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Isabella 04-24-2007 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by Santabot
Then, as stated multiple times, I will take my chances. If your brother hadn't been subject to bull**** laws like the ones the DEA enforces, he wouldn't be in jail, would he? He would be going through normal life, and could do all of the drugs he wanted do, and that's still his decision.
Maybe some of you need to research the term "police state" and what the implications of laws grant the government and subject you to. Even if you don't agree or partake in any activities that would otherwise be illegal, think of the OTHER PEOPLE that it DOES affect, make wiser decisions that reflect EVERYONE's best interest, and you will do this world one better.

Last response to your post, my brother is not in jail, his genius friend is. His friend is in jail for forging prescriptions. My brother is dead from a result of drug use. When he was your age he sounded just like you. Very intelligent, but would not listen to anyone. He knew it all!

When you are 17 and your parents are supporting you, you are subject to rules. We have to protect our youth from themselves, because they do not have life experiences to know what is best for them.


Santabot 04-25-2007 12:05 AM


Originally Posted by Isabella
Last response to your post, my brother is not in jail, his genius friend is. His friend is in jail for forging prescriptions. My brother is dead from a result of drug use. When he was your age he sounded just like you. Very intelligent, but would not listen to anyone. He knew it all!

When you are 17 and your parents are supporting you, you are subject to rules. We have to protect our youth from themselves, because they do not have life experiences to know what is best for them.


The first bold: forging prescriptions doesn't sound like drugs put him into jail, it appears he made a WRONG decision to go out of his way to 1. Steal 2. Lie 3. Fraud in order to OBTAIN drugs, of which were his own decision to administer to himself. Did I ask you for assistance? No. If I die from drug abuse, please parade at my funeral in tears of laughter, for all I could care.

The second: Did it ever occur to you that there are a select few minds that mature faster than others? Able to make decisions consciously because they've had hardly any parental upbringing and had to make their own choices constantly over time. I don't blame anyone for this, but in a few months, I'll be able to fully support myself legally, change my name, vote politicians into office, die in a war, own firearms, buy tobacco, sell R rated movies and purchase/view pornography, among many other things, but you honestly believe that months before that, I'm entirely incapable of maintaining myself with my own well-being in mind? I hardly believe anything related to that topic itself. I agree, there are some (most) kids that need severe help, but that does not apply to all, mostly it's the parents' fault, whereas, in my case: that's not an issue.

LateNight 04-25-2007 12:17 AM

LOL, to whomever blasted me with the reputation system for my earlier post.;)
I'll say it again. It's not like we're going to change santabot's opinion on any of this. Because like I said, kids are gonna do, what they're gonna do. once they are out of the house, and around friends.. they're gonna do whatever. Yes, we teach them to say NO etc.. and tell of all the BAD consequences of said action.

But I was hoping to appeal to another sense of reasoning.. regardless of how controlled Santabot thinks he can be with his drug use.. The FACT OF THE MATTER IS.. at 17, his mind has NOT YET fully developed. The simple fact of smoking a joint is going to have a more lasting effect, than someone who is a few years older. What we say, what his mother or father ever told him, at 17, he's out and about with his friends, left to make his own decisions. I'm just telling him, that what ever his plans are for the future, should it be college or the like.. he is short changing himself for whatever future endeavors he may have.


Santabot 04-25-2007 07:25 AM


Originally Posted by LateNight
LOL, to whomever blasted me with the reputation system for my earlier post.;)
I'll say it again. It's not like we're going to change santabot's opinion on any of this. Because like I said, kids are gonna do, what they're gonna do. once they are out of the house, and around friends.. they're gonna do whatever. Yes, we teach them to say NO etc.. and tell of all the BAD consequences of said action.

But I was hoping to appeal to another sense of reasoning.. regardless of how controlled Santabot thinks he can be with his drug use.. The FACT OF THE MATTER IS.. at 17, his mind has NOT YET fully developed. The simple fact of smoking a joint is going to have a more lasting effect, than someone who is a few years older. What we say, what his mother or father ever told him, at 17, he's out and about with his friends, left to make his own decisions. I'm just telling him, that what ever his plans are for the future, should it be college or the like.. he is short changing himself for whatever future endeavors he may have.


My current future plans are to go to LSU Baton Rouge and get a degree in Chemical Engineerig at the honors college, get a career in that field, and return to school for a personal law, philosophy, or literature degree, most likely more than one. I strive to be the first of my family to get a PhD degree.

Also, I've been smoking since 13, off and on, I've had my ups and downs, but smoking through literally pounds of the stuff in my time, 6 times a day during school days, I've gotten through all of those odd experiences, in the past few months, I've been a lot more relaxed in doing such, and have no adverse effects anymore, I smoke when I need to "flush" my mind and get rid of everything that's running through it.

Texasbelle 04-25-2007 07:47 AM


Originally Posted by Santabot
If you, yourself knew of these laws, you'd know that I can't be convicted for any confessions of anything. You and your God can come to my home and search me for all I care, and you won't find a single illegal substance. I am responsible enough to do that on my own time and not involve my family in the matter, although it may be considered irresponsible to break the law, I do not believe the laws based around those actions are legitimately founded and will aim to edit them in the future when able.

I know what I'm doing to my body, and it never changed me. I don't believe I've ever experienced any negative repercussions to any drug activity I've ever partaken in, other than the occasional hangover or similar after effects. All is well now and taken account for. You make a decision every day to risk your life by driving on the road, just like myself, the difference is nil when you consider you are ingesting the substance and not risking anyone else's life in the process, or even endangering anyone but yourself, if at all.

Being alive is dangerous to your health, breathing the polluted air is dangerous to your health, driving a car, operating heavy machinery, being outside or in public are all dangerous things. Partaking in drug related activities is just another of them, and I personally made the educated decision to go forward with my pursuit of this. This does not mean at any time that I've become addicted to any substance or that the next day I will be hindered in any way, or even while on the substance. I know, I know, you may have a medical background, but from the personal perspective, you really can't argue on the same level I am with the first-hand experience discussion. You just clearly don't know what it's like to experience these drugs and there is no substitute for that.

No, they may not find any in your home but you just never know how far they will go to catch you....hmmm in the middle of a buy? shake you down at school? inform your parents or guardians? There are all sorts of scenarios that could play out here little boy. You should clearly start watching over your shoulder. Big Brother is going to be watching you!!!!

Santabot 04-25-2007 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by Texasbelle
No, they may not find any in your home but you just never know how far they will go to catch you....hmmm in the middle of a buy? shake you down at school? inform your parents or guardians? There are all sorts of scenarios that could play out here little boy. You should clearly start watching over your shoulder. Big Brother is going to be watching you!!!!

My parents are aware, I've been caught multiple times, punished as such and even arrested by police officers but once. I'm even still restricted from certain things because of that event, but it doesn't change my view of drugs, did I say that I had even done anything recently? At all? I believe you're relying too much on the police presence in our society, because I've personally handled hundreds of drug deals (even when I was not smart about how to go about them) and never been even remotely near cops. Schools shake me down and I laugh at the ignorant fool who brings their drugs to a place that openly states random searches will be given, although mine doesn't do that too often.

I was only caught because of a minor traffic violation, by the way, and I was not punished, I was let go because of my circumstances, obviously you don't and won't know because I don't care to share everything with you, but you seem to think you're entirely aware of every bit of information about me, and I know you just want me to go down in my own spotlight, but so far that's not happened, sorry to disappoint.

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