 07:10 PM

What is your favorite thing to Bi-otch about ? :laugh:
I think my favorite thing to Bi-otch about is the liberal press and the jackass party of liberal socialist that are jacking our country around all the time. Feel free to release your thoughts. :clap: :clap: :clap: It is your "CHOICE" to tell it like it really is ;)

howela 06-01-2007 07:21 PM

I share both your choices.... and traffic usually does me in if I'm in it to long.

Texasbelle 06-01-2007 07:22 PM

Did you open a can of worms or what?
My top 5:

1: The liberals
2: Lazy people who love to gripe, moan, and complain about their situation but do nothing about it.
3: Short people with Napoleonic syndrome.
4: The abuse and neglect of animals.
5: The neglect of our elderly population by their supposed loved ones.

These are just the first few that came to mind!

howela 06-01-2007 07:49 PM

Oh, also...... I HATE it when I run out of peanut butter.

Pocahontas 06-01-2007 08:33 PM

1. Mildew on my house that keeps returning over and over!
2. My mother-in-law
3. Long road trips
4. When I run out of chocolate and/ or wine!
5. My husband spending too much time on the computer!

Guess I better stop before I get in way too much trouble!:D ;)

Texasbelle 06-01-2007 10:40 PM

Oh wait I need to add to the list:

6. My husband "flipping" with the remote control. Drives me insane.
7. The moles in my yard that I can't seem to get rid of.
8. The fact that I can't eat chocolate and Pokie can!

Isaac-Saxxon 06-02-2007 07:15 AM

Not being able to upload WMV files :D Brain dead people that like to post their lies and ignorance :eek: Oh and I really do not like Aunt Flow :nono: now that would be the ultimate Bi-otch :rolleyes:

Isaac-Saxxon 06-02-2007 07:16 AM


Originally Posted by howela
Oh, also...... I HATE it when I run out of peanut butter.

Me too howela and it has to be crunchy :D

LateNight 06-02-2007 10:43 AM

not necessarily in this order

1. I hate Internet Explorer
2. I hate waiting in long lines at the cash register when like only one register is open.
3. People who just butcher the English language, for example the time I went to Subway for lunch, I placed my order, the guy asked me what kind of cheese I wanted, then he asked "you wan it toe?" so of course I said "what?" so he repeated "You wan it toes?" so I'm standing there, people in line behind me etc.. finally I figured he was asking me if I wanted it "TOASTED" Ughhhh .

guitarman 06-02-2007 11:23 AM

1. People that pirate music
2. Walmart employees
3. Rap sounds coming through my house out of a car driving by
This is not music !
4. The neighbors that like to have their grass cut at weird hours
5. Some one playing guitar that is not properly tuned
6. A drunk when I am sober and some sober when I am drunk :laugh:

LateNight 06-02-2007 03:14 PM


Originally Posted by guitarman
6. A drunk when I am sober and some sober when I am drunk :laugh:

Those who drink too little, and those who drink too much :)

howela 06-02-2007 04:46 PM


Originally posted by LateNight
3. People who just butcher the English language, for example the time I went to Subway for lunch, I placed my order, the guy asked me what kind of cheese I wanted, then he asked "you wan it toe?" so of course I said "what?" so he repeated "You wan it toes?" so I'm standing there, people in line behind me etc.. finally I figured he was asking me if I wanted it "TOASTED" Ughhhh
I took my daughter to a Chinese restuarant when she was only fives years old and asked for french fries for her since she wouldn't eat the chinese.
The waitress repeated "fly flys?"
"No", I said, "Not fried rice, french fries."
Again she said "fly flys."
After the third of fourth such exchange I figured out she was agreeing with me.

Isaac-Saxxon 06-02-2007 06:39 PM

People that say they are going to be somewhere at a certain time and do not show up :nono:

Texasbelle 06-02-2007 09:20 PM

Yes Isaac, I like that one. Reminds me of the furniture delivery people who were an hour late to my house this week.

rhertz 06-03-2007 12:29 AM

OK, I hate:

1. Overweight airline baggage
2. Running out of Toilet Paper
3. Store bought tomatos
4. Running out of shaving creme
5. Artificial sweeter
6. Low water pressure in south Shreveport
7. Stinky protein rendering plant in north Shreveport
8. Pug snot
9. Internet and power outages
10. Leaving the drive thru without receving a straw

LateNight 06-03-2007 02:24 AM


Originally Posted by rhertz
OK, I hate:

10. Leaving the drive thru without receving a straw

LOL especially if it's a shake. :peace:

Isaac-Saxxon 06-03-2007 06:48 AM

I think this thread is perfect for our dear friend rhertz :clap: :clap: rhetz how do you feel about walking in the handy mart to pick up a six pack only to find one of them missing and it was the last six pack :clap: :clap:
Bi-otch #99 Employees or would that be Emps for short ;)

piemaker720 06-03-2007 04:16 PM

Hi Ya'll
One thing I hate is when your shopping and your going up an aisle only to find someone walking in front of you at a snail's pace. They won't turn and look at you and they won't get out of the way. They act as if they are the only one using that aisle.

rhertz 06-03-2007 05:30 PM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
People that say they are going to be somewhere at a certain time and do not show up :nono:

You mean, like Dish Network?? They stood me up 5 times so I switched to Directv so that I might go to work and show up to my appointments on time. :D

Texasbelle 06-03-2007 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by piemaker720
Hi Ya'll
One thing I hate is when your shopping and your going up an aisle only to find someone walking in front of you at a snail's pace. They won't turn and look at you and they won't get out of the way. They act as if they are the only one using that aisle.

