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LateNight 03-07-2007 07:06 PM

I've been making a living working on a computer since about 1987, I've seen computers change like crazy in the last 20 years. I couldn't live without my TIVO, or the widescreen tv. Can't play any kind of "trivial pursuit" anymore, the answer to everything is a quick google search away.

I don't believe all this great computer stuff has helped my kids any. One thing is for sure, they aren't afraid of them, They've knew how to insert a CD to play some educational game since they were about 3 or 4. But I think they spend way too much time on the computer or video games these days.

I hate getting caught in Voicemail hell on the phone, with all our "networking" these days, seems when ever you call some company looking for help of some kind, you talk to someone who is trying to speak english, like it's their 4th language or something.

Bottom line, I'd rather spend my time with family and friends, good tunes playing, and having a drink, and laughing and chatting it up, compared to anything else. And I like spending my time outside on those few weeks each year when we have some decent weather, like we're having right now.


geodood 03-07-2007 10:05 PM


Originally Posted by Al Swearengen
These have just been some of the most beautiful days here lately...such a waste! To be unencumbered with responsibility and obligation again, footloose and fancyfree wonderful that would be! Seems like it was just the other day I was telling my son how much he and the younger generations have missed out on the simpler we all walk around with these tiny phones on our persons, like something out of Star Trek...the technology is incredible, but everything has it's price doesnt it? I often think of all the technological miracles that'll surely become commonplace after I'm dead and buried and I wish for immortality, for all of us. But thats just wishful lets all try to live for today. Take some time to just breath in the cool fresh air and enjoy the gift that is everyday above ground. Commune with nature whenever the opportunity presents.

Thank you for this post Al. I find it poetic. About 3 years ago a high-tech friend of mine died suddenly of cancer. He taught me so much about computers. My thought was that he, who in a technical sense is more deserving than most (certainly me) will never see a Pentium 4 or 5 or 6..... He will never run Vista, not for a single day. Somehow this is unjust that he is denied such things while I, who by all accounts may be less worthy, can trot on down to Best Buy at my convenience and buy Vista or a new computer at any time I wish. We the living, are spoiled by nature, by virtual definition.

The moral of this story is to enjoy each day as if it were your last. Because it just might be. Also Thank God for each day which is a gift. Some luck out with more days than others. Good Luck to you all that your number of days may be long!

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