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Shreveopolis 03-04-2007 04:19 PM

how about the total on the poll in this thread.

8 for
8 against
2 don't care

Isaac-Saxxon 03-04-2007 04:27 PM

Kind of like the GOP and the Dems
Our country is torn in half and the swing vote rules. WE have reached our event horizon so hang on for the ride.

Bob 03-04-2007 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
Our country is torn in half and the swing vote rules. WE have reached our event horizon so hang on for the ride.

So maybe delve into this "Event Horizon" a bit for us.. A quick search find at least 7 posts from you which mention this "event horizon"

Just curious.

AnimeSpirit 03-04-2007 09:12 PM

Lol! Is this thread still talking porn? It has like run way beyond top thread now. It's gonna be on the front page of SBLive! for a long time. :clap:

Isaac-Saxxon 03-05-2007 05:42 AM

No problem Bob

Originally Posted by Bob
So maybe delve into this "Event Horizon" a bit for us.. A quick search find at least 7 posts from you which mention this "event horizon"

Just curious.

"event horizon" #8 is the point of no return. People have used this term to describe black holes in space. Has the moral decline of our planet reached a event horizon #9 I think so. I do know there will be a correction and it will not be by the hand of man. Just like jumping banana Anime is thrilled with this being top thread I find just the opposite it is very sad the venom and hard words have raised it to that level and that so many think that porn is good and good is bad. I am sure the forces of the dark side will be posting soon calling me names no problem. We all have choices in this life to make and I have made mine they have every right to make theirs. The Pagan Boy is still in the closet may be time for him to throw a rock instead of just taking
points away :rolleyes:

AnimeSpirit 03-05-2007 09:38 AM

Let the wounds of old flame wars heal

Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
Anime is thrilled with this being top thread

I probably wouldn't call it "thrilled." Maybe I'm just amused by the irony that it's a pornography thread that surpassed all others in reply count on SBLive!

Although, this thread really seems to have run its course and I sense a bit of tension as the topic once again eases into religious opinion. With that, I'm getting out of this thread because I really don't want to see the wounds of old flame wars reopen.

rhertz 03-05-2007 02:39 PM

I would not be surprised to see a controversial topic being discussed more so than a non-controversial topic. Likewise I would not be surprised if porn is a controversial topic.

Isaac-Saxxon 03-05-2007 02:44 PM

Hey there Rhertz where have you been

Originally Posted by rhertz
I would not be surprised to see a controversial topic being discussed more so than a non-controversial topic. Likewise I would not be surprised if porn is a controversial topic.

So Rhertz are you pro or con on this porn issue ? Please explain :D

LateNight 03-05-2007 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by Isaac-Saxxon
So Rhertz are you pro or con on this porn issue ? Please explain :D

LOL yes mr. RHertz, the world wants to know..
Are you PRO-Porn
or are you ANTI-Port ??? :)


rhertz 03-05-2007 10:15 PM

OMG, I was hoping that nobody would notice that I kept my nose clean on this one and maybe I could slide by on this one!

OK, here is my opinion on porn for all of you who want to know, god help your bored souls....

I see porn like I see alcohol, gambling, or just about anything else that is fun or tastes good in the short term. A little bit every now and then probably won't kill you, but in excess it can be addictive, and therefore damaging in excess to both you and your family. What do you want me to say? We are all weak in the flesh? Regardless if the context is religous or physiological, this is probably true. The recent nicotine tests in the press involving lab rats once again validate the power of additions in mammals. Having said that, I don't think the government should step in and take over in order to save all our lives from evil addictions. I believe in personal responsibility and having the freedom to make or break my own life as my own choice, not someone elses.

Isaac-Saxxon 03-06-2007 05:27 AM

So the survey says ........

Originally Posted by rhertz
OMG, I was hoping that nobody would notice that I kept my nose clean on this one and maybe I could slide by on this one!

OK, here is my opinion on porn for all of you who want to know, god help your bored souls....

I see porn like I see alcohol, gambling, or just about anything else that is fun or tastes good in the short term. A little bit every now and then probably won't kill you, but in excess it can be addictive, and therefore damaging in excess to both you and your family. What do you want me to say? We are all weak in the flesh? Regardless if the context is religous or physiological, this is probably true. The recent nicotine tests in the press involving lab rats once again validate the power of additions in mammals. Having said that, I don't think the government should step in and take over in order to save all our lives from evil addictions. I believe in personal responsibility and having the freedom to make or break my own life as my own choice, not someone elses.

Answer a question with a question. Maybe ride the fence here but thank you for your reply rhertz and LN for prompting rhertz to post. :laugh:

Bob 03-06-2007 08:57 AM

I don't recall Senator.

Isaac-Saxxon 03-06-2007 09:34 AM

Bob, Bob, Bob !

Originally Posted by Bob
I don't recall Senator.

Good answer Bob ! I know rhertz will like that one :clap:

rhertz 03-06-2007 12:20 PM


Originally Posted by Bob
I don't recall Senator.

Did you or did you not have sexual relations with your DVD player? :D

Isaac-Saxxon 03-06-2007 12:53 PM

Maybe my computer never my DVD player

Originally Posted by rhertz
Did you or did you not have sexual relations with your DVD player? :D

Just have a cigar and you will go far:laugh:

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