How about those people who drive up the wrong way in a parking lot?

scarlett 06-03-2007 05:52 PM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
I think this thread is perfect for our dear friend rhertz :clap: :clap: rhetz how do you feel about walking in the handy mart to pick up a six pack only to find one of them missing and it was the last six pack :clap: :clap:
Bi-otch #99 Employees or would that be Emps for short ;)

NO it's the one you find thats different and something you would never drink and you never noticed till you got home. happened to me 2 x's

scarlett 06-03-2007 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by piemaker720
Hi Ya'll
One thing I hate is when your shopping and your going up an aisle only to find someone walking in front of you at a snail's pace. They won't turn and look at you and they won't get out of the way. They act as if they are the only one using that aisle.

well my voice carries very well and i don't have a small voice so I usually kick it up about 10 notches and say EXCUSE ME!!!!!!!!! they quickly move out the way.

scarlett 06-03-2007 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by Texasbelle
How about those people who drive up the wrong way in a parking lot?

the way the parking lots are made here they put the arrows too far back so by the time you pull into the aisle you are going the wrong way and dont' realize it before it's too late. Happens to me all the time here at the mall.

I also did it when I first moved here in a movie parking lot i got confused with the way i had to go and well some new yorking biotch let me know by screaming at me at the top of her lungs in her car and used her fingers to show me how unhappy she was.

I just waved :peace: and smiled :D

Isaac-Saxxon 06-03-2007 05:56 PM

Just go about seven in the morning and there is nobody there but the rude ass employees that do not speak to the white man.

Texasbelle 06-03-2007 05:58 PM

Scarlett your posts brings to mind another irritating one for me: People who get mad when you are driving and flip you off, honk, etc. Usually they are the one being impatient and just need to relax and take a deep breath.

Isaac-Saxxon 06-03-2007 05:59 PM


Originally Posted by Texasbelle
Scarlett your posts brings to mind another irritating one for me: People who get mad when you are driving and flip you off, honk, etc. Usually they are the one being impatient and just need to relax and take a deep breath.

Let us never think that TBelle does not have a middle finger and that she would never have road rage :laugh: :laugh:

Texasbelle 06-03-2007 06:02 PM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
Let us never think that TBelle does not have a middle finger and that she would never have road rage :laugh: :laugh:

What makes you think I would have a temper?

scarlett 06-03-2007 06:04 PM

Things that annoy me the most are:

1. someone kicking the back of my chair in a movie theatre or anywhere's that I am sitting where someone may kick the chair. (yes i have let people know that they have annoyed me doing this)

2. Someone poking my arm near my shoulder if anyone does they get more than a poke back, drives me insane.

3. a loud person in a public place that tries to draw attention to themselves and looks more like an ass doing what they are doing.

4. someone that constantly thinks they are right in every situation when they are wrong at least 90% of the time.

5. Political people that think their choice is the right way. ex: democrat/republican/liberal all are corrupt no matter how you slice it

6. People that judge others and never realize they have 3 fingers point at them while they are judging. People that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

7. People that move here to the US and are constantly putting the US down (who the heck do they think they are) and think that we need to learn their language??? If anyone ever tells me this they will have a rude awakening I will definitely be #3 on this list

8. Children that are in public screaming at the top of their lungs and parents just ignoring. I have experienced this with my children and if the bathroom didn't work we went home. Once in the car someone paid the price. The next time they either didn't come with me or they behaved.

9. A disorganized house

10. Traffic from hell....... you know the 7 mile drive that takes 35 minutes? I live it everyday when i leave the house.

Interesting topic that's for sure I can see it getting crazy :D

scarlett 06-03-2007 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by Texasbelle
Scarlett your posts brings to mind another irritating one for me: People who get mad when you are driving and flip you off, honk, etc. Usually they are the one being impatient and just need to relax and take a deep breath.

I have just learned to wave and smile. It pisses them off more. Sometimes i get scared i piss them off too much and get a gun pointing at me. lots of nutso's here. All i can say is they need to go back to where they came from I am not from here but I am not a nutcase on the road or in stores. I don't expect anyone to do what they don't want to do like speak SPANISH????? But i do expect you to understand me since I am in the US and not Puerto Rico/Costa Rica/etc....... Also if you don' t have patience for the road go back to NY City where you need to take taxi's and trains. They buy cars here and go bananas

Go figure! :crazy::crazy::crazy:

rhertz 06-03-2007 08:07 PM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
I think this thread is perfect for our dear friend rhertz :clap: :clap: rhetz how do you feel about walking in the handy mart to pick up a six pack only to find one of them missing and it was the last six pack :clap: :clap:
Bi-otch #99 Employees or would that be Emps for short ;)

Yeah OK since you think I like to b!tch alot, here goes another round:

Ten more things rhertz hates:

10. Blank crab pots
9. Greenhorns
8. Bait duty
7. Willowells
6. My old starboard main engine
5. A broken crane
4. Jogging in 30 foot waves
3. Hydraulic leaks
2. Ice

and the #1 thing rhertz hates:

1. Cod fishing!

rhertz 06-03-2007 08:42 PM

Top 10 more things I really do hate:

10.Getting popcorn skin stuck in my teeth
9. An empty box of bandaids in the cubbard
8. Three words: Nose hair trimmers
7. Cell phone ringtones
6. My kids standing in the pantry saying "We have nothing to eat"
5. Microsoft Certified Engineers learning TCP/IP
4. A puck inside John DeCaro's net
3. Spilling groceries when I open my SUV's rear hatch
2. Crab fishing in a storm when Directv goes out
1. When old ladies named Rose throw huge diamonds off the back of ships

Texasbelle 06-03-2007 09:10 PM

Hey Rhertz, have you ever had your kids change your cell phone ring tone to a really embarrassing one and you didn't know it until it rang???????????

I was in Barnes and Noble one afternoon sitting there quietly reading a magazine when all of a sudden there is a loud fart noise that comes from my purse!!!! It was my cell phone! But everybody around looked at me. My kids had changed my ring tone to this very pleasant noise and then walked to the other side of the store and called me from their cell phone!

The kids haven't been seen since! jk

scarlett 06-03-2007 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by Texasbelle
Hey Rhertz, have you ever had your kids change your cell phone ring tone to a really embarrassing one and you didn't know it until it rang???????????

I was in Barnes and Noble one afternoon sitting there quietly reading a magazine when all of a sudden there is a loud fart noise that comes from my purse!!!! It was my cell phone! But everybody around looked at me. My kids had changed my ring tone to this very pleasant noise and then walked to the other side of the store and called me from their cell phone!

The kids haven't been seen since! jk

i am crying here thinking of this happening thats a good one I have to say. you must have boys!!!!

rhertz 06-03-2007 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by Texasbelle
Hey Rhertz, have you ever had your kids change your cell phone ring tone to a really embarrassing one and you didn't know it until it rang???????????

I was in Barnes and Noble one afternoon sitting there quietly reading a magazine when all of a sudden there is a loud fart noise that comes from my purse!!!! It was my cell phone! But everybody around looked at me. My kids had changed my ring tone to this very pleasant noise and then walked to the other side of the store and called me from their cell phone!

The kids haven't been seen since! jk

No fortunately I use Verizon which "crippled" its phones to only allow their ringtones. "Fart noise" is not currently in their list. Sometimes I just luck out.

But my kids do put Pug pictures on everyone's screen. I'm sure if they could make my phone fart at the same time, they would do it.

Texasbelle 06-03-2007 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by scarlett
i am crying here thinking of this happening thats a good one I have to say. you must have boys!!!!

As a matter of fact it was my oldest son that did it! There will come a day when he brings home some nice young lady he really wants to marry and I have these pictures, horribly embarressing pictures, I will be forced to drag out all because of the phone fart prank.

rhertz 06-03-2007 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by Texasbelle
As a matter of fact it was my oldest son that did it! There will come a day when he brings home some nice young lady he really wants to marry and I have these pictures, horribly embarressing pictures, I will be forced to drag out all because of the phone fart prank.

OK, you should get revenge sooner than that. First download a fart noise from:

Then go to your kids computer and go to start->control panel->sounds

then set the "default beep" to that fart sound file........... ;) :D

Texasbelle 06-04-2007 06:08 AM

Thank you Rhertz, just might do that!

guitarman 06-04-2007 09:21 AM

Blue hair music sux big time.
The entire 80's pop music culture was a void in time. I really do not like the rap noise of today. Oh and one other thing people that bi-otch to much. :D

piemaker720 06-04-2007 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by Texasbelle
Hey Rhertz, have you ever had your kids change your cell phone ring tone to a really embarrassing one and you didn't know it until it rang???????????

I was in Barnes and Noble one afternoon sitting there quietly reading a magazine when all of a sudden there is a loud fart noise that comes from my purse!!!! It was my cell phone! But everybody around looked at me. My kids had changed my ring tone to this very pleasant noise and then walked to the other side of the store and called me from their cell phone!

The kids haven't been seen since! jk

I sorry Belle but that is so funny.:laugh: :laugh:
My son one day when he went to work fixed the computer to get his sister. When she logged on the start bar disappeared, the mouse would work, the cd door opened and closed, messages would popup on the screen. We could not use it til he came home. But she told him I was mad because it was me that used it and he worried about that.

rhertz 06-04-2007 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by guitarman
The entire 80's pop music culture was a void in time.

I totally agree. We were going along great in the 60's and 70's and bam, the 80's came along with "new wave" and "drum machines" and all sorts of crap.

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